Spi.h File Reference


This file contains interface header for SPI MCAL driver.

Go to the source code of this file.

Data Structures

struct  Spi_ChannelConfigType
 SPI Channel configuration structure. More...
struct  Spi_McspiExternalDeviceConfigType
 SPI Job configuration structure specific to McSPI peripheral. More...
struct  Spi_ExternalDeviceConfigType
 SPI external device specific configuration structure . More...
struct  Spi_JobConfigType
 SPI Job configuration structure. More...
struct  Spi_SeqConfigType
 SPI Sequence configuration structure. More...
struct  Spi_HwUnitConfigType
 SPI Hardware unit configuration structure. More...
struct  Spi_ConfigType
 SPI config structure. More...
struct  Spi_ChannelConfigType_PC
 SPI channel config structure parameters Pre-Compile only. More...
struct  Spi_JobConfigType_PC
 SPI job config structure parameters Pre-Compile only. More...
struct  Spi_SeqConfigType_PC
 SPI sequence config structure parameters Pre-Compile only. More...
struct  Spi_RegisterReadbackType
 SPI register readback structure. More...


#define SPI_MCSPI_FCLK   (48000000U)
 MCSPI functional clock input in Hz. This clock is used to generate the serial clock output after the divider. More...
SPI Driver Module SW Version Info

Defines for SPI Driver version used for compatibility checks

 Driver Implementation Major Version. More...
 Driver Implementation Minor Version. More...
 Driver Implementation Patch Version. More...
SPI Driver Module AUTOSAR Version Info

Defines for SPI Driver AUTOSAR version used for compatibility checks

 AUTOSAR Major version specification implemented by SPI Driver. More...
 AUTOSAR Minor version specification implemented by SPI Driver. More...
 AUTOSAR Patch version specification implemented by SPI Driver. More...
SPI Driver ID Info
#define SPI_VENDOR_ID   ((uint16) 44U)
 Texas Instruments Vendor ID. More...
#define SPI_MODULE_ID   ((uint16) 83U)
 SPI Driver Module ID. More...
#define SPI_INSTANCE_ID   ((uint8) 0U)
 SPI Driver Instance ID. More...
SPI Buffer Definition
#define SPI_IB   (0U)
 Buffer definitions IB - internal buffers. More...
#define SPI_EB   (1U)
 Buffer definitions EB - external buffers. Only this is supported. More...
#define SPI_IB_EB   (2U)
 Buffer definitions IB/EB - internal/external buffers. More...
SPI Error Codes

Error codes returned by SPI functions

#define SPI_E_PARAM_CHANNEL   ((uint8) 0x0AU)
 API service called with wrong parameter. More...
#define SPI_E_PARAM_JOB   ((uint8) 0x0BU)
 API service called with wrong parameter. More...
#define SPI_E_PARAM_SEQ   ((uint8) 0x0CU)
 API service called with wrong parameter. More...
#define SPI_E_PARAM_LENGTH   ((uint8) 0x0DU)
 API service called with wrong parameter. More...
#define SPI_E_PARAM_UNIT   ((uint8) 0x0EU)
 API service called with wrong parameter. More...
#define SPI_E_PARAM_POINTER   ((uint8) 0x10U)
 APIs called with a Null Pointer. More...
#define SPI_E_UNINIT   ((uint8) 0x1AU)
 API service used without module initiali-zation. More...
#define SPI_E_SEQ_PENDING   ((uint8) 0x2AU)
 Services called in a wrong sequence. More...
#define SPI_E_SEQ_IN_PROCESS   ((uint8) 0x3AU)
 Synchronous transmission service called at wrong time. More...
#define SPI_E_ALREADY_INITIALIZED   ((uint8) 0x4AU)
 API Spi_Init service called while the SPI driver has already been initialized. More...
#define SPI_E_SEQUENCE_NOT_OK   ((uint8) 0x5AU)
 Sequence did not complete successfully. More...
SPI Service Ids

