TI BLE-Stack for Bluetooth 4.2 API Documentation
GAP Event IDs



Detailed Description

Macro Definition Documentation



Sent when the Advertising Data or SCAN_RSP Data has been updated. This event is sent as an OSAL message defined as gapAdvDataUpdateEvent_t.



Sent when the Authentication (pairing) process is complete. This event is sent as an OSAL message defined as gapAuthCompleteEvent_t.



Sent when pairing fails, no GAP_AUTHENTICATION_COMPLETE_EVENT is sent and GBM_QUEUE_PAIRINGS is defined in the stack project. This event is sent as an OSAL message defined as osal_event_hdr_t.



Sent when the bonding(bound) process is complete. This event is sent as an OSAL message defined as gapBondCompleteEvent_t.



Sent when the Device Discovery Process is complete. This event is sent as an OSAL message defined as gapDevDiscEvent_t.



Sent during the Device Discovery Process when a device is discovered. This event is sent as an OSAL message defined as gapDeviceInfoEvent_t.



Sent resulting from GAP_DeviceInit when the Device Initialization is complete. This event is sent as an OSAL message defined as gapDeviceInitDoneEvent_t.



Sent when the Advertising has ended. This event is sent as an OSAL message defined as gapEndDiscoverableRspEvent_t.



Sent when the Establish Link Request is complete. This event is sent as an OSAL message defined as gapEstLinkReqEvent_t.



Sent when a Parameter Update Event is received. This event is sent as an OSAL message defined as gapLinkUpdateEvent_t.



Sent when a connection was terminated. This event is sent as an OSAL message defined as gapTerminateLinkEvent_t.



Sent when the Make Discoverable Request is complete. This event is sent as an OSAL message defined as gapMakeDiscoverableRspEvent_t.



Sent when an unexpected Pairing Request is received. This event is sent as an OSAL message defined as gapPairingReqEvent_t.



Sent when a Passkey is needed. This is part of the pairing process. This event is sent as an OSAL message defined as gapPasskeyNeededEvent_t.



Sent when a random address was changed. This event is sent as an OSAL message defined as gapRandomAddrEvent_t.



Sent when the device's signature counter is updated. This event is sent as an OSAL message defined as gapSignUpdateEvent_t.



Sent when a Slave Security Request is received. This event is sent as an OSAL message defined as gapSlaveSecurityReqEvent_t.



Sent when a Connection Parameter Update Request is received. This event is sent as an OSAL message defined as gapUpdateLinkParamReqEvent_t. The application should respond with GAP_UpdateLinkParamReqReply

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