C2000 MCU Software Diagnostic Library (SDL)¶
The C2000 MCU Software Diagnostic Library (SDL) includes software that helps make designing for functional safety applications with TI C2000 real-time control microcontrollers easier and faster. The safety mechanisms employed are intended to aid the customer in achieving their specific safety goals.
The C2000 SDL include specific functional safety software mechanisms to enable customers to meet their functional safety goals. The functional safety software mechanisms provided are included and detailed in the device safety manual.
C2000 has selected a set of functional safety software mechanisms as reference according to the following criteria:
Valid mechanism according to the device safety manual
Easily integrated into various systems
Leverages specific C2000 device features for functional safety purposes
Reduces customer software development and time to market
Where valid functional safety software mechanisms are omitted from the libraries, this is due to one or more of the following reasons:
Functional safety mechanism is simple and does not require a software library or API provided by C2000
Functional safety mechanism is tightly coupled with the system implementation and it is not feasible to provide a generic solution in a software library from C2000
Additionally, functional safety software mechanisms which are not provided in software libraries are detailed in the device safety manual. Sufficient information is provided to enable customers to implement and integrate such safety mechanisms.
Software Diagnostic Library for F2807x, F2837xD and F2837xS are available for download from C2000-SAFETI-DIAGNOSTICS-LIB.
As of C2000Ware v5.00.00.00, the C2000Ware Software Diagnostic Library includes support for F28002x, F28003x, F28004x, F2838x, F280013x and F280015x devices. Find the diagnostic library and examples under /libraries/diagnostic
For more information on functional safety with C2000 MCUs, refer to Industrial Functional Safety for C2000 Real-Time Microcontrollers or Automotive Functional Safety for C2000 Real-Time Microcontrollers. For more information on safety mechanisms, refer to C2000 real-time MCU Safety Mechanisms