The Service Id is one of the argument to Det_ReportError function and is used to identify the source of the error

#define SPI_SID_INIT   ((uint8) 0x00U)
 Spi_Init() API Service ID. More...
#define SPI_SID_DEINIT   ((uint8) 0x01U)
 Spi_DeInit() API Service ID. More...
#define SPI_SID_WRITE_IB   ((uint8) 0x02U)
 Spi_WriteIB() API Service ID. More...
#define SPI_SID_ASYNC_TRANSMIT   ((uint8) 0x03U)
 Spi_AsyncTransmit() API Service ID. More...
#define SPI_SID_READ_IB   ((uint8) 0x04U)
 Spi_ReadIB() API Service ID. More...
#define SPI_SID_SETUP_EB   ((uint8) 0x05U)
 Spi_SetupEB() API Service ID. More...
#define SPI_SID_GET_STATUS   ((uint8) 0x06U)
 Spi_GetStatus() API Service ID. More...
#define SPI_SID_GET_JOB_RESULT   ((uint8) 0x07U)
 Spi_GetJobResult() API Service ID. More...
#define SPI_SID_GET_SEQ_RESULT   ((uint8) 0x08U)
 Spi_GetSequenceResult() API Service ID. More...
#define SPI_SID_GET_VERSION_INFO   ((uint8) 0x09U)
 Spi_GetVersionInfo() API Service ID. More...
#define SPI_SID_SYNC_TRANSMIT   ((uint8) 0x0AU)
 Spi_SyncTransmit() API Service ID. More...
#define SPI_SID_GET_HW_UNIT_STATUS   ((uint8) 0x0BU)
 Spi_GetHWUnitStatus() API Service ID. More...
#define SPI_SID_CANCEL   ((uint8) 0x0CU)
 Spi_Cancel() API Service ID. More...
#define SPI_SID_SET_ASYNC_MODE   ((uint8) 0x0DU)
 Spi_SetAsyncMode() API Service ID. More...
#define SPI_SID_MAINFUNCTION_HANDLING   ((uint8) 0x10U)
 Spi_MainFunction_Handling() API Service ID. More...
SPI Config Ids

The Config Ids used for different SPI Configuration builds

#define SPI_CFG_ID_0   (0x01U)
 Config 0 (All configurations ON), Scaleability level 2) More...
#define SPI_CFG_ID_1   (0x02U)
 Config 1 (All configurations OFF). SPI_CFG_ID_1 is used only for compile check. More...
#define SPI_CFG_ID_2   (0x04U)
 Config 2 (All configurations ON except DET OFF) More...
#define SPI_CFG_ID_3   (0x08U)
 Config 3 (Configurator auto generated file) More...
#define SPI_CFG_ID_4   (0x10U)
 Config 4 (Config is used only by Unit Test, Scaleability level 0) More...
#define SPI_CFG_ID_5   (0x20U)
 Config 5 (Config is used only by Unit Test for DMA. More...
#define SPI_CFG_ID_6   (0x40U)
 Config 6 (Config is used only by Unit Test for DMA. More...


typedef uint8 Spi_DataBufferType
 Type of application data buffer elements. More...
typedef uint16 Spi_NumberOfDataType
 Type for defining the number of data elements of the type Spi_DataBufferType to send and / or receive by Channel. More...
typedef uint8 Spi_ChannelType
 Specifies the identification (ID) for a Channel. More...
typedef uint16 Spi_JobType
 Specifies the identification (ID) for a Job. More...
typedef uint8 Spi_SequenceType
 Specifies the identification (ID) for a sequence of jobs. More...
typedef uint8 Spi_HWUnitType
 Specifies the identification (ID) for a SPI Hardware micro controller peripheral (unit) More...
typedef void(* Spi_CacheWbInv) (uint8 *BufPtr, uint16 LenByte)
 Cache write-back invalidate function. More...
typedef void(* Spi_CacheWb) (uint8 *BufPtr, uint16 LenByte)
 Cache write-back function. More...
typedef void(* Spi_CacheInv) (uint8 *BufPtr, uint16 LenByte)
 Cache invalidate function. More...


