src/stack/mld/mld.c File Reference

The file handles the Multicast Listner Discovery Protocol for IPv6. More...


int MLDTestGroup (NETIF_DEVICE *ptr_device, IP6N multicast_address)
int MLDJoinGroup (NETIF_DEVICE *ptr_device, IP6N multicast_address)
int MLDLeaveGroup (NETIF_DEVICE *ptr_device, IP6N multicast_address)

Detailed Description

The file handles the Multicast Listner Discovery Protocol for IPv6.

NOTE: (C) Copyright 2008, Texas Instruments, Inc.

Function Documentation

int MLDJoinGroup ( NETIF_DEVICE *  ptr_device,
IP6N  multicast_address 

This function is used to join a multicast group over a specific interface.

This is for *internal* NDK Stack Usage.

[in] ptr_device The pointer to the NIMU Network Interface object over which the multicast address is being joined.
[in] multicast_address IPv6 Multicast address being joined.
Return values:
0 - Success
<0 - Error

int MLDLeaveGroup ( NETIF_DEVICE *  ptr_device,
IP6N  multicast_address 

This function is used to leave a multicast group over a specific interface.

This is for *internal* NDK Stack Usage.

[in] ptr_device The pointer to the NIMU Network Interface object over which the multicast address is being left.
[in] multicast_address IPv6 Multicast address being left.
Return values:
0 - Success
<0 - Error

int MLDTestGroup ( NETIF_DEVICE *  ptr_device,
IP6N  multicast_address 

This function is called from the IPv6 Stack receive handler to verify if the address specified here has been joined or not?

This is for *internal* NDK Stack Usage.

[in] ptr_device Pointer to the Network Interface object on which the IPv6 packet was rxed.
[in] multicast_address This is the IPAddress from the Destination field of the IPv6 Packet.
Return values:
1 - Multicast Group has been joined
0 - The group has not been joined.

Copyright 2009, Texas Instruments Incorporated