IO-Link Master1.09.04
SMI Arg Blocks


SMI Arg Blocks.

Data Structures

struct  IOLM_SMI_SVoidArgBlock
 This structure is used as general and void ArgBlock. More...
struct  IOLM_SMI_SJobError
 This structure is used as JobError ArgBlock. More...
struct  IOLM_SMI_SMasterident
 This structure is used to get Master identification. More...
struct  IOLM_SMI_SFSMasterAccess
 This structure is used to get FS Master access. More...
struct  IOLM_SMI_SFSCPAuthenticity
 This structure is used to retrieve FSCPAuthenticity. More...
struct  IOLM_SMI_SWMasterConfigListOld
 This structure is obsolete. It used for the wireless Master configuration before V1.1.3 release. More...
struct  IOLM_SMI_SWPortConfigList
 This structure is used for the wireless port configuration. More...
struct  IOLM_SMI_SWPortConfigListOld
 This structure is obsolete. It used for the wireless port configuration before V1.1.3 release. More...
struct  IOLM_SMI_SFSPortConfigList
 This structure is used to store FS port configuration. More...
struct  IOLM_SMI_SPortConfigList
 This structure is used to store port configuration. More...
struct  IOLM_SMI_SWPortStatusList
 This structure is used to store wireless port status. More...
struct  IOLM_SMI_V113_SWPortStatusList
 This structure is used to store wireless port status in V1.1.3. More...
struct  IOLM_SMI_SWTrackStatusList
 This structure is used to store track status. More...
struct  IOLM_SMI_SWScanConfigList
 This structure is used to trigger a scan request. More...
struct  IOLM_SMI_SWPairingList
 This structure is used to trigger a pairing request. More...
struct  IOLM_SMI_SWTrackConfigList
 This structure is used for the track configuration. More...
struct  IOLM_SMI_SFSPortStatusList
 This structure is used to store FS port status. More...
struct  IOLM_SMI_SPortStatusList
 This structure is used to store port status. More...
struct  IOLM_SMI_SPDIn
 This structure is used for Process Data input. More...
struct  IOLM_SMI_SPDOut
 This structure is used for Process Data output. More...
 This structure is used for IQ input. More...
 This structure is used for IQ output. More...
 This structure is used for SPDU input. More...
 This structure is used for SPDU output. More...
struct  IOLM_SMI_SPDInOut
 This structure is used for Process Data input and output read back. More...
struct  IOLM_SMI_SPortEvent
 This generic structure is used for events. More...
struct  IOLM_SMI_SScanResult
 This structure is used for scan results. More...
struct  IOLM_SMI_SScanStatusResult
 This structure is used for a single scan result. More...
struct  IOLM_SMI_SWScanStatusList
 This structure is used for the Scan Status List. More...
struct  IOLM_SMI_SWSingleScanStatusList
 This structure is used for the Scan Status List of a single scan result. More...
struct  IOLM_SMI_SOnRequestData
 This structure is used for On-request Data. More...
struct  IOLM_SMI_SPortPowerOffOn
 This structure is used for PortPowerOffOn requests. More...
struct  IOLM_SMI_SDSData
 This structure is used for DataStorage Data. More...
struct  IOLM_SMI_SHeader
 SGI dependent types. More...
struct  IOLM_SMI_SArgBlockParam
 This structure follows the IOLM_SMI_SHeader struct. More...
struct  IOLM_SMI_SDeviceEvent
 This structure is used for Device Events (remote). More...
struct  IOLM_SMI_SPortEvent
 This structure is used for port events (local). More...


