NDK Stack Documentation Data Structures

Here are the data structures with brief descriptions:
_childThe structure describes the data instance for daemon child task
_hostentThe structure describes the Host Name - IP Address record
_IntSetupThe structure describes the interrupt setup object defined by the interrupt management wrapper in OS Abstraction Layer
_lli_infoThis structure describes the LLI/ARP Information Object
_RAWETHSOCK_PCBThis structure is used to maintain the list of all the registered raw ethernet socket objects
_rawethstatThe structure describes the RAW Ethernet Statistics block
_rawstatThe structure describes the RAW Statistics block
_SOCKRAWETHThe structure describes the Raw Ethernet Sock Object Structure
_tcpstatThe structure describes the TCP Statistics Block
_udpstatThe structure describes the UDP Statistics block
BIND6_ENTRYThe structure describes the BIND6 Object
DRECThe structure describes the Daemon Entry
FRAG6QThe structure describes the Fragment Reassembly Queue
ICMPV6STATSThe structure describes the ICMPv6 Statistics Block
IPV6_DEV_RECORDThe structure describes the IPv6 Device Record
IPV6STATSThe structure describes the IPv6 Statistics Block
JUMBO_MEMORYBLOCKThis structure defines the Jumbo memory block structure
JUMBO_PITENTRYThis structure defines the Page Information entry
LLI6_ENTRYThe structure describes the LLI6 Entry
RT6_ENTRYThe structure describes the ROUTE6 Entry
SOCK6The structure describes the IPv6 Socket data structure
SOCK6PCBThe structure describes the IPv6 Socket Protocol specific properties

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