enum  Spi_StatusType { SPI_UNINIT = 0U, SPI_IDLE = 1U, SPI_BUSY = 2U }
 This type defines a range of specific status for SPI Handler/Driver. More...
enum  Spi_JobResultType { SPI_JOB_OK = 0U, SPI_JOB_PENDING = 1U, SPI_JOB_FAILED = 2U, SPI_JOB_QUEUED = 3U }
 This type defines a range of specific Jobs status for SPI Handler/Driver. More...
 This type defines a range of specific Sequences status for SPI Handler/Driver. More...
enum  Spi_HwUnitResultType { SPI_HW_UNIT_OK = 0U, SPI_HW_UNIT_PENDING = 1U, SPI_HW_UNIT_FAILED = 2U }
 This type defines a range of specific HW unit status for SPI Handler/Driver. More...
enum  Spi_AsyncModeType { SPI_POLLING_MODE = 0U, SPI_INTERRUPT_MODE = 1U }
 Specifies the asynchronous mechanism mode for SPI busses handled asynchronously in LEVEL 2. More...
enum  Spi_TransferType { SPI_MSB = 0U, SPI_LSB = 1U }
 Word transfer order - MSB first or LSB first. More...
enum  Spi_LevelType { SPI_LOW = STD_LOW, SPI_HIGH }
 Type for SPI Chip Select Polarity and Clock Idle Level. More...
enum  Spi_CsPinType { SPI_CS0 = 0U, SPI_CS1, SPI_CS2, SPI_CS3 }
 SPI Chip Select Pin. More...
enum  Spi_ClkMode { SPI_CLK_MODE_0 = 0x00U, SPI_CLK_MODE_1 = 0x01U, SPI_CLK_MODE_2 = 0x02U, SPI_CLK_MODE_3 = 0x03U }
 SPI Clock Mode - sets the clock polarity and phase. Note: These values are a direct register mapping. So don't change value. More...
enum  Spi_TxRxMode { SPI_TX_RX_MODE_BOTH = 0x00U, SPI_TX_RX_MODE_TX_ONLY = 0x02U }
 SPI TX/RX Mode. More...
 SPI Job Priority. More...
enum  Spi_CsModeType { SPI_SINGLE = 0U, SPI_CONTINUOUS = 1U }
 SPI Chip Select Mode. More...
enum  Spi_DataDelayType { SPI_DATADELAY_0 = 0U, SPI_DATADELAY_1 = 1U, SPI_DATADELAY_2 = 2U, SPI_DATADELAY_3 = 3U }
 Spi_DataDelayType defines the number of interface clock cycles between CS toggling and first or last edge of MCSPI clock. More...
enum  Spi_DataLineReceiveType { DATA_LINE_0_RECEPTION = 0U, DATA_LINE_1_RECEPTION = 1U }
 Spi_DataLineReceiveType defines the lines selected for reception. More...
 Spi_DataLineTransmitType defines the lines selected for transmission. More...
enum  Mcspi_IrqStatusType { SPI_NO_EVENT = 0U, SPI_EVENT_PENDING = 1U, SPI_STATUS_READ_FAIL = 2U }
 Irq status and std return type. More...