 Used for internal communication.
 Used for broadcasting (events).
#define IOLM_SMI_PQI_PQ   (1<<7)
#define IOLM_SMI_PQI_DEVERR   (1<<6)
#define IOLM_SMI_PQI_DEVCOM   (1<<5)
#define IOLM_SMI_ARGBLOCK_PDIN_LEN(Datalen)   (sizeof(IOLM_SMI_SPDIn) - 32 + Datalen)
#define IOLM_SMI_ARGBLOCK_PDOUT_LEN(Datalen)   (sizeof(IOLM_SMI_SPDOut) - 32 + Datalen)
#define IOLM_SMI_ARGBLOCK_SSPDUIN_LEN(Datalen)   (sizeof(IOLM_SMI_SSPDUIn) - 32 + Datalen)
#define IOLM_SMI_ARGBLOCK_SSPDUOUT_LEN(Datalen)   (sizeof(IOLM_SMI_SSPDUOut) - 32 + Datalen)
#define IOLM_SMI_ARGBLOCK_PDINOUT_LEN(InputLen, OutputLen)   (4 + 2 + InputLen + OutputLen)
#define IOLM_SMI_ARGBLOCK_ONREQ_LEN(Datalen)   (sizeof(IOLM_SMI_SOnRequestData) - IOLM_MAX_ISDU_LENGTH + Datalen)
#define IOLM_SMI_ENDIAN_32(x)
#define IOLM_SMI_ENDIAN_16(x)   ( (((x) >> 8) & 0x00FF) | (((x) << 8) & 0xFF00) )


