
Continuous time comparator

The COMPA peripheral is a high-performance continuous time comparator that supports:

  • Positive input from:
    • Analog-capable I/O pins
  • Negative input/reference from:
    • Analog-capable I/O pins
    • Internal chip voltages (see the COMPA_REF_XYZ constants)
    • Reference DAC

The ISRC peripheral can be used to drive a current into the external node that the COMPA positive input signal is connected to.

The Reference DAC can be used to precharge the external node that the COMPA positive input signal is connected to. Note that any resistive load on this external node will affect the voltage generated by the Reference DAC. Also note that the Reference DAC can only drive one reference / external node at a time.

Capacitive Touch

For capacitive touch sensing, COMPA is used together with the ISRC and TDC peripherals. ISRC will then drive an internal reference voltage for COMPA, nominally 0.8 V, while charging the capacitance that is also connected to the COMPA input. The time from start of charging until the COMPA output goes high is measured using the TDC.

The 0.8 V internal reference voltage generated by ISRC can be changed by:

  • Connecting the COMPA reference node through an external resistor to ground, in parallel with the internal 400 kOhm resistor
  • Disconnecting the internal 400 kOhm resistor

Block Diagram

The block diagram shows signal routing for COMPA and ISRC (with I/O pins for 7x7 RGZ package):



Reading COMPA Output

// Enable COMPA

// Select COMPA reference and input

... Do other tasks while the COMPA output stabilizes

// Check the COMPA output

// Disable COMPA

Capacitive Touch Sensing

// Enable COMPA, including 2 uA through 400 kOhm = 0.8 V reference voltage for COMPA

// Enable ISRC (6.5 uA)
U16 current = BV_ISRC_CURR_2P0U | BV_ISRC_CURR_4P5U;

// Select 2 x 48 MHz from RCOSC_HF as TDC counter clock source

// Enable the TDC with start trigger on ISRC reset release and stop trigger on COMPA

// For each pin ...
for (U16 n = 0; n < PIN_COUNT; n++) {

    // Select COMPA input/ISRC output

    // Prepare the TDC and trigger start of measurement

    // Wait for the TDC stop trigger for 80 us

    // Re-clamp the pin to ground

    // Get the TDC counter value
    tdcGetValue(output.pTdcValueH[n], output.pTdcValueL[n]);

// Disable COMPA, ISRC and TDC

Output Signal Observation

// Connect the COMPA output to a GPIO pin

Procedures Overview

Name Brief description
compaConnectCapTouchRefIntRes() Connects the internal 400 kOhm resistor for the COMPA 0.8 V capactive touch reference. More …
compaDisable() Disables the COMPA peripheral. More …
compaDisconnectCapTouchRefIntRes() Disconnects the internal 400 kOhm resistor for the COMPA 0.8 V capactive touch reference. More …
compaEnable() Enables the COMPA peripheral. More …
compaEnableWithCapTouchRef() Enables the COMPA peripheral with 0.8 V (nominal) reference generated by ISRC. More …
compaGetOutput() Returns whether the COMPA output is low (input below reference) or high (input above reference). More …
compaSelectGpioInput() Selects a GPIO pin as input for COMPA. More …
compaSelectGpioRef() Selects a GPIO pin as reference for COMPA. More …
compaSelectIntRef() Selects an internal voltage source as reference for COMPA. More …


Name Description
COMPA_PWRMODE_ACTIVE Power mode support: COMPA can be used in active power mode only
COMPA_PWRMODE_ANY Power mode support: COMPA can be used in any power mode
COMPA_REF_ADC_REF Use the ADC reference as COMPA reference
COMPA_REF_DCOUPL Use the DCOUPL pin as COMPA reference
COMPA_REF_NONE Use no COMPA reference
COMPA_REF_VDDS Use the VDDS pin as COMPA reference
COMPA_REF_VSS Use the VSS/GND pin as COMPA reference

Global Variables




Prototype: compaConnectCapTouchRefIntRes()

Connects the internal 400 kOhm resistor for the COMPA 0.8 V capactive touch reference.

If another resistor is connected to an analog GPIO, this allows for switching between two COMPA reference voltages.


Prototype: compaDisable()

Disables the COMPA peripheral.


Prototype: compaDisconnectCapTouchRefIntRes()

Disconnects the internal 400 kOhm resistor for the COMPA 0.8 V capactive touch reference.

If another resistor is connected to an analog GPIO, this allows for switching between two COMPA reference voltages.


Prototype: compaEnable(#pwrModeSupport)

Enables the COMPA peripheral.

Parameter value(s)

  • #pwrModeSupport : Support use of COMPA in any power mode (COMPA_PWRMODE_ANY) or active power mode only (COMPA_PWRMODE_ACTIVE)


Prototype: compaEnableWithCapTouchRef()

Enables the COMPA peripheral with 0.8 V (nominal) reference generated by ISRC. This is used in capacitive touch sensing.

Because of the ISRC dependency, this functionality can only be used in active mode.


Prototype: compaGetOutput(value)

Returns whether the COMPA output is low (input below reference) or high (input above reference).

Return value(s)

  • value : The comparator output value, 0 if low, 1 if high


Prototype: compaSelectGpioInput(auxio)

Selects a GPIO pin as input for COMPA.

The same pin is used as output for ISRC.

Parameter value(s)

  • auxio : External input selection (index of AUX I/O pin)


Prototype: compaSelectGpioRef(auxio)

Selects a GPIO pin as reference for COMPA.

Any previous reference source, including the Reference DAC, is disconnected before the GPIO pin is connected.

Parameter value(s)

  • auxio : External reference selection (index of AUX I/O pin)


Prototype: compaSelectIntRef(intRef)

Selects an internal voltage source as reference for COMPA.

Any previous reference source, including the Reference DAC, is disconnected before the internal voltage source is connected.

Parameter value(s)

  • intRef : Internal reference selection (COMPA_REF_XYZ).