Booting over Ethernet (Ethernet RGMII)
This section documents how to configure the DHCP/BOOTP server to load bootloaders on to AM62x family of SoCs in Ethernet RGMII Boot mode. Booting U-Boot from the network
AM62x family of SoCs supports loading SPL and U-Boot over the network using DHCP/BOOTP protocol. The DHCP server replying to DHCP/BOOTP requests from the SoC must provide filename to be fetched over TFTP for each stage depending on the Vendor-Class-Identifier (VCI) DHCP field specified in the request. VCI DHCP field is filled out by the ROM and subsequent stages and corresponding binaries files to be sent over TFTP are listed in the table below.
Board |
Defconfigs |
Supported interfaces |
R5 SPL |
A53 SPL |
AM62x SK |
CPSW NUSS Ethernet |
VCI: TI K3 Bootp Boot
VCI: AM62X U-Boot R5 SPL
VCI: AM62X U-Boot A53 SPL
Ethernet RGMII boot is supported over RGMII1 (First port) on AM62x SoC.
CPSW PHYs should be strapped as per ROM’s expectation described in part’s TRM.
When the link info Bootmode pin is enabled, this means no auto-negotiation or reading of the Ethernet PHY is needed since the ROM will assume the link is up at 1Gbps, full duplex mode.
Disable link info Bootmode pin so that ROM can identify the PHY and establishes link with the supported speed and duplex mode.
Please note that due to MDIO corruption (Errata i2329), booting over Ethernet is not recommended for production purposes.
If using ISC dhcpd an example host entry would look like this:
subnet netmask
range dynamic-bootp;
if substring (option vendor-class-identifier, 0, 16) = "TI K3 Bootp Boot"
filename "tiboot3.bin";
} elsif substring (option vendor-class-identifier, 0, 20) = "AM62X U-Boot R5 SPL"
filename "tispl.bin";
} elsif substring (option vendor-class-identifier, 0, 21) = "AM62X U-Boot A53 SPL"
filename "u-boot.img";
default-lease-time 60000;
max-lease-time 720000;
A walk through of these steps to setup isc-dhcp-server on Ubuntu can be found at here.