typedef IOLM_SMI_SVoidArgBlock IOLM_SMI_SGeneralArgBlock


enum  IOLM_SMI_EServiceID {
  IOLM_SMI_eServiceID_MasterIdentification = 0x00 , IOLM_SMI_eServiceID_PortConfiguration = 0x01 , IOLM_SMI_eServiceID_ReadbackPortConfiguration = 0x02 , IOLM_SMI_eServiceID_PortStatus = 0x03 ,
  IOLM_SMI_eServiceID_DSBackupToParServ = 0x04 , IOLM_SMI_eServiceID_DSRestoreFromParServ = 0x05 , IOLM_SMI_eServiceID_DeviceWrite = 0x06 , IOLM_SMI_eServiceID_DeviceRead = 0x07 ,
  IOLM_SMI_eServiceID_PortPairing = 0x08 , IOLM_SMI_eServiceID_DeviceEvent = 0x09 , IOLM_SMI_eServiceID_PortEvent = 0x0A , IOLM_SMI_eServiceID_PDIn = 0x0B ,
  IOLM_SMI_eServiceID_PDOut = 0x0C , IOLM_SMI_eServiceID_PDInOut = 0x0D , IOLM_SMI_eServiceID_PDInIQ = 0x0E , IOLM_SMI_eServiceID_PDOutIQ = 0x0F ,
  IOLM_SMI_eServiceID_MasterConfiguration = 0x10 , IOLM_SMI_eServiceID_ReadbackMasterConfiguration = 0x11 , IOLM_SMI_eServiceID_TrackConfiguration = 0x12 , IOLM_SMI_eServiceID_ReadbackTrackConfiguration = 0x13 ,
  IOLM_SMI_eServiceID_TrackScanResult = 0x14 , IOLM_SMI_eServiceID_TrackScanEnd = 0x15 , IOLM_SMI_eServiceID_TrackStatus = 0x16 , IOLM_SMI_eServiceID_Scan = 0x17 ,
  IOLM_SMI_eServiceID_FSMasterAccess = 0x18 , IOLM_SMI_eServiceID_SPDUIn = 0x19 , IOLM_SMI_eServiceID_SPDUOut = 0x1A , IOLM_SMI_eServiceID_PortPowerOffOn = 0x1B ,
  IOLM_SMI_V113_eServiceID_WMasterConfiguration = 0x20 , IOLM_SMI_V113_eServiceID_ReadbackWMasterConfiguration = 0x21 , IOLM_SMI_V113_eServiceID_WScanConfig = 0x22 , IOLM_SMI_V113_eServiceID_WScanStatus = 0x23 ,
  IOLM_SMI_V113_eServiceID_WPortPairing = 0x24 , IOLM_SMI_V113_eServiceID_WTrackStatus = 0x25 , IOLM_SMI_V113_eServiceID_WQualityStatus = 0x26 , IOLM_SMI_eServiceID_GetChipInfo = 0x80 ,
  IOLM_SMI_eServiceID_ResetDefaults = 0x81 , IOLM_SMI_eServiceID_Settings = 0x82 , IOLM_SMI_eServiceID_DataLog = 0x83 , IOLM_SMI_eServiceID_FWUpdate = 0x90 ,
  IOLM_SMI_eServiceID_FSPDIn = 0xA0 , IOLM_SMI_eServiceID_FSPDOut = 0xA1 , IOLM_SMI_eServiceID_SPDUExchangeStarted = 0xA2 , IOLM_SMI_eServiceID_VerifyRecordSent = 0xA3 ,
  IOLM_SMI_eServiceID_TestCommand = 0xA4 , IOLM_SMI_eServiceID_KeepAlive = 0xFF
 SGI dependent defines. More...
enum  IOLM_SMI_EArgBlockID {
  IOLM_SMI_eArgBlockID_Reserved = 0x0000 , IOLM_SMI_eArgBlockID_MasterIdent = 0x0001 , IOLM_SMI_eArgBlockID_FSMasterAccess = 0x0100 , IOLM_SMI_eArgBlockID_FSCPAuthenticity = 0x0101 ,
  IOLM_SMI_eArgBlockID_WMasterConfig = 0x0200 , IOLM_SMI_eArgBlockID_PDIn = 0x1001 , IOLM_SMI_eArgBlockID_PDOut = 0x1002 , IOLM_SMI_eArgBlockID_PDInOut = 0x1003 ,
  IOLM_SMI_eArgBlockID_SPDUIn = 0x1101 , IOLM_SMI_eArgBlockID_SPDUOut = 0x1102 , IOLM_SMI_eArgBlockID_PDInIQ = 0x1FFE , IOLM_SMI_eArgBlockID_PDOutIQ = 0x1FFF ,
  IOLM_SMI_eArgBlockID_OnRequestDataWrite = 0x3000 , IOLM_SMI_eArgBlockID_OnRequestDataRead = 0x3001 , IOLM_SMI_eArgBlockID_DS_Data = 0x7000 , IOLM_SMI_eArgBlockID_DeviceParBatch = 0x7001 ,
  IOLM_SMI_eArgBlockID_IndexList = 0x7002 , IOLM_SMI_eArgBlockID_PortPowerOffOn = 0x7003 , IOLM_SMI_eArgBlockID_WPortPairing = 0x7200 , IOLM_SMI_eArgBlockID_PortConfigList = 0x8000 ,
