Adds to the memory map.
GEL_MapAdd( address, page, length, readable, writeable );
address: is the starting address of a range in memory. This Parameters can be an absolute address, any C expression, the name of a C function, or an assembly language label.
page: identifies the type of memory to fill: 0 (Program memory), 1 (Data memory) or 2 (I/0 space). For processors which do not have more than one type of memory, use 0 for this Parameters. For simulated targets, I/O Space Parameters is not supported.
length: defines the length of the range. This Parameters can be any C expression.
readable: defines whether the memory range is readable: 0 (Not readable) or 1 (Readable)
writeable: defines whether the memory range is writeable: 0 (Not writeable) or 1 (Writeable)
This function adds read/write permission for a range of target memory to the memory map. If the range overlaps an existing entry, the attributes of the new range take precedence in the memory map.
Synchronous from GEL: Yes
Completely synchronous: Yes
GEL_MapAdd(0x1000, 0, 0x300, 1, 1);
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