TI BLE5-Stack API Documentation
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hci.h File Reference

Detailed Description

HCI layer interface.

Go to the source code of this file.

Data Structures

union  _hciEvt_BLEConnComplete_u_
 LE Connection Complete Event. More...
struct  hciDataPacket_t
 HCI Data Packet. More...
struct  hciEvt_AptoExpired_t
 Authenticated Payload Timeout Expired Event. More...
struct  hciEvt_BLEAdvPktReport_t
 LE Advertising Packet Report Event. More...
struct  hciEvt_BLEChanSelAlgo_t
 LE Channel Selection Algorithm Event. More...
struct  hciEvt_BLEConnComplete_t
 LE Connection Complete Event. More...
struct  hciEvt_BLEConnUpdateComplete_t
 LE Connection Update Complete Event. More...
struct  hciEvt_BLEDataLengthChange_t
 LE Data Length Change Event. More...
struct  hciEvt_BLEEnhConnComplete_t
 LE Enhanced Connection Complete Event. More...
struct  hciEvt_BLEGenDHKeyComplete_t
 LE Generate DHKey Complete Event. More...
struct  hciEvt_BLELTKReq_t
 LE Long Term Key Requested Event. More...
struct  hciEvt_BLEPhyUpdateComplete_t
 LE Phy Update Complete Event. More...
struct  hciEvt_BLEReadP256PublicKeyComplete_t
 LE Read P256 Public Key Complete Event. More...
struct  hciEvt_BLEReadRemoteFeatureComplete_t
 LE Read Remote Used Features Complete Event. More...
struct  hciEvt_BLERemoteConnParamReq_t
 LE Remote Connection Parameter Request Event. More...
struct  hciEvt_BLEScanReqReport_t
 VS LE Scan Request Report Event. More...
struct  hciEvt_BufferOverflow_t
 Data Buffer Overflow Event. More...
struct  hciEvt_CmdComplete_t
 Command Complete Event. More...
struct  hciEvt_CommandStatus_t
 Command Status Event. More...
struct  hciEvt_DevInfo_t
 LE Advertising Report Event. More...
struct  hciEvt_DisconnComplete_t
 Disconnection Complete Event. More...
struct  hciEvt_EncryptChange_t
 LE Encryption Change Event. More...
struct  hciEvt_HardwareError_t
 Hardware Error Event. More...
struct  hciEvt_NumCompletedPkt_t
 Number of Completed Packets Event. More...
struct  hciEvt_VSCmdComplete_t
 Vendor Specific Command Complete Event. More...
struct  hciPacket_t
 HCI Packet event. More...
struct  hciRetParam_LeReadBufSize_t
 Data structure for HCI Command Complete Event Return Parameter. More...


 Continuing Packet.
 First Packet Controller to Host.
 First Host to Controller Packet.
#define HCI_ADV_CHAN_37   LL_ADV_CHAN_37
 Channel 37.
#define HCI_ADV_CHAN_38   LL_ADV_CHAN_38
 Channel 38.
#define HCI_ADV_CHAN_39   LL_ADV_CHAN_39
 Channel 39.
 All Channels.
 Any Request.
 All Requests.
 Connection Inidication.
 Scan Requests.
 Connectable Directed High Duty Cycle Advertising.
 Connectable Directed Low Duty Cycle Advertising.
 Connectable Undirected Advertising.
 ACL Off, Synchronous On.
 ACL On, Synchronous Off.
 ACL On, Synchronous On.
 Controller to Host Flow Controll Off.
 Device Privacy.
 Advertising Disable.
 Authentication Failure.
 Key Paring Not Supported.
 Remote Device Low Resources.
 Remote Device Power Off.
 Remote User Terminated.
 Unnaceptable Connection Interval.
 Unsupported Remote Feature.
 Stable Modulation.
 Standard Modulation.
 Advertising Enable.
 ACL Connection Already Exists.
 Authentication Fialure.
 Channel Assessment Not Supported.
 Command Disallowed.
 Coarse Clock Adjust Rejected.
 Connection Acceptance Timeout Exceeded.
 Connection Failed to Establish.
 Connection Limit Exceeded.
 Connection Rejected due to Limited Resources.
 Connection Rejected No Suitable Channel Found.
 Connection Rejected for Security Reasons.
 Connection Rejected due to Unacceptable BDADDR.
 Connection Terminated by Local Host.
 Connection Terminated due to MIC Failure.
 Connection Timeout.
 Controller Busy.
 Different Transaction Collision.
 Directed Advertising Timeout.
 Encrypt Mode not Acceptable.
 Extended Inquiry Response too Large.
 Host Busy Pairing.
 Hardware Failure.
 Instant Passed.
 Insufficient Security.
 Invalid HCI Command Parameters.
 Invalid LMP Paramaters.
 Limit Reached.
 Link Key Can Not Be Changed.
 LMP Error Transaction Collision.
 LMP LL Response Timeout.
 LMP DU Not Allowed.
 MAC Connection Failed.
 Memory Capability Exceeded.
 Operation Canceled by Host.
 Page Timeout.
 Pairing Not Allowed.
 Pairing with Unit Key Not Supported.
 Parameter out of Mandatory Range.
 Pin Key Missing.
 QOS Reject.
 QOS Unacceptable Parameter.
 Remote Device Terminated Connection due to Low Resources.
 Remote Device Terminated Connection due to Power Off.
 Remote User Terminated Connection.
 Repeated Attempts.
 Request QOS Not Supported.
 Reserved Slot Violation.
 Role Change Not Allowed.
 Role Switch Failed.
 Role Switch Pending.
 SCO Air Mode Rejected.
 SCO Interval Rejected.
 SCO Offset Rejected.
 Simple Pairing Not Supported by Host.
 Synchonous Connection Limit Exceeded.
 Type0 Submap Not Defined.
 Unacceptable Connection Parameters.
 Unknown Advertising Identifier.
 Unknown Connection ID.
 Unknown HCI Command.
 Unknown LMP PDU.
 Unspecified Error.
 Unsupported Paramter.
 Unsupported LMP Parameter Value.
 Unsupported Remote Feature.
 Tx Continuously.
 NV in Use.
 NV Not in Use.
 Hard Reset.
 Soft Reset.
 High Gain.
 Standard Gain.
 0 dBm
 1 dBm
 2 dBm
 3 dBm
 4 dBm
 5 dBm
 -12 dBm
 -15 dBm
 -18 dBm
 -21 dBm
 3 dBm
 6 dBm
 9 dBm
 Use Peer Address.
 Use Whitelist.
 ACL Buffer Overflow.
 SCO Buffer Overflow.
 Max Num Command Buffer.
 Network Privacy.
 Nonconnectable Undirected Advertising.
#define HCI_PHY_1_MBPS   LL_PHY_1_MBPS
 1 Mbps
#define HCI_PHY_2_MBPS   LL_PHY_2_MBPS
 2 Mbps
 Use any Phy.
 Use Phy Param.
 Tune Down.
 Tune Up.
 Public Device Address.
 Random Device Address.
 Read Current TX Power Level.
 Read Max TX Power Level.
 Invalid RSSI.
 Active Scan.
 Passive Scan.
 Scan Start.
 Scan Stop.
 Any Advertising Packets.
 Use Whitelist.
 Scannable Undirected Advertising.
#define HCI_SUCCESS   0x00