void Spi_Init (const Spi_ConfigType *CfgPtr)
 Service for SPI initialization. More...
Std_ReturnType Spi_DeInit (void)
 Service for SPI de-initialization. More...
Spi_StatusType Spi_GetStatus (void)
 Service returns the SPI Handler/Driver software module status. More...
Spi_JobResultType Spi_GetJobResult (Spi_JobType Job)
 This service returns the last transmission result of the specified Job. More...
Spi_SeqResultType Spi_GetSequenceResult (Spi_SequenceType Sequence)
 This service returns the last transmission result of the specified Sequence. More...
void Spi_GetVersionInfo (Std_VersionInfoType *versioninfo)
 This service returns the version information of this module. More...
Spi_StatusType Spi_GetHWUnitStatus (Spi_HWUnitType HWUnit)
 This service returns the status of the specified SPI Hardware microcontroller peripheral. More...
Std_ReturnType Spi_WriteIB (Spi_ChannelType Channel, const Spi_DataBufferType *DataBufferPtr)
 Service for writing one or more data to an IB SPI Handler/Driver Channel specified by parameter. More...
Std_ReturnType Spi_ReadIB (Spi_ChannelType Channel, Spi_DataBufferType *DataBufferPointer)
 Service for reading synchronously one or more data from an IB SPI Handler/Driver Channel specified by parameter. More...
Std_ReturnType Spi_AsyncTransmit (Spi_SequenceType Sequence)
 Service to transmit data on the SPI bus. More...
void Spi_Cancel (Spi_SequenceType Sequence)
 Service cancels the specified on-going sequence transmission. More...
Std_ReturnType Spi_SyncTransmit (Spi_SequenceType Sequence)
 Service to transmit data on the SPI bus. More...
Std_ReturnType Spi_SetAsyncMode (Spi_AsyncModeType Mode)
 Service to set the asynchronous mechanism mode for SPI busses handled asynchronously. More...
void Spi_MainFunction_Handling (void)
 This function polls the SPI interrupts linked to HW Units allocated to the transmission of SPI sequences to enable the evolution of transmission state machine. More...
Std_ReturnType Spi_RegisterReadback (Spi_HWUnitType HWUnit, Spi_RegisterReadbackType *RegRbPtr)
 This function reads the important registers of the hardware unit and returns the value in the structure. More...
Std_ReturnType Spi_dataOverflowUnderflowIntrEnable (Spi_HWUnitType HWUnit, uint32 intFlags)
 This function Enable Under/Overflow Interupts of the hardware unit and returns the status. More...
Std_ReturnType Spi_dataOverflowUnderflowIntrDisable (Spi_HWUnitType HWUnit, uint32 intFlags)
 This function Disable Under/Overflow Interupts of the hardware unit and returns the status. More...
Mcspi_IrqStatusType Spi_dataOverflowUnderflowIntrGetStatus (Spi_HWUnitType HWUnit, uint32 intFlags)
 This function status Under/Overflow Interupts of the hardware unit and returns the status. More...
Std_ReturnType Spi_dataOverflowUnderflowIntrStatusClear (Spi_HWUnitType HWUnit, uint32 intFlags)
 This function status clear Under/Overflow Interupts of the hardware unit and returns the status. More...

Function Documentation

◆ Spi_Init()

void Spi_Init ( const Spi_ConfigType CfgPtr)

Service for SPI initialization.

*  Service name        : Spi_Init
*  Syntax              : void Spi_Init( const Spi_ConfigType* CfgPtr )
*  Mode                : Supervisor Mode (Privileged Mode)
*  Service ID[hex]     : 0x00
*  Sync/Async          : Synchronous
*  Reentrancy          : Non Reentrant
*  Parameters (in)     : CfgPtr - Pointer to configuration set
*  Parameters (inout)  : None
*  Parameters (out)    : None
*  Return value        : None
*  Description         : Service for SPI initialization

◆ Spi_DeInit()

Std_ReturnType Spi_DeInit ( void  )

Service for SPI de-initialization.

*  Service name        : Spi_DeInit
*  Syntax              : Std_ReturnType Spi_DeInit( void )
*  Mode                : Supervisor Mode (Privileged Mode)
*  Service ID[hex]     : 0x01
*  Sync/Async          : Synchronous
*  Reentrancy          : Non Reentrant
*  Parameters (in)     : None
*  Parameters (inout)  : None
*  Parameters (out)    : None
*  Return value        : Std_ReturnType
*                        E_OK: de-initialisation command has been accepted
*                        E_NOT_OK: de-initialisation command has not been
*                                  accepted
*  Description         : Service for SPI de-initialization

◆ Spi_GetStatus()

Spi_StatusType Spi_GetStatus ( void  )

Service returns the SPI Handler/Driver software module status.

