src/stack/fdt/socket.c File Reference

This file handles core BSD style socket calls and pipes. More...


SOCKET accept (SOCKET s, PSA pName, int *plen)
int bind (SOCKET s, PSA pName, int len)
int connect (SOCKET s, PSA pName, int len)
int getpeername (SOCKET s, PSA pName, int *plen)
int getsockname (SOCKET s, PSA pName, int *plen)
int listen (SOCKET s, int maxcon)
int recv (SOCKET s, void *pbuf, int size, int flags)
int recvfrom (SOCKET s, void *pbuf, int size, int flags, PSA pName, int *plen)
int send (SOCKET s, void *pbuf, int size, int flags)
int getsendncbuff (SOCKET s, UINT32 bufSize, void **phBuf, HANDLE *phPkt)
int sendnc (SOCKET s, void *pbuf, int size, HANDLE hPkt, int flags)
void sendncfree (HANDLE hFrag)
int recvnc (SOCKET s, void **ppbuf, int flags, HANDLE *phFrag)
int recvncfrom (SOCKET s, void **ppbuf, int flags, PSA pName, int *plen, HANDLE *phFrag)
void recvncfree (HANDLE hFrag)
int sendto (SOCKET s, void *pbuf, int size, int flags, PSA pName, int len)
int shutdown (SOCKET s, int how)
SOCKET socket (int domain, int type, int protocol)
int getsockopt (SOCKET s, int level, int op, void *pbuf, int *pbufsize)
int setsockopt (SOCKET s, int level, int op, void *pbuf, int bufsize)
int pipe (HANDLE *pfdret1, HANDLE *pfdret2)

Detailed Description

This file handles core BSD style socket calls and pipes.

NOTE: (C) Copyright 2008, Texas Instruments, Inc.

Function Documentation

SOCKET accept ( SOCKET  s,
PSA  pName,
int *  plen 

This function extracts the first pending connection request in the socket queue and spawns a new socket to accept the incoming connection request. This function call is valid only for connection-oriented socket types like TCP.

[in] s Handle to local bound socket that is waiting/listening on any incoming connections. The argument s is a socket that has been created using "socket" function call, bound to a local address using "bind" and listening for connections with "listen" function calls.
[in] pName Handle to the sockaddr structure that holds the peer host's address and port information.
[in] plen Holds the length of the sockaddr structure being passed as argument to this function.
[out] pName Handle to the sockaddr structure that holds the connected peer's address and port information. The exact format of this is based on the address family. Valid only when this function returns success.
[out] plen Holds the length of the connected peer's sockaddr structure. The exact length depends on the address family of the socket created. Valid only when the function returns success.
Return values:
Success - Handle to the new socket created

int bind ( SOCKET  s,
PSA  pName,
int  len 

This function assigns a name to an unnamed socket. When a socket is created using "socket()" call, it exists in a name space (address family) but has no name assigned. The bind() function requests that name be assigned to the socket.

[in] s Handle to a socket obtained using "socket" function call.
[in] pName Handle to the sockaddr structure that holds the local address and port information that needs to be assigned to the socket.
[in] len Holds the length of the sockaddr structure being passed as argument to this function. This in turn depends on the address family of the socket.
Return values:
Success - 0
Error - -1

int connect ( SOCKET  s,
PSA  pName,
int  len 

This function establishes a logical connection from the socket specified by s to the foreign name (address) specified by pName.

[in] s Handle to a socket obtained using "socket" function call.
[in] pName Handle to the sockaddr structure that holds the remote host's address and port information to which the socket needs to connect to. For UDP/SOCK_DGRAM socket pName specifies the address to which packets would be sent by default or can be received from. For TCP/SOCK_STREAM socket this call attempts to make a connection to the socket that is bound to address specified by pName.
[in] len Holds the length of the sockaddr structure being passed as argument to this function. This in turn depends on the address family of the socket.
Return values:
Success - 0
Error - -1

int getpeername ( SOCKET  s,
PSA  pName,
int *  plen 

The getpeername() function retrieves the peer address of the specified socket, store this address in the sockaddr structure pointed to by the pName argument, and store the length of this address in plen argument.

