EtherNet/IP™ Adapter  1.04.10
User Reference Manual
Time Sync Object (Class Code: 0x43)


The Time Sync Object provides a CIP interface to the IEEE 1588 (IEC 61588) Standard for a Precision Clock Synchronization Protocol for Networked Measurement and Control Systems, commonly referred to as the Precision Time Protocol (PTP). Refer to the IEEE 1588 (IEC 61588) Standard for additional details.

Any device supporting CIP Sync shall provide a single instance (Instance 1) of the Time Sync Object.

Instance attributes with application access
Attribute ID Access Rule NV Name Data Type Value Description
1 Get ¹,
NV PTPEnable BOOL 0 PTPEnable specifies the enable status for the Precision Time Protocol on the device.
13 PortEnableCfg STRUCT of PTP port enable config
NumberOfPorts UINT Number of PTP ports
PortNumber UINT PTP port number
Get ¹,
NV PortEnable UINT PTP port enable
14 PortLogAnnounceIntervalCfg STRUCT of PTP port log announce interval config
NumberOfPorts UINT Number of PTP ports
ARRAY of STRUCT PTP port log announce interval of each port
PortNumber UINT PTP port number
Get ¹,
NV PortLogAnnounceInterval UINT PTP port log announce interval
15 PortLogSyncIntervalCfg STRUCT of PTP port log sync interval config
NumberOfPorts UINT Number of PTP ports
PortNumber UINT PTP port number
Get ¹,
NV PortLogSyncInterval INT PTP port log sync interval
18 Get ¹,
NV DomainNumber USINT Domain number
19 Get V ClockType WORD 0x0190, End-to-End Transparent Clock, Ordinary Clock, Slave Only Clock type
20 Get,
Set ²
V ManufactureIdentity USINT[4] (implemented as char*) Manufacture identity
21 ProductDescription STRUCT of Product description
Size UDINT Size of product description
Set ²
V Description ARRAY of USINT Description
22 RevisionData STRUCT of Revision data
Size UDINT Size of revision data
Set ²
V Revision ARRAY of USINT Revision
23 UserDescription STRUCT of User description
Size UDINT Size of user description
Set ²
V Description ARRAY of USINT Description

Table Footnotes:
¹ Get access only with application's Get function
² Set access only with application's Set function


uint32_t EI_API_ADP_setTimeSyncSupported (T *pAdp_p)
 Enable Time Sync Object support. More...
uint32_t EI_API_ADP_getPtpEnable (T *pAdp_p, bool *pPtpEnable_p)
 Get the PTPEnable attribute of the Time Sync Object (Instance Attribute ID: 1). More...
uint32_t EI_API_ADP_setPtpEnable (T *pAdp_p, bool ptpEnable_p)
 Enable or disable PTP functionality in the Time Sync Object of the current adapter (Instance Attribute ID: 1). More...
uint32_t EI_API_ADP_getPortEnable (T *pAdp_p, bool *pPortEnable_p)
 Get the PortEnable attribute state of the Time Sync Object (Instance Attribute ID: 13). More...
uint32_t EI_API_ADP_setPortEnable (T *pAdp_p, bool portEnable_p)
 Set the port state of the Time Sync Object of the current adapter enable or disable (Instance Attribute ID: 13). More...
uint32_t EI_API_ADP_getPortLogAnnounceInterval (T *pAdp_p, uint16_t *pPortLogAnnounceInterval_p)
 Get the PortLogAnnounceInterval attribute of the Time Sync Object (Instance Attribute ID: 14). More...
uint32_t EI_API_ADP_setPortLogAnnounceInterval (T *pAdp_p, uint16_t portLogAnnounceInterval_p)
 Set the PortLogAnnounceInterval of the Time Sync object of the adapter (Instance Attribute ID: 14). More...
uint32_t EI_API_ADP_getPortLogSyncInterval (T *pAdp_p, int16_t *pPortLogSyncInterval_p)
 Get the PortLogSyncInterval member value of attribute PortLogSyncIntervalCfg of the Time Sync object (Instance Attribute ID: 15). More...
uint32_t EI_API_ADP_setPortLogSyncInterval (T *pAdp_p, int16_t portLogSyncInterval_p)
 Set the PortLogSyncInterval in attribute of the Time Sync object of the adapter (Instance Attribute ID: 15). More...
uint32_t EI_API_ADP_getDomainNumber (T *pAdp_p, uint8_t *pDomainNumber_p)
 Get the DomainNumber attribute of the Time Sync Object (Instance Attribute ID: 18). More...
uint32_t EI_API_ADP_setDomainNumber (T *pAdp_p, uint8_t domainNumber_p)
 Set the DomainNumber attribute of the Time Sync object of the adapter (Instance Attribute ID: 18). More...
uint32_t EI_API_ADP_getTimeSyncManufactureID (T *pAdp_p, char *pManufactureID_p)
 Get the ManufactureIdentity attribute of the Time Sync Object (Instance Attribute ID: 20). More...
uint32_t EI_API_ADP_setTimeSyncManufactureID (T *pAdp_p, const char *pManufactureID_p)
 Set the ManufactureIdentity attribute of the Time Sync object of the adapter (Instance Attribute ID: 20). More...
uint32_t EI_API_ADP_getTimeSyncProductDescription (T *pAdp_p, char *pProductDesc_p)
 Get the Description member of the ProductDescription attribute of the Time Sync Object (Instance Attribute ID: 21). More...
uint32_t EI_API_ADP_setTimeSyncProductDescription (T *pAdp_p, const char *pProductDesc_p)
 Set the Description member of the ProductDescription attribute of the Time Sync object of the adapter (Instance Attribute ID: 21). More...
uint32_t EI_API_ADP_getTimeSyncRevisionData (T *pAdp_p, char *pRevisionData_p)
 Get the Revision member of the RevisionData attribute of the Time Sync object (Instance Attribute ID: 22). More...
uint32_t EI_API_ADP_setTimeSyncRevisionData (T *pAdp_p, const char *pRevisionData_p)
 Set the RevisionData attribute of the Time Sync object of the adapter(Instance Attribute ID: 22). More...
uint32_t EI_API_ADP_getTimeSyncUserDescription (T *pAdp_p, char *pUserDescription_p)
 Get the Description member of the UserDescription attribute of the Time Sync object (Instance Attribute ID: 23). More...
uint32_t EI_API_ADP_setTimeSyncUserDescription (T *pAdp_p, const char *pUserDescription_p)
 Set the Description member of UserDescription attribute of the Time Sync object of the adapter (Instance Attribute ID: 23). More...