src/stack/raw6/raw6.c File Reference

The file has functions which handle the RAW6 sockets. More...


int Raw6Output (HANDLE hSock, UINT8 *buf, INT32 size, INT32 *pRetSize)
void Raw6Input (PBM_Pkt *pPkt, IPV6HDR *ptr_ipv6hdr, UINT8 Protocol)

Detailed Description

The file has functions which handle the RAW6 sockets.

NOTE: (C) Copyright 2008, Texas Instruments, Inc.

Function Documentation

void Raw6Input ( PBM_Pkt *  pPkt,
IPV6HDR *  ptr_ipv6hdr,
UINT8  Protocol 

The function is called when a RAW packet is received over the IPv6 Network.

[in] pPkt The packet received.
[in] ptr_ipv6hdr The IPv6 Header of the received packet.
[in] Protocol The Layer4 Protocol received. This is not necessarily the same as the Next Header in the IPv6 header.
Return values:
Not Applicable.

int Raw6Output ( HANDLE  hSock,
UINT8 *  buf,
INT32  size,
INT32 *  pRetSize 

The function is called to transmit a RAW packet over an IPv6 network.

[in] hSock Socket handle using which the packet is sent out.
[in] buf Data Buffer which is to be sent out.
[in] size Length of the data buffer to be sent out.
[out] pRetSize Actual Length of data sent out.
Return values:
Success - 0 Error - Non Zero

Copyright 2009, Texas Instruments Incorporated