[in] s Handle to a socket obtained using "socket" function call.
[out] pName Handle to the sockaddr structure that holds the remote host's address and port information to which the socket is connected to. Valid only when this function returns success.
[out] plen Holds the length of the sockaddr structure being passed as result from this function. Valid only when this function returns success.
Return values:
Success - 0
Error - -1

int getsendncbuff ( SOCKET  s,
UINT32  bufSize,
void **  phBuf,
HANDLE *  phPkt 

This function allocates bufSize bytes memory for the data buffer and required memory for the packet buffer to hold this data. On successful memory allocation, it initializes the phBuf and phPkt pointers with the data buffer and packet buffer handles. The data buffer obtained from this API can be used by the application to fill in required data. The application then would need to use the data buffer and packet buffer handles in its call to sendnc() API to send the packet out without any copy on transmit path by the stack. The packet and data buffers are freed up automatically once the packet transmission is completed in the ethernet driver. However, if for some reason the application would like to free the buffer and packet obtained using this call, it can to do so by passing the packet buffer handle to sendncfree() API call and it would free up both the packet and data buffers.

This API is currently only supported for AF_RAWETH family sockets.

[in] s Handle to a socket obtained using "socket" function call.
[in] bufSize Size of data buffer to allocate memory for.
[in] phBuf Pointer to data buffer handle in which the application can fill in the required data to send using sendnc() API.
[in] phPkt Pointer to the packet buffer handle which holds the data buffer in turn.
Return values:
Success - 0
Error - -1

int getsockname ( SOCKET  s,
PSA  pName,
int *  plen 

The getsockname() function retrieves the local address of the specified socket, store this address in the sockaddr structure pointed to by the pName argument, and store the length of this address in plen argument.

[in] s Handle to a socket obtained using "socket" function call.
[out] pName Handle to the sockaddr structure that holds the local host's address and port information to which the socket is bound to. Valid only when this function returns success.
[out] plen Holds the length of the sockaddr structure being passed as result from this function. Valid only when this function returns success.
Return values:
Success - 0
Error - -1

int getsockopt ( SOCKET  s,
int  level,
int  op,
void *  pbuf,
int *  pbufsize 

This function returns the options associated with a socket.

[in] s Socket handle
[in] op Socket option to get
[in] pbuf Pointer to memory buffer
[in] pbufsize Pointer to size of memory buffer
Return values:
Success - 0
Error - -1

int listen ( SOCKET  s,
int  maxcon 

This function enables the socket to wait for any incoming connection requests. It also configures the size of the pending connection request queue of the socket. This call is applicable only for connection oriented sockets (SOCK_STREAM/TCP).

[in] s Handle to a socket obtained using "socket" function call.
[in] maxcon Specifies the maximum length of the queue of pending connections.
Return values:
Success - 0
Error - -1

int pipe ( HANDLE *  pfdret1,
HANDLE *  pfdret2 

Creates a pre-connected full duplex pipe. The returned file descriptors can be used with all the fd file descriptor functions, as well as the send() and recv() socket functions.

[in] pfdret1 Pointer to file descriptor to first end of pipe.
[in] pfdret2 Pointer to file descriptor to second end of pipe.
Return values:
Success - 0
Error - -1

int recv ( SOCKET  s,
void *  pbuf,
int  size,
int  flags 

This function is used to read data received on a specified socket.

[in] s Handle to a socket obtained using "socket" function call.
[in] pbuf Specifies the buffer to which the data has to be copied to.
[in] size Specifies the maximum size of the buffer.
[in] flags Options flags
Return values:
Success - Number of bytes of data received successfully
Error - -1

int recvfrom ( SOCKET  s,
void *  pbuf,
int  size,
int  flags,
PSA  pName,
int *  plen 

This function attempts to receive data from a socket. It is normally called with unconnected, non-connection oriented sockets. The data is placed into the buffer specified by pbuf, up to a maximum length specified by size. The options in flags can be used to change the default behavior of the operation. The name (address) of the sender is written to pName.

[in] s Handle to a socket obtained using "socket" function call.
[in] pbuf Specifies the buffer to which the data has to be copied to.
[in] size Specifies the maximum size of the buffer.
[in] flags Options flags
[out] pName Pointer to place name (address) of sender
[out] plen Pointer to size of pName
Return values:
Success - Number of bytes of data received successfully
Error - -1

int recvnc ( SOCKET  s,
void **  ppbuf,
int  flags,
HANDLE *  phFrag 

This function is used to read data received on a specified socket without copying. This is supported only on IPv4/AF_INET family and Raw ethernet/AF_RAWETH sockets.

[in] s Handle to a socket obtained using "socket" function call.
[out] ppbuf Pointer to receive data buffer pointer.
[in] flags Options flags
[out] phFrag Pointer to receive buffer handle.
Return values:
Success - Number of bytes of data received successfully
Error - -1
Returns 0 on connection oriented sockets where the connection has been closed by the peer (or socket shutdown for read)

void recvncfree ( HANDLE  hFrag  ) 

This function is used to free data buffers obtained using recvnc() or recvncfrom() calls. This is supported only IPv4/AF_INET family sockets.

