# Introduction
You are here because are seeing a diagnostic similar to:
tiobj2bin.bat failed on \some\path\bin\ofd470.exe
Please see https://processors.wiki.ti.com/index.php/Tiobj2bin_Failed
This page gives the full context of this diagnostic.
# Background
This section presumes you aren't even aware you ran the DOS batch file
tiobj2bin.bat, or the Linux shell script tiobj2bin. Such is often the case.
Some systems require that the executable be programmed into flash memory. The
software which does this programming does not accept the executable object
file (the .out file) produced by the linker. Instead, it expects a much
simpler binary file. The utility tiobj2bin converts the executable object file
into the binary file. A post-build step in the CCS project invokes tiobj2bin
with the proper arguments.
The details of how tiobj2bin works are best learned by reading the file. For
now, it is enough to know that important steps in the process are carried out
by these tools:
- Object File Display utility
- Typical name: armofd.exe
- Found in the \bin directory of the compiler tools
- Hex conversion utility
- Typical name: armhex.exe
- Found in the \bin directory of the compiler tools
- Auto-generates a hex command file
- Name: mkhex4bin.exe
- Comes from the [Code Generation Tools XML Processing Scripts](https://software-dl.ti.com/ccs/esd/documents/sdto_cgt_cg_xml_overview.html)
- Found in _ccs install root_\utils\tiobj2bin
As for tiobj2bin itself ...
- Converts executable object file to simple binary file
- Name: tiobj2bin.bat (Windows) or tiobj2bin (Linux)
- Comes from the [Code Generation Tools XML Processing Scripts](https://software-dl.ti.com/ccs/esd/documents/sdto_cgt_cg_xml_overview.html)
- Found in _ccs install root_\utils\tiobj2bin
# What Failed
The TI ARM compiler tools changed the names of the executables starting with
release version 5.0.0. Among other changes, ofd470.exe changed to armofd.exe,
and hex470.exe changed to armhex.exe. Consider what happens with an older CCS
project which has a post-build step that uses tiobj2bin. That post build
step still invokes ofd470.exe and hex470.exe by name. Fortunately,
tiobj2bin detects when this happens, and automatically changes the name
ofd470.exe to armofd.exe. The same is done for hex470.exe and armhex.exe.
If you see the diagnostic above, then the part of the script which changes
these executable names has failed. The command name shown in the diagnostic is
the original form of that command before any change. For reasons unknown,
neither of ofd470.exe or armofd.exe can be found. Or, perhaps neither of
hex470.exe or armhex.exe can be found. If a full directory path to the
executable is supplied, then that directory is searched. If no directory path
is supplied, then the system path is searched.
## One Use Case: Change from TI ARM Compiler to GCC ARM Compiler
Here is one way this circumstance may occur. A CCS project is started using
the TI ARM compiler. At some later point, the compiler is changed to the GCC
ARM compiler. This change may be applied to an existing build configuration,
or by adding a build configuration. Either way, the updated or new build
configuration inherits many properties from the initial build configuration.
One of these properties is referring to armofd with something like
${CG_TOOL_ROOT}/bin/armofd . When the build configuration changes, the
variable CG_TOOL_ROOT changes from a TI compiler location to a GCC compiler
location. The GCC compiler location has neither armofd or armhex. Thus, you
see the diagnostic.
The solution in this case is to change how the binary file is created. No
longer use tiobj2bin, but use GCC objcopy instead. Delete the post-build step,
and instead use the GNU tool's objcopy utility to convert the .out to binary.
You can do this in CCS by going into Project Properties->Build->GNU Objcopy
Utility. Enable the utility and then set the option to convert to binary.