This page provides links to User's Guides and other documentation resources for the TI Code Composer Studio integrated development environment (IDE).

User's Guides and General References

CCS Product Page CCS Product Page on TI website
CCS User's Guide The CCS User's Guide explains how to use the CCS IDE and the TI Code Generation Tools (Compiler/Linker/Assembler)
Compiler User's Guides TI Compiler User's Guides explains how to use the TI Code Generation Tools
Key Changes Key changes introduced in CCS releases
Linux Host Support This page contains information regarding Code Composer Studio running on Linux. It includes installation instructions, device support, and debug probe support
macOS Host Support This page contains information regarding Code Composer Studio running on macOS. It includes installation instructions, device support, and debug probe support
CCS with Virtual Machines Using Code Composer Studio (CCS) with Virtual Machines: VMware, VirtualBox and Parallels

Feature Overviews, Application Notes and How-to Articles

General and IDE

The resources below relate to the Code Composer Studio Eclipse IDE and other general topics.

Eclipse Concepts Information on various concepts that are part of the Eclipse/CCS environment
Getting Started View The Getting Started View in CCS
Resource Explorer Resource Explorer helps you find all the latest examples, libraries, demo applications, datasheets, and more for your chosen platform. This article describes the interface in CCS 9.3 and higher.
Resource Explorer (until CCS 9.2.0) Resource Explorer helps you find all the latest examples, libraries, demo applications, datasheets, and more for your chosen platform. This article describes the interface until CCS 9.2.
Resource Explorer Classic This article describes the older Resource Explorer (offline) included in CCS 6.1.3 and earlier
App Center The Code Composer Studio App Center provides access to additional tools and utilities to help users get up and running faster on their chosen platform
Tasks View Tasks view in CCS allows you to create and keep track of 'To-Do' (or Tasks) list
MatLab with CCS This document describes the level of CCS support for various MatLab releases
Product Installation and Selection This article describes the process for installing and selecting RTSC products and SDKs in CCS
Updating Code Composer Studio update manager allows you to check for new versions of Code Composer Studio, compiler releases, new device support as well as updates to other Eclipse plug-in packages that you have installed
Using a Simplelink SDK from a Git repository This document describes how to set up CCS to use a SimpleLink SDK that is in a local Git repository
How to Configure CCS for a Multi user Host This application note describes a method to perform post-setup actions that allow Code Composer Studio to be used in a multi-user host
Automating Testing with Code Composer Studio This application note provides an example of how to automate testing of your CCS environment
Customizing CCS Editor and GUI CCS allows for customization of several settings related to the editor and GUI
Command Line Installation This article describes how to install CCS from a command line interface
Using CCS 3.3 with Windows 10 This page contains details about running CCSv3.x on more current Windows systems (Windows 10)
Creating an Offline CCS Update Package This page contains details on how to create offline CCS update packages to update CCS on machines without internet access
C671x Software Development Environment This document describes the software development environment for the TMS320C671x family of of digital signal processors

Projects and Build

The resources below relate to CCS project and build topics. This includes resources that apply to the compiler tools that come with CCS.