*  Service name        : Spi_GetStatus
*  Syntax              : Spi_StatusType Spi_GetStatus( void )
*  Mode                : User Mode (Non-Privileged Mode)
*  Service ID[hex]     : 0x06
*  Sync/Async          : Synchronous
*  Reentrancy          : Reentrant
*  Parameters (in)     : None
*  Parameters (inout)  : None
*  Parameters (out)    : None
*  Return value        : Spi_StatusType - Spi_StatusType
*  Description         : Service for SPI de-initialization

◆ Spi_GetJobResult()

Spi_JobResultType Spi_GetJobResult ( Spi_JobType  Job)

This service returns the last transmission result of the specified Job.

*  Service name        : Spi_GetJobResult
*  Syntax              : Spi_JobResultType Spi_GetJobResult( Spi_JobType Job )
*  Mode                : User Mode (Non-Privileged Mode)
*  Service ID[hex]     : 0x07
*  Sync/Async          : Synchronous
*  Reentrancy          : Reentrant
*  Parameters (in)     : Job - Job ID. An invalid job ID will return an
*                        undefined result
*  Parameters (inout)  : None
*  Parameters (out)    : None
*  Return value        : Spi_JobResultType - Spi_JobResultType
*  Description         : Service for SPI de-initialization

◆ Spi_GetSequenceResult()

Spi_SeqResultType Spi_GetSequenceResult ( Spi_SequenceType  Sequence)

This service returns the last transmission result of the specified Sequence.

*  Service name        : Spi_GetSequenceResult
*  Syntax              : Spi_SeqResultType Spi_GetSequenceResult(
*                                                   Spi_SequenceType Sequence )
*  Mode                : User Mode (Non-Privileged Mode)
*  Service ID[hex]     : 0x08
*  Sync/Async          : Synchronous
*  Reentrancy          : Reentrant
*  Parameters (in)     : Sequence - Sequence ID. An invalid sequence ID will
*                        return an undefined result
*  Parameters (inout)  : None
*  Parameters (out)    : None
*  Return value        : Spi_SeqResultType - Spi_SeqResultType
*  Description         : This service returns the last transmission result of
*                        the specified Sequence

◆ Spi_GetVersionInfo()

void Spi_GetVersionInfo ( Std_VersionInfoType *  versioninfo)

This service returns the version information of this module.

*  Service name        : Spi_GetVersionInfo
*  Syntax              : void Spi_GetVersionInfo( Std_VersionInfoType*
*                                                                 versioninfo )
*  Mode                : User Mode (Non-Privileged Mode)
*  Service ID[hex]     : 0x09
*  Sync/Async          : Synchronous
*  Reentrancy          : Reentrant
*  Parameters (in)     : None
*  Parameters (inout)  : versioninfo - Pointer to where to store the version
*                        information of this module
*  Parameters (out)    : None
*  Return value        : None
*  Description         : This service returns the version information of this
*                        module

◆ Spi_GetHWUnitStatus()

Spi_StatusType Spi_GetHWUnitStatus ( Spi_HWUnitType  HWUnit)

This service returns the status of the specified SPI Hardware microcontroller peripheral.

