# Introduction
You build your project with Code Composer Studio (CCS). You are aware some
particular compiler option solves your problem. But you cannot turn it on
because you cannot find it! This article shows you how to find that option.
This article applies to TI compilers, and not to any GCC compilers.
# Overview
Two methods are shown. The first one is easier to use, but sometimes doesn't
work. The second one is a little more difficult to use, but always works.
The first method is to search the compiler manual for the option, then see the
name of the table which contains the option. This table name is a close match
to one of the names used to organize the compiler options in the CCS build
dialog. This method assumes CCS, the compiler, and the compiler manual are
all in close agreement. This is often the case, but not always. When that
happens, the second method becomes necessary.
The second method is to manually collect all the possible compiler options into
a text file. Search the text file for the option. The sub-heading which
contains the option is a close match to one of the names used to organize the
compiler options in the CCS build dialog.
## Version Information
All of the screen shots use CCSv9.3 and TI ARM compiler version 18.12.4.LTS.
If you use different versions or a different CPU family, the screens you see
will be similar, but not an exact match.
## Running Example: --src_interlist
One example option is used throughout the article: --src_interlist.
This compiler option has two effects.
1. The generated assembly file is not deleted. This file has the same name as
the source file, with the file extension changed to .asm. It is
usually located in the directory with the same name as the current build
configuration, often Debug.
2. Comments are added which make the assembly code easier to understand.
# Method 1: Compiler Manual
TI compiler manuals are available in two places: online and inside the Help
feature of CCS. The details of how you search each one are a bit different.
## Online PDF Manuals
All TI compiler manuals are available
[online](https://www.ti.com/tool/TI-CGT#technicaldocuments). Be sure to use
the PDF manuals, and not the HTML ones. Unfortunately, the HTML manuals
cannot be searched. Search for --src_interlist in the TI ARM
compiler manual until it appears in a table.
Note the name of the table is **Assembler Options**. This is the category
name to look for in the CCS build dialog.
## Find the Category in the Build Dialog
In CCS, right click on the name of the project and select **Show Build
Settings**. In the pane on the left, expand **Build**, and then **ARM
The category name **Assembler Options** does not appear. But not all of the
category names are shown. Expand the entry **Advanced Options**.
Found it! But --src_interlist is still missing. Note the drop down
box named **Source Interlist**. Try that.
It is not unusual for a compiler option to be inside a drop down box.
## Manuals inside CCS
In CCS, select **Help → Help Contents**. In the pane on the left, expand
the selection **ARM Compiler Version** *number.number* **User's Guides**. If
you use a different CPU family, change **ARM** to the name of that CPU family.
Expand the selection for the **Compiler User's Guide**. Select **Using the
C/C++ Compiler**. Then use Ctrl+F to search for the compiler option, until it
appears in a table. The name of that table is a close match to one of the
names used to organize the compiler options in the CCS build dialog.
The next screen shot shows finding the --src_interlist option in the
ARM compiler manual. Note the name of the table is **Assembler Options**.
Look for it the CCS build dialog using the same steps as shown above in the
sub-chapter titled **Find the Category in the Build Dialog**.
# Method 2: Manually Collect Compiler Options
This method requires executing the compiler from the command line. The
details vary between systems. The description here is for Windows. It is
similar for Linux and Mac systems.
If CCSv9.3 is installed in the default location, and the compiler is ARM
version 18.12.4.LTS, then the executables are located in ...
Make adjustments to this location based on the version of CCS, where it is
installed, and exactly which compiler is being used. The rest of these
directions presume the environment is configured to automatically find the
compiler at that directory path.
Execute the compiler from the command line with no options, and it dumps
a help summary ...
TI ARM C/C++ Compiler v18.12.4.LTS
Copyright (c) 1996-2018 Texas Instruments Incorporated
Processor Options:
Target processor version (when not specified,
compiler defaults to --silicon_version=4)
--code_state=16,32 Designate code state, 16-bit (thumb) or 32-bit
Specify floating point support
Capture all the compiler options in a text file with a command similar to ...
C:\work>armcl > options.txt
Edit that text file and search for the compiler option of interest. Note
the sub-heading which contains that option. The name of that sub-heading is a
close match to one of the names used to organize the compiler options in the
CCS build dialog.
The next screen shot shows finding the --src_interlist option for the
ARM compiler. Note the name of the sub-heading is **Assembler Options**.
Look for it the CCS build dialog using the same steps as shown above in the
sub-chapter titled **Find the Category in the Build Dialog**.