[in] hFrag Handle to receive buffer to free.
Return values:

int recvncfrom ( SOCKET  s,
void **  ppbuf,
int  flags,
PSA  pName,
int *  plen,
HANDLE *  phFrag 

This function attempts to receive data from a socket. It is normally called with unconnected, non-connection oriented sockets. A pointer to data is returned in ppbuf. A system handle used to free the buffer is returned in phFrag. Both of these pointers must be valid. The name (address) of the sender is written to pName. This function is only valid for IPv4/AF_INET family sockets.

[in] s Handle to a socket obtained using "socket" function call.
[out] ppbuf Pointer to receive data buffer pointer.
[in] flags Options flags
[out] pName Pointer to place name (address) of sender
[out] plen Pointer to size of pName
[out] phFrag Pointer to receive buffer handle.
Return values:
Success - Number of bytes of data received successfully
Error - -1
Returns 0 on connection oriented sockets where the connection has been closed by the peer (or socket shutdown for read)

int send ( SOCKET  s,
void *  pbuf,
int  size,
int  flags 

This function attempts to send data on a socket. It is used on connected sockets only. The data to send is contained in the buffer specified by pbuf, with a length specified by size. The options in flags can be used to change the default behavior of the operation. The functions returns the length of the data transmitted on successful completion.

[in] s Handle to a socket obtained using "socket" function call.
[in] pbuf Data buffer holding data to transmit
[in] size Size of data.
[in] flags Options flags
Return values:
Success - Number of bytes of data sent successfully
Error - -1

int sendnc ( SOCKET  s,
void *  pbuf,
int  size,
int  flags 

This function attempts to send data on a socket without copy. The data to send is contained in the buffer specified by pbuf, with a length specified by size. Also, a valid handle to the packet buffer hPkt needs to be specified. This packet handle and the buffer pointer should have been obtained from getsendncbuf() call before calling this API. The options in flags can be used to change the default behavior of the operation. The functions returns the length of the data transmitted on successful completion.

This API is currently only supported for AF_RAWETH family sockets.

[in] s Handle to a socket obtained using "socket" function call.
[in] pbuf Data buffer holding data to transmit
[in] size Size of data.
[in] hPkt packet handle obtained previously from getsendncbuf() call.
[in] flags Options flags
Return values:
Success - Number of bytes of data sent successfully
Error - -1

void sendncfree ( HANDLE  hFrag  ) 

This function is used to free data buffers obtained using getsendncbuff() calls. This is supported only for Raw ethernet socket / AF_RAWETH family sockets.

[in] hFrag Handle to receive buffer to free.
Return values:

int sendto ( SOCKET  s,
void *  pbuf,
int  size,
int  flags,
PSA  pName,
int  len 

This function attempts to send data on a socket to a specified destination. It is used on unconnected, non-connection oriented \ sockets only. The data to send is contained in the buffer specified by pbuf, with a length specified by size. The options in flags can be used to change the default behavior of the operation.

[in] s Handle to a socket obtained using "socket" function call.
[in] pbuf Data buffer holding data to transmit
[in] size Size of data.
[in] flags Options flags
[out] pName Pointer to name (address) of destination
[out] len size of pName
Return values:
Success - Number of bytes of data sent successfully
Error - -1

int setsockopt ( SOCKET  s,
int  level,
int  op,
void *  pbuf,
int  bufsize 

This function sets the option values associated with a socket.

[in] s Socket handle
[in] op Socket option to set
[in] pbuf Pointer to memory buffer
[in] bufsize Size of memory buffer pointed to by pbuf
Return values:
Success - 0
Error - -1

int shutdown ( SOCKET  s,
int  how 

This function causes all or part of a full-duplex connection on the socket associated with a socket to be shut down. If how is SHUT_RD (0), further receives will be disallowed. If how is SHUT_WR (1), further sends will be disallowed. If how is SHUT_RDWR (2), further sends and receives will be disallowed.

[in] s Handle to a socket obtained using "socket" function call.
[in] how Manner of shutdown.
Return values:
Success - 0
Error - -1

SOCKET socket ( int  domain,
int  type,
int  protocol 

This function creates a socket, an endpoint for communication and returns the socket in the form of a file descriptor.

[in] domain Socket domain/family. Valid values are AF_INET/AF_INET6.
[in] type Socket type (SOCK_DGRAM, SOCK_STREAM, SOCK_RAW).
[in] protocol Socket protocol (Normally IPPROTO_TCP or IPPROTO_UDP, but can be anything when type is set to SOCK_RAW)
Return values:
Success - socket handle

Copyright 2009, Texas Instruments Incorporated