C++14 Support for ARM, MSP and C6000 Compilers: Overview The ARM, MSP430 and C6000 compilers support the C++14 version of the C++ standard (ISO/IEC 14882:2014)
C++14 Support for ARM and MSP Compilers: constexpr This article serves to introduce the 'constexpr' specifier introduced in C++11
C++14 Support for ARM and MSP Compilers: lambda expressions This article serves to introduce lambda expressions introduced in C++14
Optimizer Assistant Optimizer Assistant is a static code analysis tool that scans source code and provides advice on how the code could be changed to improve performance
Ultra-Low Power (ULP) Advisor ULP Advisor is a static code analysis tool that scans source code against a thorough set of low-power coding rules to help squeeze every last nano amp out of your application
Memory Allocation View The Memory Allocation View provides a graphical representation of how much memory is consumed by your application
Stack Usage View The Stack Usage View provides a static view of stack usage for your application
Software for Functional Safety: SafeTI Compiler Qualification Kit The SafeTI Compiler Qualification Kits were developed as part of TI's SafeTI design packages to assist customers in their efforts to qualify their use of TI C/C++ Compilers to help meet industry functional safety standards
Files in CCS Projects This article describes the common files found in a CCS project
Updating the Compiler This article describes how to update the compiler version inside CCS. This article also describes how to obtain older version of the compiler
Compiler Installation and Selection This article describes the process for installing and selecting specific compiler tools in CCS
Create and Build Projects Using Command Line This article describes how to create, import and build projects using command line
Portable Projects This topic describes in detail how to modify your project to facilitate having multiple users working on the same project at the same time
ProjectSpecs in CCS This article describes how to create and use ProjectSpecs in CCS
Source Control with CCS Working with CCS and source control
Using Git with CCS Using Eclipse Git integration in CCS
Using a Simplelink SDK from a Git repository This article describes how to set up CCS to use a SimpleLink SDK that is in a local Git repository
Scripting Console The Scripting Console is a tool in Code Composer Studio which allows users to specify commands to the IDE through a console
Hex utility in CCS This article describes the Hex utility integrated into CCS
Introducing LTS and STS Compiler Releases This article describes the new Long Term Support (LTS) and Short Term Support (STS) compiler release model
Compiler Version Numbers and What They Mean Explains the meaning of the compiler version numbers
Linker Command File Primer This article explains the code which commonly appears in most linker command files
Byte Accesses with the C28x CPU This article describes how to handle byte accesses with the 28x CPU
C2000 Migration from COFF to EABI This document describes changes that should be made when migrating existing C28x COFF ABI libraries and applications to use the C28x EABI
C28x Code Generation Tips and Tricks A listing of tips and tricks related to the Code Generation Tools for C28x based devices
C28x Compiler Error and Warning Messages This article includes a list of the error, warning and remark messages generated as well as a list of common errors and their resolution
C28x Compiler - Understanding Linking This page describes the compiler section names and how to link them in your project. This article has been written with the C28x flash device in mind
C28x Context Save and Restore This article describes the automatic context save/restore for the C28x CPU. This also applies to devices with the FPU and VCU extensions
C28x Pipeline Conflicts This article discuss how pipeline conflicts arise and provides some suggested guidelines for avoiding them
C2000 Performance Tips and Tricks This article describes how to enable the compiler to generate code that takes advantage of the C2000 architecture’s powerful performance features
Profiling on C28x Targets This article describes how to enable profiling data collection for C28x, and suggests solutions for profiling without using the Code Composer's data collection
Data blocking in the C2000 MCU compiler explained This article explains data blocking in the C2000 MCU compiler
CLA signed integer comparison workaround This article explains how the C2000 MCU compiler implements a workaround for a hardware flaw with the CLA that affects integer comparisons
Making a Copy of Simplelink SDK Projects This article describes how to make a copy of a Simplelink SDK example project
Perform cyclic redundancy checking using linker-generated CRC tables This article shows how to perform a CRC check at run-time using linker generated CRC tables
A Brief History of TI Object File Formats This article brings together the basics about object file formats used by TI code generation tools
Debug versus Optimization Tradeoff This article discusses the trade-off between the ease of debugging and the effectiveness of compiler optimization
Tips for using printf The printf family of functions are standard C functions used to output text. Basic information about the printf family is widely available online and in introductory C textbooks. However, users of the TI toolchain need to be aware of certain implementation-specific details
Sharing projects This article discusses how to package and share CCS projects with another user
Best Practices for Creating and Sharing projects This article discusses best practices for creating and Sharing CCS projects
Multiple SimpleLink SDK Versions in one Workspace This article shows how you can have different projects use different versions of the SDK
How to combine SimpleLink SDK application and kernel projects How to combine SimpleLink SDK application and kernel projects
Changing the SimpleLink SDK version used by a Project This document describes how to update the version of the SimpleLink SDK that a Code Composer Studio project is using
Project Import and Build Errors in CCS This guide describes some of the more common errors and warnings encountered when building your CCS project
"Error: Import failed for project 'abc' because its compiler definition is not available" Error: Import failed for project 'abc' because its compiler definition is not available
Working with SysConfig Projects This article describes the build process for SysConfig projects and shows how to combine SimpleLink application project and BIOS kernel project into a single project.
Dwarf 4 in TI Compilers This article describes the 4th revision of the DWARF debugging format.
Find Source of Code Size Increase This article describes how to find the functions which have the largest code size increase between the builds.
Finding Compiler Options in CCS This article describes tips on how to find compiler option settings in your CCS project.
TI Compiler Presentations A collection of presentations on TI compilers. Topics include general tips and optimizing your code.
Linker Special Section Types This article describes special linker section types such as NOLOAD, DSECT, and COPY.
tiobj2bin Failed This article describes how to troubleshoot tiobj2bin errors.
Using CCS Variables in Source Code This article shows how you can reference CCS build variables within symbol definitions in C source code and within project options.
Handling the Change in ltoa Suppose you see the compiler diagnostic: too few arguments in function call. Suppose further the related source line is a call to the function ltoa. This article describes how to handle this diagnostic.
Floating Point Optimization Discusses how to optimize floating point calculations
Pragmas You Can Understand Learn how to wrap a pragma in a macro for better readability, portability, and maintenance
An Introduction to Binary Files Describes the simple binary files typically used to program flash, or as an input to boot loaders, etc.
Compiler Verification and Validation Describes the test suites and validation infrastructure used to verify and validate TI compiler releases
Importing CCSv3.3 Project to CCS Eclipse This page contains details about import a CCS 3.3 pjt file into CCS Eclipse.
Multiple SysConfig Files and Boards in a Project This page discusses having multiple SysConfig files in a Code Composer Studio (CCS) project
Using System Projects to Simplify Multicore Debug Launch This page introduces and explains the benefits of System Projects
Code Coverage with TI Compilers This page introduces how to use the TI compiler to generate code coverage information of your application
Code Coverage with TI Arm Clang Compiler This page introduces how to use the TI ARM Clang compiler to generate code coverage information of your application
Linking: Migrate from Arm GCC to tiarmclang How to migrate from a GCC linker script to a tiarmclang linker command file
Methods to Force an Ordering of Global Variables How to force global variables to be in memory in a specific order and at a specific address
Build a Leaner and Faster TI Arm® Application with Link-Time Optimization (LTO) This article provides a technical overview of how the TI Arm Clang Compiler Tools' implementation of Link-Time Optimization, LTO, can be used to perform inter-module optimizations at link-time
How to Query Compiler Issues Describes how to query the system used to store bugs and enhancements related to TI compiler toolchains


