Here is a list of all documented struct and union fields with links to the struct/union documentation for each field:
- m -
- malloc
- maskedEvent
: snpMaskEventRsp_t
- maskEventCnf
: snp_msg_t
- maskEventReq
: snp_msg_t
- matchFn
: _icall_wait_match_args_t
- maxConnInterval
: gapRole_updateConnParams_t
- maxEncKeySize
: gapPairingReq_t
, smLinkSecurityReq_t
- maxLen
: snpAddAttrGenLongUUID_t
, snpAddAttrGenShortUUID_t
, snpAddAttrUserDesc_t
- maxNumChannels
: l2capPsm_t
, l2capPsmInfo_t
- maxNumCoChannels
: l2capUserCfg_t
- maxNumPSM
: l2capUserCfg_t
- maxRxOctets
: hciEvt_BLEDataLengthChange_t
- maxRxTime
: hciEvt_BLEDataLengthChange_t
- maxSamplesPerCycle
: TRNGCC26XX_Params
- maxSize
: snpCharReadInd_t
- maxTxOctets
: hciEvt_BLEDataLengthChange_t
- maxTxTime
: hciEvt_BLEDataLengthChange_t
- memAlo
: snpTestCmdRsp_t
- memMax
: snpTestCmdRsp_t
- memSize
: snpTestCmdRsp_t
- mEncKey
: keyDist_t
- method
: attPacket_t
, gattClientCharCfgUpdatedEvent_t
, gattEventHdr_t
, gattMsgEvent_t
- mgmtOption
: snpAddCharValueDeclReq_t
- mIdKey
: keyDist_t
- milliseconds
: _icall_wait_args_t
, _icall_wait_match_args_t
, _icall_wait_semaphore_args_t
- minConnInterval
: gapRole_updateConnParams_t
- minSamplesPerCycle
: TRNGCC26XX_Params
- mitm
: authReq_t
- mLinkKey
: keyDist_t
- mode
: _icall_create_semaphore_args_t
, gapDevDiscReq_t
- mps
: l2capCoCInfo_t
, l2capConnectReq_t
, l2capConnectRsp_t
, l2capPsmInfo_t
- mReserved
: keyDist_t
- msg
: _icall_fetch_msg_args_t
, _icall_send_args_t
, _icall_wait_match_args_t
, gattMsgEvent_t
- msgSyncHdl
: _icall_enroll_service_args_t
, _icall_register_app_args_t
- mSign
: keyDist_t
: attMtuUpdatedEvt_t
- mtu
: l2capCoCInfo_t
, l2capConnectReq_t
, l2capConnectRsp_t
, l2capPsm_t
, l2capPsmInfo_t
: linkDBInfo_t
, linkDBItem_t
- mtuEvt
: attMsg_t
, gattMsg_t