SimpleLink MCU SDK Driver APIs  tidrivers_msp43x_3_01_01_03
Data Structures
Here are the data structures with brief descriptions:
 C_TimerMSP432_HWAttrTimerMSP432 Hardware Attributes
 CADC_Config_ADC Global configuration
 CADC_FxnTable_The definition of a ADC function table that contains the required set of functions to control a specific ADC driver implementation
 CADC_Params_ADC Parameters
 CADCBuf_Config_ADCBuf Global configuration
 CADCBuf_Conversion_An ADCBuf_Conversion data structure is used with ADCBuf_convert(). It indicates which channel to perform the ADC conversion on, how many conversions to make, and where to put them. The arg variable is an user-definable argument which gets passed to the ADCBuf_Callback when the ADC driver is in ADCBuf_RETURN_MODE_CALLBACK
 CADCBuf_FxnTable_The definition of an ADCBuf function table that contains the required set of functions to control a specific ADC driver implementation
 CADCBuf_Params_ADC Parameters
 CADCBufMSP432_ChannelsADCMSP432 Channel setting These fields define channel-specific settings: GPIO and reference voltage. These settings happen when ADCBuf_convert() is called
 CADCBufMSP432_HWAttrsADCBufMSP432 Hardware attributes These fields are populated by PinMux tool but user is allowed to change for different channels setting
 CADCBufMSP432_ObjectADCBufMSP432 Object
 CADCBufMSP432_ParamsExtensionMSP432 specfic extension to ADCBuf_Params
 CADCMSP432_HWAttrsV1ADCMSP432 Hardware attributes These fields are used by driverlib APIs and therefore must be populated by driverlib macro definitions. For MSPWare these definitions are found in:
 CADCMSP432_ObjectADCMSP432 Object
 CCamera_Config_Camera Global configuration
 CCamera_FxnTable_The definition of a Camera function table that contains the required set of functions to control a specific Camera driver implementation
 CCamera_Params_Camera Parameters
 CCapture_FxnTable_The definition of a Capture function table that contains the required set of functions to control a specific Capture driver implementation
 CCapture_Params_Capture Parameters
 CCaptureMSP432_HWAttrsCaptureMSP432 Hardware Attributes
 CCaptureMSP432_ObjectCaptureMSP432 Object Driver specific structure that takes care of various driver parameters such as hardware interrupts and callbacks. The application should not modify any members of this structure
 CDisplay_ConfigDisplay Global configuration
 CDisplay_FxnTableThe definition of a Display function table that contains the required set of functions to control a specific Display driver implementation
 CDisplay_ParamsDisplay Parameters
 CGPIOMSP432_ConfigGPIO device specific driver configuration structure
 CI2C_Config_I2C global configuration
 CI2C_FxnTable_The definition of an I2C function table that contains the required set of functions to control a specific I2C driver implementation
 CI2C_Params_I2C Parameters
 CI2C_Transaction_I2C transaction
 CI2CMSP432_HWAttrsV1I2CMSP432 Hardware attributes
 CI2CSlave_Config_I2CSlave Global configuration
 CI2CSlave_FxnTable_The definition of a I2CSlave function table that contains the required set of functions to control a specific I2CSlave driver implementation
 CI2CSlave_Params_I2CSlave Parameters
 CI2CSlaveMSP432_HWAttrsI2CSlaveMSP432 Hardware attributes These fields are used by driverlib APIs and therefore must be populated by driverlib macro definitions. For MSP432 driverlib these definitions are found in:
 CI2CSlaveMSP432_ObjectI2CSlaveMSP432 Object
 CI2S_BufDesc_I2S buffer descriptor for issue/reclaim mode
 CI2S_Config_I2S Global configuration
 CI2S_FxnTable_The definition of a I2S function table that contains the required set of functions to control a specific I2S driver implementation
 CI2S_Params_Basic I2S Parameters
 CNVS_AttrsNVS attributes
 CNVS_ConfigNVS Global configuration
