xWRL1432 MMWAVE-L-SDK  05.03.00
HWA Driver External Functions


The section has a list of all the exported API which the applications need to invoke in order to use the driver.


void HWA_init (void)
 Function to initialize the HWA module. More...
void HWA_deinit (void)
 Function to deinitialize the HWA module. More...
HWA_Handle HWA_open (uint32_t index, HWA_OpenConfig *hwaCfg, int32_t *errCode)
 Function to initialize HWA specified by the particular index value. More...
int32_t HWA_close (HWA_Handle handle)
 Function to close a HWA peripheral specified by the HWA handle. More...
int32_t HWA_reset (HWA_Handle handle)
 Function to reset the internal state machine of the HWA. More...
DSSHWACCRegs * HWA_getCommonCtrlAddr (HWA_Handle handle)
 Function to returns the HWA common control base address. More...
DSSHWACCPARAMRegs * HWA_getParamSetAddr (HWA_Handle handle, uint8_t paramsetIdx)
 Function to returns the HWA paramSet base address. More...
int32_t HWA_configCommon (HWA_Handle handle, HWA_CommonConfig *commonConfig)
 Function to set the common HWA configuration parameters needed for the next operations/iterations/paramsets of HWA. More...
int32_t HWA_configParamSet (HWA_Handle handle, uint8_t paramsetIdx, HWA_ParamConfig *paramConfig, HWA_SrcDMAConfig *dmaConfig)
 Function to set the HWA configuration parameters for a given paramSet. More...
int32_t HWA_getDMAconfig (HWA_Handle handle, uint8_t dmaTriggerSrc, HWA_SrcDMAConfig *dmaConfig)
 Function to get the config to program the DMA for a given DMA Trigger channel. Application should use the returned config to program the DMA so that it can then in turn trigger the paramset. Application should make sure that the channel provided here in dmaTriggerSrc should match the HWA_ParamConfig::dmaTriggerSrc passed to HWA_configParamSet() More...
int32_t HWA_getCfarPeakCntRegAddress (HWA_Handle handle, uint32_t *peakCntAddr)
 Function to get the address of CFAR Peak Count register. More...
int32_t HWA_configRam (HWA_Handle handle, uint8_t ramType, uint8_t *data, uint32_t dataSize, uint32_t startIdx)
int32_t HWA_enableParamSetInterrupt (HWA_Handle handle, uint8_t paramsetIdx, HWA_InterruptConfig *intrConfig)
 Function to enable the CPU and/or DMA interrupt after a paramSet completion. The CPU interrupt for every paramset completion may not be supported on all devices - see HWA_Attrs::isConcurrentAccessAllowed. More...
int32_t HWA_enableDoneInterrupt (HWA_Handle handle, HWA_Done_IntHandlerFuncPTR callbackFn, void *callbackArg)
 Function to enable the CPU interrupt after all programmed paramSets have been completed in the background or ALT thread. More...
int32_t HWA_disableParamSetInterrupt (HWA_Handle handle, uint8_t paramsetIdx, uint8_t interruptTypeFlag)
 Function to disable the CPU and/or DMA interrupt after a paramSet completion. More...
int32_t HWA_disableDoneInterrupt (HWA_Handle handle)
 Function to disable the CPU interrupt after all programmed paramSets have been completed. More...
int32_t HWA_enable (HWA_Handle handle, uint8_t flagEnDis)
 Function to enable the state machine of the HWA. This should be called after paramset and RAM have been programmed. More...
int32_t HWA_setSoftwareTrigger (HWA_Handle handle)
 Function to manually trigger the execution of the state machine via software, the software trigger through either FW2HWA_TRIG_0 or FW2HWA_TRIG_1 register if the trigger is set to HWA_TRIG_MODE_SOFTWARE from DSP, trigger is done through FW2HWA_TRIG_0 if the trigger is set to HWA_TRIG_MODE_M4CONTROL from M4, trigger is done through FW2HWA_TRIG_1. More...
int32_t HWA_setDMA2ACCManualTrig (HWA_Handle handle, uint8_t idx)
 Function to manually trigger the execution of the state machine waiting on DMA via software. More...
int32_t HWA_setSourceAddress (HWA_Handle handle, uint16_t paramIdx, uint32_t sourceAddress)
 Function to set the source address for one paramset. More...
int32_t HWA_readStatsReg (HWA_Handle handle, HWA_Stats *pStats, uint8_t numIter)
 Function to read the 4 sets of 'MAX' statistics register. More...
int32_t HWA_readCFARPeakCountReg (HWA_Handle handle, uint8_t *pbuf, uint8_t size)
 Function to read the PEAKCNT register. More...
int32_t HWA_readDebugReg (HWA_Handle handle, HWA_DebugStats *pStats)
 Function to read the debug registers (paramcurr, loopcou, acc_trig_in_stat) More...
int32_t HWA_clearDebugReg (HWA_Handle handle)
 Function to clear the debug registers (acc_trig_in_clr) More...
int32_t HWA_getHWAMemInfo (HWA_Handle handle, HWA_MemInfo *memInfo)
 Function to get HWA processing Memory information including address, size and number of banks. More...
int32_t HWA_getDMAChanIndex (HWA_Handle handle, uint8_t edmaChanId, uint8_t *hwaDestChan)
 Function to get the dma destination index with a given EDMA channel number This function assumes the EDMA channel number is from the first EDMA instance. More...
int32_t HWA_getEDMAChanId (HWA_Handle handle, uint8_t hwaDMAdestChan)
 Function to get the edma EDMA channel number from a given HWA paramset destination channel. This function assumes the EDMA channel number is from the first EDMA instance. More...
int32_t HWA_readDCEstimateReg (HWA_Handle handle, cmplx32ImRe_t *pbuf, uint8_t startIdx, uint8_t size)
 Function to read the DC_EST_I/Q register. More...
int32_t HWA_readIntfAccReg (HWA_Handle handle, uint64_t *accBuf, uint8_t type, uint8_t startIdx, uint8_t size)
 Function to read the interference threshold MAG or MAGDIFF Accumulator register. More...
int32_t HWA_readDCAccReg (HWA_Handle handle, cmplx64ImRe_t *accbuf, uint8_t startIdx, uint8_t size)
 Function to read the DC estimation accumulator register,. More...
int32_t HWA_readInterfChirpCountReg (HWA_Handle handle, uint16_t *numInterfSamplesChirp)
 Function to read the number of samples that exceeded the threshold in a chirp. More...
int32_t HWA_readInterfFrameCountReg (HWA_Handle handle, uint32_t *numInterfSamplesFrame)
 Function to read the number of samples that exceeded the threshold in a frame. More...
int32_t HWA_readInterfThreshReg (HWA_Handle handle, uint32_t *pbuf, uint8_t startIdx, uint8_t size, uint8_t type)
 Function to read the interference statistics INTF_LOC_THRESH_MAG_VAL or INTF_LOC_THRESH_MAG_VAL registers. More...

