
Lists all the macros used in HWA driver.

Sub Modules

 Macros that define values for the operational/accelerator mode of HWA.
 Macros that define values for different type of accumulator registers of HWA_readAccumulatorReg() function.
 Macros that define values for the combination of CFAR operational mode (log, mag, mag sqr) and input samples type (real, complex)
 Macros that define values for the output of CFAR block.
 Macros that define the compression method.
 Macros that define values to use for HWA_CommonConfig::configMask when specifying which values in the HWA_CommonConfig are valid.
 Macros that define values for the various modes of the Complex multiply block.
 Macros that define values for the selecting either the compression or the decompression mode of CMP_DCMP_Engine.
 Macros that allow/disallow two pass operation for compression. the first pass (optimization step) finds the optimal parameters for compression and the second pass compresses the data and writes it to the output buffer. Both first and second passes should be enabled.
 Macros that define values for the various reset modes in pre-processing block, appied to DCESTRESET and INTERFSUMRESET.
 Macros that define values for the various source select of threshold in pre-processing block.
 General macro to use for enable/disable bits.
 Macros that define values for enabling/disabling the magnitude and log2 computation in FFT block.
 Macros that define values for the various outputs of the FFT block.
 Macros that define values for the complex multiply block with FFT stitching mode. Useful for 4K and 8K FFT calculation, set the last 2 bits in TWIDINCR register, the rest 12 bits should be set to 0.
 Macros that define values for interpolation property of the FFT window to achieve larger FFT size using stitching.
 Enable/Disable for Interference zeroing-out This register bit controls the enable/disable for the interference zero-ing feature. The feature is enabled if this register bit is set to 1.
 Reset mode control for Interference statistics accumulators: Controls the reset behavior for all 12 magnitude and magdiff accumulators. 00 : Hold Accumulator state without updating 01 : Free-running accumulator mode 10 : Reset at start of parameter-set (i.e.,per-chirp accumulation). 11 : Reset at start of parameter-set only if loop counter is 0 (i.e., per-frame)
 Macros that define values for different type of accumulator registers of HWA_readAccumulatorReg() function.
 Interference detection mode selection: This register is used to control the mode for interference detection in the Interference localization block. 00 : Magnitude OR Magnitude difference 01: Only Magnitude difference 10: Only Magnitude 11 : Magnitude AND Magnitude difference.
 Select the source of interference threshold 0 : User-defined threshold via INTERFTHRESH_MAG_SW and INTERFTHRESH_MAGDIFF_SW 1 : Single threshold based on built-in interference statistics outputs using sum value across collected interference statistics 2 : Threshold based on built-in interference statistics outputs, with each statistic being used for corresponding iteration (RX channel)
 HWA interrupt default priority, applied only to the processors, which support hardware priority.
 Macros that define values for CFAR Noise Averaging mode.
 Macros that define values for the destination of interrupt (CPU or DMA) when the paramset is completed. The interrupt type HWA_PARAMDONE_INTERRUPT_TYPE_CPU may not be supported on all versions of the IP - see HWA_Attrs::isConcurrentAccessAllowed.
 Macros that define values for the ramType argument of HWA_configRam() function.
 Macros that define values for real/complex format of input/output samples.
 Macros that define values for signed/unsigned property of input/output samples.
 Macros that define values for 16bit or 32bit width of input/output samples.
 Macros that define values for the trigger mode of HWA paramsets.
 Macros that define values for symmetric/non-symmetric property of the FFT window.