TI-RTOS Drivers  tidrivers_msp43x_2_16_00_08
Data Structures
Here are the data structures with brief descriptions:
 CCamera_ConfigCamera Global configuration
 CCamera_FxnTableThe definition of a Camera function table that contains the required set of functions to control a specific Camera driver implementation
 CCamera_ParamsCamera Parameters
 CClockP_FreqHzFrequency-in-hertz struct
 CClockP_ParamsBasic ClockP Parameters
 CEMAC_ConfigEMAC Global configuration
 CEMAC_FxnTableEMAC Function table structure
 CGPIOMSP430_ConfigGPIO device specific driver configuration structure
 CGPIOMSP432_ConfigGPIO device specific driver configuration structure
 CHwiP_ParamsBasic HwiP Parameters
 CI2C_ConfigI2C Global configuration
 CI2C_FxnTableThe definition of a I2C function table that contains the required set of functions to control a specific I2C driver implementation
 CI2C_ParamsI2C Parameters
 CI2C_TransactionI2C transaction
 CI2CEUSCIB_HWAttrsI2CEUSCIB Hardware attributes
 CI2CMSP432_HWAttrsI2CMSP432 Hardware attributes These fields, with the exception of intPriority, are used by driverlib APIs and therefore must be populated by driverlib macro definitions. For MSP430Ware these definitions are found in:
 CI2CMSP432_ObjectI2CMSP432 Object
 CI2CUSCIB_HWAttrsI2CUSCIB Hardware attributes
 CI2S_BufDescI2S buffer descriptor for issue/reclaim mode
 CI2S_ConfigI2S Global configuration
 CI2S_FxnTableThe definition of a I2S function table that contains the required set of functions to control a specific I2S driver implementation
 CI2S_ParamsBasic I2S Parameters
 CMutexP_ParamsBasic MutexP Parameters
 CNVS_AttrsNVS attributes
 CNVS_ConfigNVS Global configuration
 CNVS_FxnTableThe definition of an NVS function table that contains the required set of functions to control a specific NVS driver implementation
 CNVS_ParamsNVS Parameters
 CNVSMSP432_CmdSetCopyBlockArgsNVSMSP432 command structure for setting copy block
 CNVSMSP432_HWAttrsNVSMSP432 attributes
 CPIN_State_sUnderlying data structure for type PIN_State
 CPower_NotifyObjPower notify object structure
 CPowerMSP432_ConfigPower global configuration (MSP432-specific)
 CPowerMSP432_FreqsStructure holding device frequencies (in Hz)
 CPWM_ConfigPWM Global configuration
 CPWM_FxnTableThe definition of a PWM function table that contains the required set of functions to control a specific PWM driver implementation
 CPWM_ParamsPWM Parameters
 CPWMTimerMSP432_HWAttrsPWMTimerMSP432 Hardware attributes
 CPWMTimerMSP432_ObjectPWMTimerMSP432 Object
 CSDSPI_ConfigSDSPI Global configuration
 CSDSPI_FxnTableThe definition of a SDSPI function table that contains the required set of functions to control a specific SDSPI driver implementation
 CSDSPI_ParamsSDSPI Parameters
 CSDSPIMSP432_HWAttrsSDSPIMSP432 Hardware attributes
 CSDSPIMSP432_ObjectSDSPIMSP432 Object
 CSDSPIUSCIA_HWAttrsSDSPIUSCIA Hardware attributes
 CSDSPIUSCIB_HWAttrsSDSPIUSCIB Hardware attributes
 CSemaphoreP_ParamsBasic SemaphoreP Parameters
 CSPI_ConfigSPI Global configuration
 CSPI_FxnTableThe definition of a SPI function table that contains the required set of functions to control a specific SPI driver implementation
 CSPI_ParamsSPI Parameters
 CSPI_TransactionA SPI_Transaction data structure is used with SPI_transfer(). It indicates how many SPI_FrameFormat frames are sent and received from the buffers pointed to txBuf and rxBuf. The arg variable is an user-definable argument which gets passed to the SPI_CallbackFxn when the SPI driver is in SPI_MODE_CALLBACK
 CSPIMSP432DMA_HWAttrsSPIMSP432DMA Hardware attributes These fields, with the exception of intPriority, are used by driverlib APIs and therefore must be populated by driverlib macro definitions. For MSP430Ware these definitions are found in:
 CUART_ConfigUART Global configuration
 CUART_FxnTableThe definition of a UART function table that contains the required set of functions to control a specific UART driver implementation
 CUART_ParamsUART Parameters
 CUARTEUSCIA_BaudrateConfigUARTEUSCIA Baudrate configuration
 CUARTEUSCIA_HWAttrsUARTEUSCIA Hardware attributes
 CUARTMSP432_BaudrateConfigUARTMSP432 Baudrate configuration
 CUARTMSP432_FxnSetComplement set of read functions to be used by the UART ISR and UARTMSP432_read(). Internal use only
 CUARTMSP432_HWAttrsUARTMSP432 Hardware attributes
 CUARTMSP432_ObjectUARTMSP432 Object
 CUARTUSCIA_BaudrateConfigUARTUSCIA Baudrate configuration
 CUARTUSCIA_HWAttrsUARTUSCIA Hardware attributes
 CUSBMSCHFatFs_ConfigUSBMSCHFatFs Global configuration
 CUSBMSCHFatFs_FxnTableThe definition of a USBMSCHFatFs function table that contains the required set of functions to control a specific USBMSCHFatFs driver implementation
 CUSBMSCHFatFs_ParamsUSBMSCHFatFs Parameters
 CWatchdog_ConfigWatchdog Global configuration
 CWatchdog_FxnTableThe definition of a Watchdog function table that contains the required set of functions to control a specific Watchdog driver implementation
 CWatchdog_ParamsWatchdog Parameters
 CWatchdogMSP430_HWAttrsWatchdog hardware attributes for MSP430
 CWatchdogMSP430_ObjectWatchdog Object for MSP430
 CWatchdogMSP432_HWAttrsWatchdog hardware attributes for MSP432 These fields are used by driverlib APIs and therefore must be populated by driverlib macro definitions. For MSP432Ware these definitions are found in:
 CWatchdogMSP432_ObjectWatchdog Object for MSP432
 CWiFi_ConfigWiFi Global configuration
 CWiFi_FxnTableThe definition of a WiFi function table that contains the required set of functions to control a specific WiFi driver implementation
 CWiFi_ParamsWiFi Parameters
 CWiFiCC3100_HWAttrsWiFiCC3100 Hardware attributes
 CWiFiCC3100_ObjectWiFiCC3100 Object
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