C2000Ware Digital Power SDK


Texas Instruments C2000Ware Digital Power Library is designed to enable flexible and efficient coding of systems designed to use/process power in digital power applications using the C28x processor such as telecom, server, UPS and solar.

The Digital Power library provides a framework structure, with known algorithms, for the user to implement algorithms needed for Power Conversion Systems quickly. The source code for all the blocks is provided and hence the user can modify / enhance the modules for use in their applications with C2000 family of devices microcontrollers.

Digital Controllers such as PI, Two Pole Two Zero, Three Pole Three Zero etc. are provided in the Digital Controller Library (DCL) and are used in conjunction with blocks from the Digital Power Library to form the complete digital power system.

Additionally, SFRA library is used to measure the plant and open loop performance of the control system.

The modules for the Digital Power Library are written in a header file so that they can be run easily on the CLA if need be.

All the Digital Power Library modules are written in single precision floating point arithmetic.