TI BLE5-Stack API Documentation
File List
Here is a list of all documented files with brief descriptions:
 att.hATT layer interface
 bcomdef.hType definitions and macros for BLE stack
 comdef.hCommon Defines
 ECCROMCC26XX.hECC ROM driver implementation for a CC26XX device
 ext_flash_layout.hContains common structures and defines related to external flash layout as it for the OAD usecase
 flash_interface.hAn interface that abstracts flash operations for OAD this allows on-chip and off-chip OAD to use the same flash APIs
 gap.hGAP layer interface
 gap_advertiser.hGAP Advertiser layer interface
 gap_initiator.hGAP Initiator layer interface
 gap_scanner.hGAP Scanner layer interface
 gatt.hGATT layer interface
 gattservapp.hGATTServApp layer interface
 hci.hHCI layer interface
 hci_tl.hTypes, constants, external functions etc. for the BLE HCI Transport Layer
 icall.hICall layer interface
 icall_addrs.hStack image address information specific to build
 icall_cc26xx_defs.hIndirect function Call dispatcher constant definitions specific to CC26xx platform
 l2cap.hL2CAP layer interface
 oad.hThis file contains OAD Profile header file
 oad_image_header.hStructure definition for image header and segments, these are prepended to the over the air images
 osal.hThis API allows the software components in the Z-Stack to be written independently of the specifics of the operating system, kernel, or tasking environment (including control loops or connect-to-interrupt systems)
 osal_memory.hHis module defines the OSAL memory control functions
 sm.hThis file contains the interface to the SM
 TRNGCC26XX.hTRNG driver implementation for a CC26XX device
 util.hUtil layer interface
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