In the above example, this line specifies the version of XDCtools to be used for the build.
``` ```
To pick up the latest version of a product release stream, use 999
``` ```
Similarly you can specify specific versions of products (SDK, SYS/BIOS) to be used by the project .
``` ```
To know what to specify for the ```value``` field, take a look at the "id" and "version" fields in the file package.tirex.json, which can be found inside the product installation.
For example for the SimpleLink CC13x2/26x2 SDK, the file C:\ti\simplelink_cc13x2_26x2_sdk_3_10_01_11\.metadata\.tirex\package.tirex.json contains this:
"metadataVersion": "3.0.0",
"id": "com.ti.SIMPLELINK_CC13X2_26X2_SDK",
"name": "SimpleLink CC13x2 26x2 SDK",
"version": "",
Note that for the desired product version to be picked up, it has to first be installed into CCS and should appear in CCS menu **Window → Preferences → CCS → Products** page before the projectspec is imported into CCS. If the exact product version is not installed on the user's machine, the closest compatible version will be used.
**Additional Details:**
- If there is a build option in the projectSpec file that conflicts with the default option specified in the device XML file then the one from the projectSpec file will override. In the MSP430 example above, the optimization level is set to off (which overrides the default -o0 set in the device XML file) and heap size is set to 400 (which overrides the default 160).
- There is a **ignoreDefaultDeviceSettings** attribute on the <project> element. Setting this to **True** would ignore all the settings which are specified in the device XML file, and the projectSpec can fully dictate the initial settings for the project.
#Creating/Importing Project using ProjectSpec
Once the projectSpec file has been created, it can be passed to the [projectCreate command](https://processors.wiki.ti.com/index.php/Projects_-_Command_Line_Build/Create#Create_a_CCS_Project) via command line, or can be imported using the CCS GUI.
##Command Line
Here is an example command line that creates a new project using the MSP_5xx_example.projectspec:
eclipsec -noSplash -data c:\workspaces\test_workspace -application com.ti.ccstudio.apps.projectCreate -ccs.projectSpec MSP_5xx_example.projectspec
Go to menu **Project → Import CCS Projects** and browse to the directory containing the projectSpec file. The project should be detected just like a regular CCS project and can be selected for import.
#Making Project Appear in Resource Explorer Classic
ProjectSpecs can be added to TI Resource Explorer Classic so they can be imported from there just like other examples.
This can be useful for creating training/workshop projects or baseline project to be used by a team of developers. Users can import the examples via Resource Explorer to have a baseline project that they can then proceed to customize as needed.
Follow these steps to make the projectSpec example appear in Resource Explorer:
1. Create an xml file named **resource_explorer.xml** and place it anywhere locally, the preferred location is within the provided content directory. For this example, it is placed in the same directory that contains the MSP_5xx_example.projectspec file: C:\Work\ProjectSpec\MSP430
2. Populate the **resource_explorer.xml** file with content similar to below. Refer to the resource_explorer.xsd schema file in the CCS install directory under ccsv<x>\eclipse\plugins\com.ti.ccstudio.resource.explorer_<version>\schema directory for the complete specification.
3. Create a reference file to let CCS know where to look for this xml file. Create a file with name **ProductName_1_0_0_qualifier** and place it under **user.home\ti\CCSExternalReferences** directory.
For this example, the file is named **msp430projectspec_1_0_0_0**.
4. Populate the reference file with these properties:
- product=resource_explorer
- path=fullpath to the directory that contains the resource_explorer.xml file
- ccs.min.ver=6.1.0 [optional]
- ccs.max.ver=7.4.0 [optional]
Here is the content of msp430projectspec_1_0_0_0
5. Restart CCS and go to menu **View → Resource Explorer Classic**. The **MSP430F5xx Example 1** project should appear under **Example Projects**.
The project can now be imported and built directly from the Resource Explorer interface.