ti | |
ipc | |
GateMP.h | Multiple processor gate that provides local and remote context protection |
HeapBufMP.h | Multi-processor fixed-size buffer heap implementation |
HeapMemMP.h | Multi-processor variable size buffer heap implementation |
Ipc.h | Ipc Manager |
ListMP.h | Multiple processor shared memory list |
MessageQ.h | MessageQ Manager |
MultiProc.h | Processor ID Manager |
NameServer.h | NameServer Manager |
Notify.h | Notification manager for IPC |
SharedRegion.h | Shared memory manager and address translator |
syslink | |
utils | |
Cache.h | Defines Cache API interface |
Cfg.h | Configuration Helper Utilities |
Dev.h | Defines Dev API interface |
Gate.h | Critical section support |
GateMonitor.h | Header file for Gate based on Monitor |
GateMutex.h | Gate based on Mutex |
GateProcess.h | Process level gate |
GateSem.h | Header file for Gate based on Semaphore |
GateSpinlock.h | Gate based on Spinlock |
IGateProvider.h | Interface implemented by all gate providers |
IHeap.h | Defines Heap based memory allocator |
IpcMemMgr.h | IPC Memory Manager |
List.h | Creates a doubly linked list. It works as utils for other modules |
Memory.h | Memory manager interface definitions |
MemoryDefs.h | Definitions for Memory module |
MemoryOS.h | Memory abstraction APIs for local memory allocation |
OsalPrint.h | Kernel utils Print interface definitions |
OsalSemaphore.h | Kernel utils Semaphore interface definitions |
ResTrack.h | Resource Tracker utility module |
String.h | Defines for String manipulation library |
SyslinkMemMgr.h | Header file implementing Memory manager. It is a wrapper implementation to support Shared memory allocation using heap address translations using shared region or Tiler buffer allocation using tiler buffer manager and address translations |
Trace.h | Kernel Trace enabling/disabling/application interface |
FrameQ.h | Defines for interfaces for FrameQ module. (Deprecated) |
FrameQ_ShMem.h | Header file for FrameQ on SharedMemory interface. (Deprecated) |
FrameQBufMgr.h | Defines for interfaces for FrameQBufMgr module. (Deprecated) |
FrameQBufMgr_ShMem.h | Header file for FrameQBufMgr ShMem. (Deprecated) |
FrameQBufMgrDefs.h | Defines configurable elements for FrameQBufMgr module |
FrameQDefs.h | Defines configurable elements for FrameQ module. (Deprecated) |
IpcHost.h | This file contains APIs and defines that are used by applications only on the host-side of the device |
ProcMgr.h | The Processor Manager on a master processor provides control functionality for a slave device |
RingIO.h | RingIO module |
RingIOShm.h | RingIOShm shared memory based physical transport for communication with another client |
Std.h | This will have definitions of standard data types for platform abstraction |
SysLink.h | This module contains common definitions, types, structures and functions used by SysLink |