*  Service name        : Spi_GetHWUnitStatus
*  Syntax              : Spi_StatusType Spi_GetHWUnitStatus( Spi_HWUnitType
*                                                                      HWUnit )
*  Mode                : User Mode (Non-Privileged Mode)
*  Service ID[hex]     : 0x0b
*  Sync/Async          : Synchronous
*  Reentrancy          : Reentrant
*  Parameters (in)     : HWUnit - SPI Hardware microcontroller peripheral
*                        unit ID.
*  Parameters (inout)  : None
*  Parameters (out)    : None
*  Return value        : Spi_StatusType - Spi_StatusType
*  Description         : This service returns the status of the specified SPI
*                        Hardware microcontroller peripheral

◆ Spi_WriteIB()

Std_ReturnType Spi_WriteIB ( Spi_ChannelType  Channel,
const Spi_DataBufferType DataBufferPtr 

Service for writing one or more data to an IB SPI Handler/Driver Channel specified by parameter.

*  Service name        : Spi_WriteIB
*  Syntax              : Std_ReturnType Spi_WriteIB(
*                              Spi_ChannelType Channel,
*                              const Spi_DataBufferType* DataBufferPtr )
*  Mode                : User Mode (Non-Privileged Mode)
*  Service ID[hex]     : 0x02
*  Sync/Async          : Synchronous
*  Reentrancy          : Reentrant
*  Parameters (in)     : Channel - Channel ID
*                        DataBufferPtr - Pointer to source data buffer.
*                        If this pointer is null, it is assumed that the data
*                        to be transmitted is not relevant and the default
*                        transmit value of this channel will be used instead.
*  Parameters (inout)  : None
*  Parameters (out)    : None
*  Return value        : Std_ReturnType
*                        E_OK: Write command has been accepted
*                        E_NOT_OK: Write command has not been accepted
*  Description         : Service for writing one or more data to an IB SPI
*                        Handler/Driver Channel specified by parameter

◆ Spi_ReadIB()

Std_ReturnType Spi_ReadIB ( Spi_ChannelType  Channel,
Spi_DataBufferType DataBufferPointer 

Service for reading synchronously one or more data from an IB SPI Handler/Driver Channel specified by parameter.

*  Service name        : Spi_ReadIB
*  Syntax              : Std_ReturnType Spi_ReadIB(
*                              Spi_ChannelType Channel,
*                              Spi_DataBufferType* DataBufferPointer )
*  Mode                : User Mode (Non-Privileged Mode)
*  Service ID[hex]     : 0x04
*  Sync/Async          : Synchronous
*  Reentrancy          : Reentrant
*  Parameters (in)     : Channel - Channel ID
*  Parameters (inout)  : None
*  Parameters (out)    : DataBufferPointer - Pointer to destination data buffer.
*  Return value        : Std_ReturnType
*                        E_OK: Read command has been accepted
*                        E_NOT_OK: Read command has not been accepted
*  Description         : Service for reading synchronously one or more data
*                        from an IB SPI Handler/Driver Channel specified by
*                        parameter

◆ Spi_AsyncTransmit()

Std_ReturnType Spi_AsyncTransmit ( Spi_SequenceType  Sequence)

Service to transmit data on the SPI bus.

*  Service name        : Spi_AsyncTransmit
*  Syntax              : Std_ReturnType Spi_AsyncTransmit( Spi_SequenceType
*                                                              Sequence )
*  Mode                : Supervisor Mode (Privileged Mode)
*  Service ID[hex]     : 0x03
*  Sync/Async          : Asynchronous
*  Reentrancy          : Reentrant
*  Parameters (in)     : Sequence - Sequence ID
*  Parameters (inout)  : None
*  Parameters (out)    : None
*  Return value        : Std_ReturnType
*                        E_OK: Transmission command has been accepted
*                        E_NOT_OK: Transmission command has not been accepted
*  Description         : Service to transmit data on the SPI bus

◆ Spi_Cancel()

void Spi_Cancel ( Spi_SequenceType  Sequence)

Service cancels the specified on-going sequence transmission.