typedef union _hciEvt_BLEConnComplete_u_ hciEvt_BLEConnComplete_u
 LE Connection Complete Event.


hciStatus_t HCI_EXT_BuildRevisionCmd (uint8 mode, uint16 userRevNum)
hciStatus_t HCI_EXT_ConnEventNoticeCmd (uint16 connHandle, uint8 taskID, uint16 taskEvent)
hciStatus_t HCI_EXT_DecryptCmd (uint8 *key, uint8 *encText)
hciStatus_t HCI_EXT_DisconnectImmedCmd (uint16 connHandle)
hciStatus_t HCI_EXT_EnablePTMCmd (void)
hciStatus_t HCI_EXT_EndModemTestCmd (void)
hciStatus_t HCI_EXT_EnhancedModemHopTestTxCmd (uint8 payloadLen, uint8 payloadType, uint8 rfPhy)
hciStatus_t HCI_EXT_EnhancedModemTestRxCmd (uint8 rfPhy, uint8 rfChan)
hciStatus_t HCI_EXT_EnhancedModemTestTxCmd (uint8 cwMode, uint8 rfPhy, uint8 rfChan)
hciStatus_t HCI_EXT_ModemHopTestTxCmd (void)
hciStatus_t HCI_EXT_ModemTestRxCmd (uint8 rxChan)
hciStatus_t HCI_EXT_ModemTestTxCmd (uint8 cwMode, uint8 txChan)
hciStatus_t HCI_EXT_NumComplPktsLimitCmd (uint8 limit, uint8 flushOnEvt)
hciStatus_t HCI_EXT_OnePktPerEvtCmd (uint8 control)
hciStatus_t HCI_EXT_PacketErrorRateCmd (uint16 connHandle, uint8 command)
hciStatus_t HCI_EXT_PERbyChanCmd (uint16 connHandle, perByChan_t *perByChan)
hciStatus_t HCI_EXT_ResetSystemCmd (uint8 mode)
hciStatus_t HCI_EXT_SaveFreqTuneCmd (void)
hciStatus_t HCI_EXT_SetDtmTxPktCntCmd (uint16 txPktCnt)
hciStatus_t HCI_EXT_SetFastTxResponseTimeCmd (uint8 control)
hciStatus_t HCI_EXT_SetFreqTuneCmd (uint8 step)
hciStatus_t HCI_EXT_SetLocalSupportedFeaturesCmd (uint8 *localFeatures)
hciStatus_t HCI_EXT_SetMaxDataLenCmd (uint16 txOctets, uint16 txTime, uint16 rxOctets, uint16 rxTime)
hciStatus_t HCI_EXT_SetMaxDtmTxPowerCmd (uint8 txPower)
hciStatus_t HCI_EXT_SetRxGainCmd (uint8 rxGain)
hciStatus_t HCI_EXT_SetSCACmd (uint16 scaInPPM)
hciStatus_t HCI_EXT_SetTxPowerCmd (uint8 txPower)
hciStatus_t HCI_HostNumCompletedPktCmd (uint8 numHandles, uint16 *connHandles, uint16 *numCompletedPkts)
hciStatus_t HCI_LE_AddDeviceToResolvingListCmd (uint8 peerIdAddrType, uint8 *peerIdAddr, uint8 *peerIRK, uint8 *localIRK)
hciStatus_t HCI_LE_AddWhiteListCmd (uint8 addrType, uint8 *devAddr)
hciStatus_t HCI_LE_ClearResolvingListCmd (void)
hciStatus_t HCI_LE_ClearWhiteListCmd (void)
hciStatus_t HCI_LE_EncryptCmd (uint8 *key, uint8 *plainText)
hciStatus_t HCI_LE_EnhancedRxTestCmd (uint8 rxChan, uint8 rxPhy, uint8 modIndex)
hciStatus_t HCI_LE_EnhancedTxTestCmd (uint8 txChan, uint8 payloadLen, uint8 payloadType, uint8 txPhy)
