17. SDK Components

17.1. Processor SDK Linux for Edge AI

The Robotics SDK gets all the Linux kernel, filesystem, device-drivers and more from Processor SDK Linux. The Robotics SDK includes the deep-learning inference C++ framework and the GStreamer plugins optimized for TI Processors from the Processor SDK Linux for Edge AI.

For more information visit:

The Robotics SDK has dependency on the following software components of the Processor SDK Linux.

17.2. Vision-Apps Library for ARM64 Ubuntu

GIT Repository: https://github.com/TexasInstruments-Sandbox/edgeai-vision-apps-lib-build

The GIT repository provides:

  • Recipes and scripts for building the Vision-Apps Linux library for ARM64 Ubuntu/Debian filesystems, specifically for TI EdgeAI platforms (TDA4VM, AM62A, AM67A, AM68A, and AM69A).

  • Pre-built Vision-Apps Linux library for ARM64 Ubuntu/Debian filesystems.

17.3. Open-Source Deep-Learning Runtime Libraries for ARM64 Ubuntu

GIT Repository: https://github.com/TexasInstruments-Sandbox/edgeai-osrt-libs-build

The GIT repository provides:

  • Recipes and scripts for building open-source deep-learning runtime libraries, including ONNX-runtime, TFLite-runtime, NEO-AI-DLR, and TIDL runtime modules for ARM64 Ubuntu/Debian filesystems, specifically for TI EdgeAI platforms (TDA4VM, AM62A, AM67A, AM68A, and AM69A).

  • Pre-built open-source deep-learning runtime libraries for ARM64 Ubuntu/Debian filesystems.