*  Service name        : Spi_Cancel
*  Syntax              : void Spi_Cancel( Spi_SequenceType Sequence )
*  Mode                : User Mode (Non-Privileged Mode)
*  Service ID[hex]     : 0x0c
*  Sync/Async          : Asynchronous
*  Reentrancy          : Reentrant
*  Parameters (in)     : Sequence - Sequence ID
*  Parameters (inout)  : None
*  Parameters (out)    : None
*  Return value        : None
*  Description         : Service cancels the specified on-going sequence
*                        transmission

◆ Spi_SyncTransmit()

Std_ReturnType Spi_SyncTransmit ( Spi_SequenceType  Sequence)

Service to transmit data on the SPI bus.

*  Service name        : Spi_SyncTransmit
*  Syntax              : Std_ReturnType Spi_SyncTransmit( Spi_SequenceType
*                                                                  Sequence)
*  Mode                : Supervisor Mode (Privileged Mode)
*  Service ID[hex]     : 0x0A
*  Sync/Async          : Synchronous
*  Reentrancy          : Reentrant
*  Parameters (in)     : Sequence - Sequence ID
*  Parameters (inout)  : None
*  Parameters (out)    : None
*  Return value        : Std_ReturnType
*                        E_OK: Transmission command has been completed
*                        E_NOT_OK: Transmission command has not been completed
*  Description         : Service to transmit data on the SPI bus

◆ Spi_SetAsyncMode()

Std_ReturnType Spi_SetAsyncMode ( Spi_AsyncModeType  Mode)

Service to set the asynchronous mechanism mode for SPI busses handled asynchronously.

*  Service name        : Spi_SetAsyncMode
*  Syntax              : Std_ReturnType Spi_SetAsyncMode( Spi_AsyncModeType
*                                                                      Mode )
*  Mode                : User Mode (Non-Privileged Mode)
*  Service ID[hex]     : 0x0D
*  Sync/Async          : Synchronous
*  Reentrancy          : Non Reentrant
*  Parameters (in)     : Mode - New mode required.
*  Parameters (inout)  : None
*  Parameters (out)    : None
*  Return value        : Std_ReturnType
*                        E_OK: Setting command has been done
*                        E_NOT_OK: Setting command has not been accepted
*  Description         : Service to set the asynchronous mechanism mode for
*                        SPI busses handled asynchronously.

◆ Spi_MainFunction_Handling()

void Spi_MainFunction_Handling ( void  )

This function polls the SPI interrupts linked to HW Units allocated to the transmission of SPI sequences to enable the evolution of transmission state machine.

*  Service name        : Spi_MainFunction_Handling
*  Syntax              : void Spi_MainFunction_Handling( void )
*  Mode                : Supervisor Mode (Privileged Mode)
*  Service ID[hex]     : 0x10
*  Sync/Async          : Synchronous
*  Reentrancy          : Non Reentrant
*  Parameters (in)     : None
*  Parameters (inout)  : None
*  Parameters (out)    : None
*  Return value        : None
*  Description         : This function polls the SPI interrupts linked to
*                        HW Units allocated to the transmission of SPI
*                        sequences to enable the evolution of transmission
*                        state machine.

◆ Spi_RegisterReadback()

Std_ReturnType Spi_RegisterReadback ( Spi_HWUnitType  HWUnit,
Spi_RegisterReadbackType RegRbPtr 

This function reads the important registers of the hardware unit and returns the value in the structure.

This API should be called after Spi_Init is called. Otherwise this API will return E_NOT_OK.

This API could be used to readback the register contents after Spi_Init and then the readback value could be compared during SPI execution to check the correctness of the HW unit. Since this API is used for this purpose, the register returned are the ones which doesn't change after init based on job or channel config.