  IOLM_SMI_eArgBlockID_FSPortConfigList = 0x8100 , IOLM_SMI_eArgBlockID_WTrackConfigList = 0x8200 , IOLM_SMI_eArgBlockID_WPortConfigList = 0x8201 , IOLM_SMI_eArgBlockID_WScan = 0x8202 ,
  IOLM_SMI_eArgBlockID_PortStatusList = 0x9000 , IOLM_SMI_eArgBlockID_FSPortStatusList = 0x9100 , IOLM_SMI_eArgBlockID_WTrackStatusList = 0x9200 , IOLM_SMI_eArgBlockID_ScanResult = 0x9201 ,
  IOLM_SMI_eArgBlockID_WPortStatusList = 0x9202 , IOLM_SMI_V113_eArgBlockID_WPortConfigList = 0x8200 , IOLM_SMI_V113_eArgBlockID_WScanConfigList = 0x8201 , IOLM_SMI_V113_eArgBlockID_WPortStatusList = 0x9200 ,
  IOLM_SMI_V113_eArgBlockID_WScanStatusList = 0x9201 , IOLM_SMI_V113_eArgBlockID_WTrackStatusList = 0x9202 , IOLM_SMI_V113_eArgBlockID_WQualityStatusList = 0x9203 , IOLM_SMI_eArgBlockID_DeviceEvent = 0xA000 ,
  IOLM_SMI_eArgBlockID_PortEvent = 0xA001 , IOLM_SMI_eArgBlockID_PDInAllConnectedPorts = 0xB001 , IOLM_SMI_eArgBlockID_PDInAllUpdatedPorts = 0xB002 , IOLM_SMI_eArgBlockID_PDOutMultiplePorts = 0xB003 ,
  IOLM_SMI_eArgBlockID_PDInOutMultiplePorts = 0xB004 , IOLM_SMI_eArgBlockID_FSPDIn = 0xB101 , IOLM_SMI_eArgBlockID_FSPDOut = 0xB102 , IOLM_SMI_eArgBlockID_StackInformation = 0xE000 ,
  IOLM_SMI_eArgBlockID_DataLog = 0xE001 , IOLM_SMI_eArgBlockID_TestCommand = 0xE002 , IOLM_SMI_eArgBlockID_VoidBlock = 0xFFF0 , IOLM_SMI_eArgBlockID_JobError = 0xFFFF
 SMI ArgBlock IDs. More...
enum  IOLM_SMI_EMasterTypes {
  IOLM_SMI_eMasterTypes_Unspecific = 0 , IOLM_SMI_eMasterTypes_Reserved = 1 , IOLM_SMI_eMasterTypes_Master_acc = 2 , IOLM_SMI_eMasterTypes_FS_Master = 3 ,
  IOLM_SMI_eMasterTypes_W_Master = 4
 SMI Master types.
enum  IOLM_SMI_EPortTypes {
  IOLM_SMI_ePortTypes_ClassA = 0 , IOLM_SMI_ePortTypes_ClassAWithPowerOffOn = 1 , IOLM_SMI_ePortTypes_ClassB = 2 , IOLM_SMI_ePortTypes_FSPortAWithoutOSSDe = 3 ,
  IOLM_SMI_ePortTypes_FSPortAwithOSSDe = 4 , IOLM_SMI_ePortTypes_FSPortB = 5 , IOLM_SMI_ePortTypes_WMaster = 6
 SMI port types.
enum  IOLM_SMI_EPortMode {
  IOLM_SMI_ePortMode_DEACTIVATED = 0 , IOLM_SMI_ePortMode_IOL_MANUAL = 1 , IOLM_SMI_ePortMode_IOL_AUTOSTART = 2 , IOLM_SMI_ePortMode_DI_CQ = 3 ,
  IOLM_SMI_ePortMode_DO_CQ = 4 , IOLM_SMI_ePortMode_SAFETYCOM = 49 , IOLM_SMI_ePortMode_MIXEDSAFETYCOM = 50 , IOLM_SMI_ePortMode_OSSDE = 51 ,
  IOLM_SMI_ePortMode_CYCLIC_AUTO = 52 , IOLM_SMI_ePortMode_CYCLIC = 53 , IOLM_SMI_ePortMode_ROAMING_AUTO = 54 , IOLM_SMI_ePortMode_ROAMING = 55
 SMI port mode.
enum  IOLM_SMI_EPortModeOld {
  IOLM_SMI_ePortModeOld_DEACTIVATED = 0 , IOLM_SMI_ePortModeOld_IOL_MANUAL = 1 , IOLM_SMI_ePortModeOld_IOL_AUTOSTART = 2 , IOLM_SMI_ePortModeOld_DI_CQ = 3 ,
  IOLM_SMI_ePortModeOld_DO_CQ = 4 , IOLM_SMI_ePortModeOld_SAFETYCOM = 49 , IOLM_SMI_ePortModeOld_MIXEDSAFETYCOM = 50 , IOLM_SMI_ePortModeOld_OSSDE = 51 ,
  IOLM_SMI_ePortModeOld_CYCLIC = 52 , IOLM_SMI_ePortModeOld_ROAMING = 53
 SMI port mode (only used for compatibility to old V1.1).
enum  IOLM_SMI_EPairCmd { IOLM_SMI_ePairCmd_Unpairing = 0 , IOLM_SMI_ePairCmd_PairingUnique = 1 , IOLM_SMI_ePairCmd_PairingButton = 2 , IOLM_SMI_ePairCmd_AbortPairing = 4 }
 SMI pairing commands.
