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TI BLE5-Stack API Documentation
▼ATT / GATT | This module implements the Attribute Protocol and Generic Attribute Protocol |
►ATT / GATT Constants | |
►ATT / GATT Stuctures | |
ATT API Functions | |
▼ECC ROM driver | ECC ROM driver implementation for a CC26XX device |
▼Flash Interface | An interface that abstracts flash operations for OAD this allows on-chip and off-chip OAD to use the same flash APIs |
Macros and constants for external flash | |
▼GAP | This module implements the Generic Access Protocol (GAP) |
GAP Callbacks | |
►GAP Constants | |
►GAP Events | |
GAP Parameters | |
GAP Structures | |
▼GAP GATT Server | This module implements the GAP Attribute Server |
GAP GATT Server Parameters | |
▼GAPBondMgr | |
GAP Bond Manager Callbacks | |
►GAP Bond Manager Constants | |
GAP Bond Manager Pairing State Events | |
GAP Bond Manager Parameters | |
GAP Bond Manager Structures | |
▼GATTServApp | This module implements the GATT Server App |
GATT Server App Callbacks | |
►GATT Server App Constants | |
GATT Server App Structures | |
▼Gap Advertiser | This module implements the Host Advertiser |
GapAdv Callbacks | |
GapAdv Constants | |
GapAdv Events | |
GapAdv Params | |
GapAdv Structures | |
▼Gap Initiator | This module implements the Host Initiator |
►GapInit Constants | |
GapInit Params | |
GapInit Structures | |
▼Gap Scanner | This module implements the Host Scanner |
GapScan Callbacks | |
►GapScan Constants | |
GapScan Events | |
GapScan Params | |
GapScan Structures | |
▼HCI | |
►HCI Constants | |
HCI Events | |
▼ICall | This module implements the Indirect Call Layer |
ICall Constants | |
ICall Data Structures | |
▼L2CAP | This module implements the Logical Link Control and Adaption Protocol |
L2CAP Callbacks | |
►L2CAP Constants | |
L2CAP Data Structures | |
L2CAP Events | |
▼LinkDB | |
►GapInit Constants | |
LinkDB Structures | |
▼OAD BLE Profile | BLE Profile implementation of the TI over the air download solution. This file is responsible for processing data from the BLE-Stack, passing this data to the application, and processing queued OAD events as well as the OAD state machine |
OAD Events | |
OAD Extended Control Command op codes | |
OAD Service Indexes | |
OAD Service UUIDs | |
OAD return status codes | |
OAD External Flash Layout | Contains common structures and defines related to external flash layout as it for the OAD usecase |
▼OAD Image Header | Structure definition for image header and segments, these are prepended to the over the air images |
OAD Image Header offsets | |
OAD image lengths | |
OAD image types | |
OAD segment op codes | |
OAD wireless technology fields | |
▼TRNG driver | TRNG driver implementation for a CC26XX device |
Util | This module implements Utility function |