Register Export¶
Register export enables the user to export the radio registers for use in an application. Register export only available for register-based devices, for example CC1101 (transceiver) and CC2530 (8051-based System on Chip).
Format Tags¶
All Input Fields¶
- @CHIPID@ - Radio chip ID (“CC2530”)
Register Input Field¶
- @RN@ - register name upper case (“MDMCTRL0”)
- @rn@ - register name lower case (“mdmctrl0”)
- @Rd@ - register description as is (“Packet status”)
- @RD@ - register description upper case (“Packet status”)
- @rd@ - register description lower case (“PACKET STATUS”)
- @AH@ - register address, hex, upper case (“12”, “ABCD”)
- @ah@ - register address, hex, lower case (“12”, “abcd”)
- @AD@ - register address, decimal (“12”, “139”)
- @VH@ - register value, hex, upper case (“A4”, “BEEF”)
- @vh@ - register value, hex, lower case (“a4”, “beef”)
- @VD@ - register value, decimal (“6”, “255”)
- @<<@ - align horizontally
Templates are stored and saved in separate files in the SmartRF Studio working folder directly under the users document folder. This is also the default target folder for register export files.
- Windows XP: My Documents/Texas Instruments/Smart RF Studio v7/codedexport
- Windows 7 & Windows 10: Documents/Texas Instruments/Smart RF Studio v7/codedexport
The file name is composed of the template name as selected by the user, and the file extension “.xml”. After a new template is created, the user can change the name by double-clicking or hitting F2 in the ‘name’ field. Note that the default templates will be restored on the next start-up if they are deleted by accident.
Register Lists¶
The default registers selected for export are those that differs from the reset value. It is however possible for the user to modify the register lists, one for each RF device. The custom register lists may be stored on disk and retrived by using the Save and Load button in the Register Selection Dialog.
The preview is rendered as the user enters text and tags in the input fields. If a template with HTML as part of the name is used, the output is shown as HTML. For all other templates, the output is shown as plain text.