Saves a block of memory to file in various data formats
GEL_MemorySaveData( startAddress, page, length, "fileName", format, [append] );
startAddress: is the first address in the block.
page: identifies the type of memory to fill: 0 (Program memory), 1 (Data memory) or 2 (I/O space)
For processors that do not have more than one type of memory, use 0 for this Parameters. For simulated targets, I/O Space Parameters is not supported. GEL does not give warning messages for invalid parameters such as invalid page values.
length: defines the number of items to save
fileName: names the file to store the target data. The fileName must be enclosed in quotation marks.
format: is an integer that represents the format in which memory words will be written to the specified output file. All supported formats could be listed using GEL_MemoryListSupportedTypes()
append (optional): represents whether memory to be saved should overwrite the contents of the specified file (0) or append to the end of the file (any nonzero value).
This function is an extension to the existing GEL_MemorySave. It supports additional formats and could be used to save a block of target memory to a specified file.
Synchronous from GEL: Yes
Completely synchronous: Yes
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