Here is a list of all documented struct and union fields with links to the struct/union documentation for each field:
- e -
- eccKeys
: smLinkSecurityReq_t
- encEnable
: hciEvt_EncryptChange_t
- encKeySize
: gattService_t
- encryptedDiversifier
: hciEvt_BLELTKReq_t
- endHandle
: attFindByTypeValueReq_t
, attFindInfoReq_t
, attReadByGrpTypeReq_t
, attReadByTypeReq_t
, gattFindByTypeValueReq_t
, snpRegisterServiceRsp_t
- enhEvt
: _hciEvt_BLEConnComplete_u_
- entercs
: _icall_remote_task_arg_t
- entity
: _icall_enroll_service_args_t
, _icall_get_entity_id_args_t
, _icall_get_local_msg_entity_id_args_t
, _icall_register_app_args_t
- entityId
: _icall_entity2service_args_t
, _icall_fetch_msg_args_t
, _icall_send_args_t
- entryfn
: _icall_create_task_args_t
- errCode
: attErrorRsp_t
- errorRsp
: attMsg_t
, gattMsg_t
- event
: osal_event_hdr_t
, snpEvt_t
- eventCB
: gapCentralRoleCB_t
- eventMask
: snpMaskEventReq_t
- events
: _icall_signal_events_args_t
- eventType
: gapAdvertisingParams_t
, gapDeviceInfoEvent_t
, gapDevRec_t
, hciEvt_BLEScanReqReport_t
, hciEvt_DevInfo_t
- exchangeMTUReq
: attMsg_t
, gattMsg_t
- exchangeMTURsp
: attMsg_t
, gattMsg_t
- executeWriteReq
: attMsg_t
, gattMsg_t
- exponent
: gattCharFormat_t
, snpAddAttrFormat_t
- extendedFeatures
: l2capInfo_t