*  Service name        : Spi_RegisterReadback
*  Mode                : Supervisor Mode (Privileged Mode)
*  Sync/Async          : Synchronous
*  Reentrancy          : Reentrant
*  Parameters (in)     : HWUnit - SPI Hardware microcontroller peripheral
*                        unit ID. If this is invalid, then the API will
*                        return E_NOT_OK.
*  Parameters (inout)  : RegRbPtr - Pointer to where to store the readback
*                        values. If this pointer is NULL_PTR, then the API
*                        will return E_NOT_OK.
*  Return value        : Std_ReturnType
*                        E_OK: Register read back has been done
*                        E_NOT_OK: Register read back failed

◆ Spi_dataOverflowUnderflowIntrEnable()

Std_ReturnType Spi_dataOverflowUnderflowIntrEnable ( Spi_HWUnitType  HWUnit,
uint32  intFlags 

This function Enable Under/Overflow Interupts of the hardware unit and returns the status.

*  Service name        : Spi_dataOverflowUnderflowIntrEnable
*  Mode                : Supervisor Mode (Privileged Mode)
*  Sync/Async          : Synchronous
*  Reentrancy          : Reentrant
*  Parameters (in)     : HWUnit - SPI Hardware microcontroller peripheral
*                        unit ID. If this is invalid, then the API will
*                        return E_NOT_OK.
*                      : intFlags - Mask value of MCSPI_IRQENABLE register
*  Return value        : Std_ReturnType
*                        E_OK: Interupt Enabled
*                        E_NOT_OK: Interupt Enable failed

◆ Spi_dataOverflowUnderflowIntrDisable()

Std_ReturnType Spi_dataOverflowUnderflowIntrDisable ( Spi_HWUnitType  HWUnit,
uint32  intFlags 

This function Disable Under/Overflow Interupts of the hardware unit and returns the status.

*  Service name        : Spi_dataOverflowUnderflowIntrDisable
*  Mode                : Supervisor Mode (Privileged Mode)
*  Sync/Async          : Synchronous
*  Reentrancy          : Reentrant
*  Parameters (in)     : HWUnit - SPI Hardware microcontroller peripheral
*                        unit ID. If this is invalid, then the API will
*                        return E_NOT_OK.
*                      : intFlags - Mask value of MCSPI_IRQSTATUS register
*  Return value        : Std_ReturnType
*                        E_OK: Interupt Disabled
*                        E_NOT_OK: Interupt Disable failed

◆ Spi_dataOverflowUnderflowIntrGetStatus()

Mcspi_IrqStatusType Spi_dataOverflowUnderflowIntrGetStatus ( Spi_HWUnitType  HWUnit,
uint32  intFlags 

This function status Under/Overflow Interupts of the hardware unit and returns the status.

*  Service name        : Spi_dataOverflowUnderflowIntrGetStatus
*  Mode                : Supervisor Mode (Privileged Mode)
*  Sync/Async          : Synchronous
*  Reentrancy          : Reentrant
*  Parameters (in)     : HWUnit - SPI Hardware microcontroller peripheral
*                        unit ID. If this is invalid, then the API will
*                        return E_NOT_OK.
*                        intFlags - Mask value of MCSPI_IRQSTATUS register
*  Return value        : Mcspi_IrqStatusType
*                        SPI_NO_EVENT: No underflow event
*                        SPI_EVENT_PENDING: Underflow Event
*                        SPI_STATUS_READ_FAIL: Status read fail

◆ Spi_dataOverflowUnderflowIntrStatusClear()

Std_ReturnType Spi_dataOverflowUnderflowIntrStatusClear ( Spi_HWUnitType  HWUnit,
uint32  intFlags 

This function status clear Under/Overflow Interupts of the hardware unit and returns the status.

*  Service name        : Spi_dataOverflowUnderflowIntrStatusClear
*  Mode                : Supervisor Mode (Privileged Mode)
*  Sync/Async          : Synchronous
*  Reentrancy          : Reentrant
*  Parameters (in)     : HWUnit - SPI Hardware microcontroller peripheral
*                        unit ID. If this is invalid, then the API will
*                        return E_NOT_OK.
*                        intFlags - Mask value of MCSPI_IRQSTATUS register
*  Return value        : Std_ReturnType
*                        E_OK: Interuptstatus cleares
*                        E_NOT_OK: Interupt status clear failed