 CNVS_FxnTableThe definition of an NVS function table that contains the required set of functions to control a specific NVS driver implementation
 CNVS_ParamsNVS Parameters
 CNVSMSP432_CmdSetCopyBlockArgsNVSMSP432 command structure for setting copy block
 CNVSMSP432_HWAttrsNVSMSP432 attributes
 CPIN_State_sUnderlying data structure for type PIN_State
 CPower_NotifyObj_Power notify object structure
 CPowerMSP432_ConfigV1Power global configuration (MSP432-specific)
 CPowerMSP432_FreqsStructure holding device frequencies (in Hz)
 CPWM_Config_PWM Global configuration
 CPWM_FxnTable_The definition of a PWM function table that contains the required set of functions to control a specific PWM driver implementation
 CPWM_Params_PWM Parameters
 CPWMTimerMSP432_HWAttrsV2PWMTimerMSP432 Hardware attributes
 CPWMTimerMSP432_ObjectPWMTimerMSP432 Object
 CSD_Config_SD Global configuration
 CSD_FxnTable_The definition of a SD function table that contains the required set of functions to control a specific SD driver implementation
 CSD_Params_SD Parameters
 CSDFatFS_Config_SDFatFS Global configuration
 CSDFatFS_Object_SDFatFS Object The application must not access any member variables of this structure!
 CSDSPI_Config_SDSPI Global configuration
 CSDSPI_FxnTable_The definition of a SDSPI function table that contains the required set of functions to control a specific SDSPI driver implementation
 CSDSPI_Params_SDSPI Parameters
 CSDSPIMSP432_HWAttrsSDSPIMSP432 Hardware attributes
 CSDSPIMSP432_ObjectSDSPIMSP432 Object
 CSPI_Config_SPI Global configuration
 CSPI_FxnTable_The definition of a SPI function table that contains the required set of functions to control a specific SPI driver implementation
 CSPI_Params_SPI Parameters
 CSPI_Transaction_A SPI_Transaction data structure is used with SPI_transfer(). It indicates how many SPI_FrameFormat frames are sent and received from the buffers pointed to txBuf and rxBuf. The arg variable is an user-definable argument which gets passed to the SPI_CallbackFxn when the SPI driver is in SPI_MODE_CALLBACK
 CSPIMSP432DMA_HWAttrsV1SPIMSP432DMA Hardware attributes These fields, with the exception of intPriority, are used by driverlib APIs and therefore must be populated by driverlib macro definitions. For MSP432 driverlib these definitions are found in:
 CTimer_FxnTable_The definition of a Timer function table that contains the required set of functions to control a specific Timer driver implementation
 CTimer_Params_Timer Parameters
 CTimerMSP432_ObjectTimerMSP432 Object Driver specific structure that takes care of various driver parameters such as hardware interrupts and callbacks. The application should not modify any members of this structure
 CUART_Config_UART Global configuration
 CUART_FxnTable_The definition of a UART function table that contains the required set of functions to control a specific UART driver implementation
 CUART_Params_UART Parameters
 CUARTMSP432_BaudrateConfigUARTMSP432 Baudrate configuration
 CUARTMSP432_FxnSetComplement set of read functions to be used by the UART ISR and UARTMSP432_read(). Internal use only
 CUARTMSP432_HWAttrsV1UARTMSP432 Hardware attributes
 CUARTMSP432_ObjectUARTMSP432 Object
 CUDMAMSP432_ConfigUDMAMSP432 Global configuration
 CUDMAMSP432_HWAttrsUDMAMSP432 Hardware attributes
 CUDMAMSP432_ObjectUDMAMSP432 object
 CWatchdog_Config_Watchdog Global configuration
 CWatchdog_FxnTable_The definition of a Watchdog function table that contains the required set of functions to control a specific Watchdog driver implementation
 CWatchdog_Params_Watchdog Parameters
 CWatchdogMSP432_HWAttrsWatchdog hardware attributes for MSP432 These fields are used by driverlib APIs and therefore must be populated by driverlib macro definitions. For MSP432Ware these definitions are found in:
 CWatchdogMSP432_ObjectWatchdog Object for MSP432
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