enum  IOLM_SMI_EValidationBackup {
  IOLM_SMI_ePortValBack_NoDeviceCheck = 0 , IOLM_SMI_ePortValBack_V10 = 1 , IOLM_SMI_ePortValBack_V11 = 2 , IOLM_SMI_ePortValBack_V11_BackupRestore = 3 ,
  IOLM_SMI_ePortValBack_V11_Restore = 4
 SMI port validation and backup.
enum  IOLM_SMI_EIQBehavior {
  IOLM_SMI_ePortIQBehavior_NotSupported = 0 , IOLM_SMI_ePortIQBehavior_DigitalInput = 1 , IOLM_SMI_ePortIQBehavior_DigitalOutput = 2 , IOLM_SMI_ePortIQBehavior_AnalogInput = 3 ,
  IOLM_SMI_ePortIQBehavior_AnalogOutput = 4 , IOLM_SMI_ePortIQBehavior_Power2 = 5
 SMI port IQ behavior.
enum  IOLM_SMI_EPortStatus {
  IOLM_SMI_ePortStatus_NO_DEVICE = 0 , IOLM_SMI_ePortStatus_DEACTIVATED = 1 , IOLM_SMI_ePortStatus_PORT_DIAG = 2 , IOLM_SMI_ePortStatus_PREOPERATE = 3 ,
  IOLM_SMI_ePortStatus_OPERATE = 4 , IOLM_SMI_ePortStatus_DI_CQ = 5 , IOLM_SMI_ePortStatus_DO_CQ = 6 , IOLM_SMI_ePortStatus_OSSDE = 7 ,
  IOLM_SMI_ePortStatus_SPDU_EXCHANGE = 8 , IOLM_SMI_ePortStatus_PAIRING_FAULT = 10 , IOLM_SMI_ePortStatus_PORT_POWER_OFF = 254 , IOLM_SMI_ePortStatus_NOT_AVAILABLE = 255
 SMI port status.
enum  IOLM_SMI_ServiceTrackMode { IOLM_SMI_ServiceTrackMode_CYCLIC = 0 , IOLM_SMI_ServiceTrackMode_ROAMING = 1 }
 SMI service track mode.
enum  IOLM_SMI_ETrackMode { IOLM_SMI_eTrackMode_STOP = 0 , IOLM_SMI_eTrackMode_CYCLIC = 1 , IOLM_SMI_eTrackMode_ROAMING = 2 , IOLM_SMI_eTrackMode_SERVICE = 3 }
 SMI track mode.
enum  IOLM_SMI_ETrackStatus {
  IOLM_SMI_eTrackStatus_STOP = 0 , IOLM_SMI_eTrackStatus_CYCLIC = 1 , IOLM_SMI_eTrackStatus_ROAMING = 2 , IOLM_SMI_eTrackStatus_SCAN = 3 ,
  IOLM_SMI_eTrackStatus_PAIRING = 4
 SMI track status.
enum  IOLM_SMI_EScanBehavior { IOLM_SMI_eScanBehavior_POLL_RESULT = 0 , IOLM_SMI_eScanBehavior_SINGLE_RESULT_BROADCAST = 1 , IOLM_SMI_eScanBehavior_FINAL_RESULT_BROADCAST = 2 }
 SMI scan behavior.
enum  IOLM_SMI_EScanStatus { IOLM_SMI_eScanStatus_NOT_PERFORMED_YET = 0 , IOLM_SMI_eScanStatus_IN_PROGRESS = 1 , IOLM_SMI_eScanStatus_ENDED = 2 }
 SMI scan status.
enum  IOLM_SMI_EPortPowerMode { IOLM_SMI_ePortPowerMode_ONE_TIME_SWITCH_OFF = 0 , IOLM_SMI_ePortPowerMode_OFF = 1 , IOLM_SMI_ePortPowerMode_ON = 2 }
 SMI port power mode.

Macro Definition Documentation


#define IOLM_SMI_ENDIAN_32 (   x)
( (((x) >> 24) & 0x000000FF) | (((x) >> 8) & 0x0000FF00) | \
(((x) << 24) & 0xFF000000) | (((x) << 8) & 0x00FF0000))

Enumeration Type Documentation


SMI ArgBlock IDs.

Coding: 0x N4 N3 N2 N1

N4 - Service group:

  • 0: Identification (Master)
  • 1: Process Data (PD)
  • 2: Reserved
  • 3: On-request Data (OD)
  • 4-6: Reserved
  • 7: Mixed system features
  • 8: Configurations
  • 9: Status information (port, Device, etc.)
  • A: Events
  • B-E: Manufacturer specific
  • F: SMI management

N3 - Domain:

  • 0: General
  • 1: Safety extension
  • 2: Wireless extension
  • 3-E: Reserved
  • F: SMI management


  • Assigned by domain

For a list of all currently available ArgBlock IDs, see the overview above.


SGI dependent defines.

SGI dependent enums

SMI ServiceIDs (IDs >= 0x80 are used for non standard, proprietary services).