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videnc.h File Reference

Detailed Description

The VIDENC video encoder interface. Provides the user an interface to create and interact with XDAIS algorithms that are compliant with the XDM-defined IVIDENC video encoder interface.

#include <ti/xdais/dm/xdm.h>
#include <ti/xdais/dm/ividenc.h>
#include <ti/sdo/ce/Engine.h>
#include <ti/sdo/ce/visa.h>
#include <ti/sdo/ce/skel.h>
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Data Structures

struct  IVIDENC_CodecClassConfig
 Definition of IVIDENC codec class configurable parameters. More...


 Timeout occurred.
 Special value for timeout parameter indicating never timeout.
#define VIDENC_VISATYPE   ""
 The VISA type.
 Name of stub functions. Use this name when registering the VIDENC_STUBS functions with Engine_addStubFxns.


typedef IVIDENC_Status VIDENC_Status
 Defines instance status parameters.
typedef VISA_Handle VIDENC_Handle
 Opaque handle to a VIDENC codec.
typedef struct IVIDENC_Params VIDENC_Params
 This structure defines the parameters necessary to create an instance of a video encoder object.
typedef IVIDENC_InArgs VIDENC_InArgs
 Defines the input arguments for all IVIDENC instance process function.
typedef IVIDENC_OutArgs VIDENC_OutArgs
 Defines the run time output arguments for all IVIDENC instance objects.
typedef IVIDENC_Cmd VIDENC_Cmd
 Defines the control commands for the IVIDENC module.
typedef IVIDENC_DynamicParams VIDENC_DynamicParams
 This structure defines the codec parameters that can be modified after creation via control() calls.
typedef struct
 Definition of IVIDENC codec class configurable parameters.


VIDENC_Handle VIDENC_create (Engine_Handle e, String name, VIDENC_Params *params)
 Create an instance of a video encoder algorithm.
Int32 VIDENC_process (VIDENC_Handle handle, XDM_BufDesc *inBufs, XDM_BufDesc *outBufs, VIDENC_InArgs *inArgs, VIDENC_OutArgs *outArgs)
 Execute the process() method in this instance of a video encoder algorithm.
Int32 VIDENC_control (VIDENC_Handle handle, VIDENC_Cmd id, VIDENC_DynamicParams *params, VIDENC_Status *status)
 Execute the control() method in this instance of a video encoder algorithm.
Void VIDENC_delete (VIDENC_Handle handle)
 Delete the instance of a video encoder algorithm.
XDAS_Int32 VIDENC_processAsync (VIDENC_Handle handle, XDM_BufDesc *inBufs, XDM_BufDesc *outBufs, IVIDENC_InArgs *inArgs, IVIDENC_OutArgs *outArgs)
 Perform asynchronous submission to this instance of a video decoder algorithm.
XDAS_Int32 VIDENC_processWait (VIDENC_Handle handle, XDM_BufDesc *inBufs, XDM_BufDesc *outBufs, IVIDENC_InArgs *inArgs, IVIDENC_OutArgs *outArgs, UInt timeout)
 Wait for a return message from a previous invocation of VIDENC_processAsync() in this instance of an video decoder algorithm.
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