hciStatus_t HCI_LE_RandCmd (void)
hciStatus_t HCI_LE_ReadBufSizeCmd (void)
hciStatus_t HCI_LE_ReadChannelMapCmd (uint16 connHandle)
hciStatus_t HCI_LE_ReadLocalResolvableAddressCmd (uint8 localIdAddrType, uint8 *localIdAddr)
hciStatus_t HCI_LE_ReadLocalSupportedFeaturesCmd (void)
hciStatus_t HCI_LE_ReadMaxDataLenCmd (void)
hciStatus_t HCI_LE_ReadPeerResolvableAddressCmd (uint8 peerIdAddrType, uint8 *peerIdAddr)
hciStatus_t HCI_LE_ReadPhyCmd (uint16 connHandle)
hciStatus_t HCI_LE_ReadRemoteUsedFeaturesCmd (uint16 connHandle)
hciStatus_t HCI_LE_ReadResolvingListSizeCmd (void)
hciStatus_t HCI_LE_ReadSuggestedDefaultDataLenCmd (void)
hciStatus_t HCI_LE_ReadSupportedStatesCmd (void)
hciStatus_t HCI_LE_ReadWhiteListSizeCmd (void)
hciStatus_t HCI_LE_ReceiverTestCmd (uint8 rxChan)
hciStatus_t HCI_LE_RemoveDeviceFromResolvingListCmd (uint8 peerIdAddrType, uint8 *peerIdAddr)
hciStatus_t HCI_LE_RemoveWhiteListCmd (uint8 addrType, uint8 *devAddr)
hciStatus_t HCI_LE_SetDataLenCmd (uint16 connHandle, uint16 txOctets, uint16 txTime)
hciStatus_t HCI_LE_SetDefaultPhyCmd (uint8 allPhys, uint8 txPhy, uint8 rxPhy)
hciStatus_t HCI_LE_SetEventMaskCmd (uint8 *pEventMask)
hciStatus_t HCI_LE_SetHostChanClassificationCmd (uint8 *chanMap)
hciStatus_t HCI_LE_SetPhyCmd (uint16 connHandle, uint8 allPhys, uint8 txPhy, uint8 rxPhy, uint16 phyOpts)
hciStatus_t HCI_LE_SetPrivacyModeCmd (uint8 peerIdAddrType, uint8 *peerIdAddr, uint8 privacyMode)
hciStatus_t HCI_LE_SetResolvablePrivateAddressTimeoutCmd (uint16 rpaTimeout)
hciStatus_t HCI_LE_TestEndCmd (void)
hciStatus_t HCI_LE_TransmitterTestCmd (uint8 txChan, uint8 dataLen, uint8 pktPayload)
hciStatus_t HCI_LE_WriteSuggestedDefaultDataLenCmd (uint16 txOctets, uint16 txTime)
hciStatus_t HCI_ReadAuthPayloadTimeoutCmd (uint16 connHandle, uint16 *aptoValue)
hciStatus_t HCI_ReadBDADDRCmd (void)
hciStatus_t HCI_ReadLocalSupportedCommandsCmd (void)
hciStatus_t HCI_ReadLocalSupportedFeaturesCmd (void)
hciStatus_t HCI_ReadLocalVersionInfoCmd (void)
hciStatus_t HCI_ReadRemoteVersionInfoCmd (uint16 connHandle)
hciStatus_t HCI_ReadRssiCmd (uint16 connHandle)
hciStatus_t HCI_ReadTransmitPowerLevelCmd (uint16 connHandle, uint8 txPwrType)
hciStatus_t HCI_ResetCmd (void)
hciStatus_t HCI_SetEventMaskCmd (uint8 *pMask)
hciStatus_t HCI_SetEventMaskPage2Cmd (uint8 *pMask)
hciStatus_t HCI_WriteAuthPayloadTimeoutCmd (uint16 connHandle, uint16 aptoValue)
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