src/stack/ipv6/ipv6out.c File Reference

The file handles the transmission of IPv6 Packets. It also handles fragmentation of the packets, if the packets being transmitted are larger than the configured MTU on the transmit device. More...


HANDLE IPv6GetRoute (IP6N DstIP)
int IPv6TxPacket (PBM_Pkt *pPkt, UINT32 Flags)

Detailed Description

The file handles the transmission of IPv6 Packets. It also handles fragmentation of the packets, if the packets being transmitted are larger than the configured MTU on the transmit device.

NOTE: (C) Copyright 2008, Texas Instruments, Inc.

Function Documentation

HANDLE IPv6GetRoute ( IP6N  DstIP  ) 

The function is used to get an IPv6 route matching the destination IP Address. The function increments the reference counter for the ROUTE6 object.

This is for *internal* NDK Stack Usage.

[in] DstIP IPv6 Destination IP address we are trying to find a route for.
Return values:
Success - Handle of the Route6 object to be used.
Error - 0

int IPv6TxPacket ( PBM_Pkt *  pPkt,
UINT32  Flags 

The function is used to transmit an IPv6 packet.

This is for *internal* NDK Stack Usage.

[in] pPkt Pointer to the IPv6 packet which needs to be transmitted
[in] Flags Flags which need to be worked out. (Placeholder)
Return values:
Success - 0
Error - <0

Copyright 2009, Texas Instruments Incorporated