OAD Process

TI-OpenThread Stack does not currently have an in-band Over the Air Download process. TI-OpenThread Stack will use the BLE OAD process as its transport. Thread will use the Bluetooth Low Energy OAD process as a black-box for the purposes of this guide. The specifics of downloading the Thread image into external flash are not covered here, consult the BLE User’s Guide for more details on the process.

Thread will use BTool connected to Host Test on a CC26x2 as the OAD distributor for the process. This configuration is responsible for taking the downloadable image and sending it to a BLE device with the OAD profile.

A BLE example application with the OAD profile (simple_peripheral, project_zero) will be loaded on a CC26x2 as the OAD target. This image will allow BTool + Host Test to download a new image to the CC26x2. This example image will also be marked as the factory image, allowing multiple image updates by reverting to the factory image.

The running Thread image can be invalidated by pressing the Left button (BTN-1) on the CC26x2. Once the running Thread image is invalidated, the BIM will load the factory image from external flash. This factory image is the original example image programmed on the CC26x2, in this fashion a new image may be downloaded onto the CC26x2.


[*] --> bim

state bim {
    [*] --> checkImage

    checkImage : check if the\n current image\n is invalid
    checkImage --> loadFactory : image invalid
    checkImage --> runImage : image valid

    loadFactory : copy image\n from sector 0
    loadFactory --> bleExample : reset

    runImage : jump to\n loaded image
    runImage --> threadExample : reset
    runImage --> bleExample : reset

state bleExample {
    [*] --> writeFactory

    writeFactory : write the\n factory image\n to external flash
    writeFactory --> Idle

    Idle : wait for\n connection
    Idle --> Idle
    Idle --> downloadImage

    downloadImage : new image\n downloaded into\n external flash
    downloadImage --> threadExample : reset

state threadExample {
    [*] --> startup
    startup : check if\n button pressed

    startup --> invalidate : pressed
    invalidate : invalidate CRC\n for running image
    invalidate --> bim : reset

    startup --> normalOperation : not pressed
    normalOperation : Thread example runs\n as normal until reset
    normalOperation --> normalOperation
    normalOperation --> bim : reset
