NDK Stack Documentation File List

Here is a list of all documented files with brief descriptions:
inc/socket.hCommon structures and definitions for Socket layer
inc/stack/inc/bind6if.hCommon structures and definitions used by the BIND6 Object
inc/stack/inc/icmp6if.hCommon structures and definitions for ICMPv6
inc/stack/inc/ip6if.hCommon structures and definitions for IPv6
inc/stack/inc/lli6if.hExtern Functions exported by the LLI6 Module
inc/stack/inc/mldif.hCommon structures and definitions used by the MLDv6
inc/stack/inc/route6if.hCommon structures and definitions used for the ROUTE6 Module
src/nettools/daemon/daemon.cThis file implements a simple network daemon
src/nettools/tftp/tftp6.cThe file implements the TFTP protocol over IPv6
src/os/intmgmt.cInterrupt Management wrapper written to abstract out OS (BIOS) specific interrupt management calls
src/os/jumbo_pbm.cJumbo Packet Buffer Manager. Ths file has functions which handle dynamic memory management (heap allocations) for packet buffer sizes greater than 3K. These functions are typically called for buffer management of jumbo frames greater than 3K size
src/stack/bind6/bind6.cThe file implements the BIND6 Module. The BIND6 Module is responsible for keeping track of all LOCAL IPv6 Addresses which have been assigned to the interfaces
src/stack/fdt/socket.cThis file handles core BSD style socket calls and pipes
src/stack/icmpv6/icmpv6.cThe file has functions which handle the ICMPv6 Protocol
src/stack/icmpv6/icmpv6_ndisc.cThe file has functions which handle the Neighbour Discovery process as defined in the ICMPv6 Protocol
src/stack/icmpv6/icmpv6in.cThe file handles the reception of ICMPv6 Packets
src/stack/icmpv6/icmpv6out.cThe file handles the transmission of ICMPv6 Packets
src/stack/igmp/igmp.cIGMP Stack Implementation
src/stack/ipv6/ipv6.cThe file has functions which handle the IPv6 Protocol
src/stack/ipv6/ipv6.hThe file handle carries all definitions for functions and data structures common to core IPv6 internal processing
src/stack/ipv6/ipv6_exthdrs.cThe file handles the IPv6 extension header processing
src/stack/ipv6/ipv6_frag.cThe file handles the IPv6 Fragment Reassembly processing
src/stack/ipv6/ipv6in.cThe file handles the reception of IPv6 Packets
src/stack/ipv6/ipv6out.cThe file handles the transmission of IPv6 Packets. It also handles fragmentation of the packets, if the packets being transmitted are larger than the configured MTU on the transmit device
src/stack/lli6/lli6.cThe file implements the LLI6 Module which is responsible for keeping track of the Neighbor Cache entries and the Neighbor Unreachability Algorithm as specified in RFC 2461
src/stack/mld/mld.cThe file handles the Multicast Listner Discovery Protocol for IPv6
src/stack/nimu/nimu.cImplements the network interface management code. This is required when the NDK Core stack has been built to be able to handle multiple drivers. The file has the code which resides in the data path
src/stack/raw6/raw6.cThe file has functions which handle the RAW6 sockets
src/stack/raweth/raweth.cThe file implements the interface to send and receive Raw Ethernet traffic using NDK stack and NIMU architecture
src/stack/rawethsock/rawethsock.cThe file implements the RAWETHSOCK object which is the socket library for Raw Ethernet Sockets. Raw Ethernet Sockets are useful for transporting data over Ethernet network using custom Layer 2 Protocol types, i.e other than IPv4, IPv6 etc
src/stack/rawethsock/rawethsock.hSOCKRAWETH private definitions
src/stack/res6/sb6.cThe file implements the Socket Buffer for IPv6
src/stack/route6/route6.cThe file has functions which handle the Route6 objects
src/stack/sock/sockpcb.cObject member functions for the Sock device object. These functions include protocol control type access to the SOCKET object
src/stack/sock6/sock6.cThe file implements the SOCK6 object which is the socket library for IPv6
src/stack/sock6/sock6.hSOCK6 private definitions
src/stack/sock6/sock6int.cThe file implements the SOCKET6 Family
src/stack/sock6/sock6pcb.cObject member functions for the Sock6 device object. These functions include protocol control type access to the SOCKET object
src/stack/sock6/sock6prot.cThe file implements the SOCKET6 Family
src/stack/tcp6/tcp6.cThe file has generic functions used by the TCP6 Module
src/stack/tcp6/tcp6.hThe file contains private definitions for the TCP Module which runs over IPv6
src/stack/tcp6/tcp6in.cThe file has functions which handle the reception of TCP packets over the IPv6 network
src/stack/tcp6/tcp6out.cThe file has functions which handle the transmission of TCP packets over the IPv6 network
src/stack/tcp6/tcp6prot.cThe file handle the TCP Protocol functions for V6
src/stack/tcp6/tcp6time.cThe file has TCP6 Time Management routines
src/stack/udp6/udp6.cThe file implements the UDP protocol over IPv6
src/stack/utils/listlib.cImplementation of a doubly linked list
src/stack/vlan/vlan.cThe file implements the VLAN core stack functionality

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