The resources below relate to debugging and run-time analysis such as profiling and trace.

Terminal View Terminal View
loadti loadti is a command-line loader which can load and run an executable *.out file on TI targets
Custom Target Configurations This article describes how to use the Advanced setup feature of the Target Configuration editor to create custom target configurations
Memory Map This article covers the basics of the debugger memory map
Multi-Core Debug with CCS This article covers the basics of using CCS to debug multi-cores targets
Debugging with Multiple Debug Probes It may be possible to create a single debug session for multiple devices, each connected to the host machine by a separate emulator. The level of support for this varies depending on the devices and emulators used
Scripting Console The Scripting Console is a tool in Code Composer Studio which allows users to specify commands to the IDE through a console
Hardware Breakpoints and Watchpoints in CCS for C2000 devices This article describes how to setup and use Hardware Breakpoints, Watchpoints, Count Events and Data Access Counts in CCS for C2000 devices
SMP Debug with CCS This article is intended to help developers properly configure and use Code Composer Studio to debug their SMP environment
Common Target Configurations This article is intended to help developers find the required settings when creating the target configuration file (.ccxml) for development kits and launchpads that have built-in Debug Probes
Customizing a Debug Session This application note describes a few practical tips on customizing and automating some operations of a debug session using the scripting tool built into Code Composer Studio
Counting Cycles This article discusses simple methods for counting cycles
Connecting Launchpads with a Single Debug Probe How to chain multiple launchpads to the same host
Debug versus Optimization Tradeoff This article discusses the trade-off between the ease of debugging and the effectiveness of compiler optimization. The way these two features affect each other is undergoing a fundamental change
Checking for Stack Overflow This article describes how to use CCS to detect stack overflow
GEL Example: Periodic Recording of a Variable This is a short example which demonstrates how to use a GEL timer to periodically read the value of a variable and output it to the C I/O Console View in CCS
Data Verification Errors This guide provides suggestions for CCS users experiencing 'data verification' errors when attempting to load their executable on to their target
JTAG/Debugger Connectivity Issues This page talks about how to properly debug JTAG connection issues by providing a step-by-step method of narrowing down the problem based on the feedback CCS provides
Semihosting This page talks about how semihosting is used with CCS
Debug Probe Performance Comparison This page shows performance measurements and comparison tables among the different classes of XDS Debug Probes (JTAG Emulators)
Flashing multiple boards with UniFlash This document describes how to use UniFlash to program more than one board when they are connected to the same host computer via separate debug probes

XDS Debug Probe

The resources below relate to XDS-class debug probes that enable software development on TI embedded processors.

XDS100 XDS100 Debug Probe
XDS110 XDS110 Debug Probe
XDS200 XDS200 Debug Probe
XDS560v2 XDS560v2 Debug Probe
Debug Probe Performance Comparison Comparing the performance of Debug Probes
XDS Target Connection Guide Design guidelines for JTAG
XDS Gdb Debug Agent Using the GDB Agent
JTAG Connectors and Pinout Information about the various JTAG Connectors and Pinout
JTAG Adapters Information about the various JTAG Adapters available
SWO Trace Information about the SWO Trace technology and all usage scenarios for SimpleLink family of microcontrollers.
EnergyTrace Information about the EnergyTrace technology and all usage scenarios for SimpleLink family of microcontrollers.
Software Messaging (STM) The Software Messaging application uses the System Trace Macrocell (STM) to allow application code to send printf style messages for debugging and diagnostics.
DMA ring accelerator The DMA ring accelerator trace provides a log of ring accelerator operations during DMA transfers.
Traffic profiling The Traffic Profiling in CCS provides a non-intrusive means of profiling SoC traffic in TI Keystone 3 devices.
JTAG Overview General overview of IEEE1149.1 (JTAG) and IEEE1149.7 (cJTAG).
BSDL Overview General overview of Boundary-scan Description Language.
JTAG adaptive clocking General overview of JTAG adaptive clocking technology.
ICEPICK General overview of ICEPICK JTAG router.
Wait in reset General overview of the wait in reset feature.
Reset types General overview of the types of resets issued by the Debug Probe.
Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.
Last updated: July 1 2024 21:12 Central Time