TI-RTOS Drivers  tidrivers_msp43x_2_16_00_08
File List
Here is a list of all files with brief descriptions:
 Camera.hCamera driver interface
 ClockP.hClock interface for the RTOS Porting Interface
 DebugP.hDebug support
 EMAC.hEMAC driver interface
 GPIO.hGPIO driver
 GPIOMSP430.hMSP430 GPIO driver
 GPIOMSP432.hMSP432 GPIO driver
 HwiP.hHardware Interrupt module for the RTOS Porting Interface
 I2C.hI2C driver interface
 I2CEUSCIB.hI2CEUSCIB driver implementation for a USCIB controller
 I2CMSP432.hI2C driver implementation for the EUSCI controller on MSP432
 I2CUSCIB.hI2CUSCIB driver implementation for a USCIB controller
 I2S.hI2S driver interface
 List.hLinked List interface for use in drivers
 MutexP.hMutex module for the RTOS Porting Interface
 NVS.hPRELIMINARY Non-Volatile Storage Driver
 PIN.hGeneric PIN & GPIO driver
 Power.hPower manager interface
 PowerMSP432.hPower manager interface for the MSP432
 PWM.hPWM driver interface
 PWMTimerMSP432.hPWM driver implementation
 SDSPI.hSDSPI driver interface
 SDSPIEUSCIA.hSDSPI driver implementation for a USCI SPI peripheral used with the SDSPI driver
 SDSPIEUSCIB.hSDSPI driver implementation for a USCI SPI peripheral used with the SDSPI driver
 SDSPIMSP432.hSDSPI driver implementation using an EUSCI SPI peripheral for MSP432
 SDSPIUSCIA.hSDSPI driver implementation for a USCI SPI peripheral used with the SDSPI driver
 SDSPIUSCIB.hSDSPI driver implementation for a USCI SPI peripheral used with the SDSPI driver
 SemaphoreP.hSemaphore module for the RTOS Porting Interface
 SPI.hSPI driver interface
 SPIEUSCIADMA.hSPI driver implementation for a USCIA peripheral using the micro DMA controller
 SPIEUSCIBDMA.hSPI driver implementation for a USCIB peripheral using the micro DMA controller
 SPIMSP432DMA.hSPI driver implementation for a EUSCI peripheral on MSP432 using the micro DMA controller
 SPIUSCIADMA.hSPI driver implementation for a USCIA peripheral using the micro DMA controller
 SPIUSCIBDMA.hSPI driver implementation for a USCIB peripheral using the micro DMA controller
 UART.hUART driver interface
 UARTEUSCIA.hUART driver implementation for a EUSCIA peripheral
 UARTMSP432.hUART driver implementation for a EUSCIA peripheral for MSP432
 UARTUSCIA.hUART driver implementation for a USCIA peripheral
 USBMSCHFatFs.hUSBMSCHFatFs driver interface
 Watchdog.hWatchdog driver interface
 WatchdogMSP430.hWatchdog driver implementation for MSP430
 WatchdogMSP432.hWatchdog driver implementation for MSP432
 WiFi.hWiFi driver interface
 WiFiCC3100.hWiFi driver implementation for the SimpleLink Wi-Fi CC3100 device
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