TI BLE-Stack for Bluetooth 4.2 API Documentation
File List
Here is a list of all documented files with brief descriptions:
 att.hATT layer interface
 bcomdef.hType definitions and macros for BLE stack
 central.hCentral layer interface
 comdef.hCommon Defines
 ECCROMCC26XX.hECC ROM driver implementation for a CC26XX device
 gap.hGAP layer interface
 gapbondmgr.hGAPBondMgr layer interface
 gatt.hGATT layer interface
 gattservapp.hGATTServApp layer interface
 hci.hHCI layer interface
 hci_tl.hTypes, constants, external functions etc. for the BLE HCI Transport Layer
 icall.hICall layer interface
 icall_addrs.hStack image address information specific to build
 icall_cc26xx_defs.hIndirect function Call dispatcher constant definitions specific to CC26xx platform
 l2cap.hL2CAP layer interface
 linkdb.hLinkDB layer interface
 multi.hMulti layer interface
 osal.hThis API allows the software components in the Z-Stack to be written independently of the specifics of the operating system, kernel, or tasking environment (including control loops or connect-to-interrupt systems)
 osal_memory.hHis module defines the OSAL memory control functions
 peripheral.hPeripheral layer interface
 simple_np_dev.hSNP Device API
 simple_np_gap.hSNP GAP Layer API
 simple_np_gatt.hSNP GATT Layer API
 sm.hThis file contains the interface to the SM
 snp.hSimple Network Processor API
 TRNGCC26XX.hTRNG driver implementation for a CC26XX device
 uble.hThis file contains configuration, initialization, and parameter management of Micro BLE Stack. It also contains interfacing between Micro BLE Stack and the application
 ugap.hMicro BLE GAP API
 urfc.hThis file contains configurable variables for the Micro BLE Stack radio
 util.hUtil layer interface
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