Code Composer Studio
1. Glossary
2. Overview
3. Installation and Updates
4. Getting Started
5. General IDE
5.1. User Interface Introduction
5.2. Activity Bars
5.3. Extensions
5.4. Status Bar
5.5. Command Palette
5.6. Editor
5.7. Menus
5.8. Customizing the Environment
6. Projects and Build
7. Debug
8. Training
9. Frequently Asked Questions
10. Troubleshooting
11. License
Code Composer Studio
5. General IDE
5. General IDE
This chapter describes a general overview of the Code Composer Studio™ IDE.
5.1. User Interface Introduction
5.2. Activity Bars
5.3. Extensions
5.4. Status Bar
5.5. Command Palette
5.6. Editor
5.7. Menus
5.7.1. File
5.7.2. Edit
5.7.3. Selection
5.7.4. View
5.7.5. Go
5.7.6. Project
5.7.7. Run
5.7.8. Scripts
5.7.9. Terminal
5.7.10. Help
5.8. Customizing the Environment
5.8.1. Code Composer Studio Settings
5.8.2. General Settings
5.8.3. Keyboard Shortcuts
5.8.4. Colors, Fonts and Icons
5.8.5. Toolbar