Function Documentation

◆ HWA_init()

void HWA_init ( void  )

Function to initialize the HWA module.

This function must be called once per system and before any other HWA driver APIs. It resets the HWA H/W instances in the system.

◆ HWA_deinit()

void HWA_deinit ( void  )

Function to deinitialize the HWA module.

◆ HWA_open()

HWA_Handle HWA_open ( uint32_t  index,
HWA_OpenConfig hwaCfg,
int32_t *  errCode 

Function to initialize HWA specified by the particular index value.

HWA_init() has been called
indexHWA instance number
hwaCfgpointer to HWA configuration, it is only applied to the processors, which support the hardware interrupt priority, e.g R5F. for other processors, set it to NULL. For the processors, which support the hardware interrupt priority, setting to NULL uses the default interrupt priorities, otherwise, the interrupt priorities are provided through hwaCfg.
errCode[out] valid errorCode if NULL handle returned.
A HWA_Handle upon success. NULL if an error occurs.
See also

◆ HWA_close()

int32_t HWA_close ( HWA_Handle  handle)

Function to close a HWA peripheral specified by the HWA handle.

HWA_open() has been called.
handleA HWA_Handle returned from HWA_open()
0 upon success. error code if an error occurs.
See also

◆ HWA_reset()

int32_t HWA_reset ( HWA_Handle  handle)

Function to reset the internal state machine of the HWA.

HWA_open() has been called.
handleA HWA_Handle returned from HWA_open()
0 upon success. error code if an error occurs.
See also

◆ HWA_getCommonCtrlAddr()

DSSHWACCRegs* HWA_getCommonCtrlAddr ( HWA_Handle  handle)

Function to returns the HWA common control base address.

HWA_open() has been called.
handleA HWA_Handle returned from HWA_open()
Common control base address upon success else NULL on failure
See also

◆ HWA_getParamSetAddr()

DSSHWACCPARAMRegs* HWA_getParamSetAddr ( HWA_Handle  handle,
uint8_t  paramsetIdx 

Function to returns the HWA paramSet base address.

HWA_open() has been called.
handleA HWA_Handle returned from HWA_open()
paramsetIdxA valid paramSet index for which the base address is returned.
Param set address upon success else NULL on failure
See also

◆ HWA_configCommon()

int32_t HWA_configCommon ( HWA_Handle  handle,
HWA_CommonConfig commonConfig 

Function to set the common HWA configuration parameters needed for the next operations/iterations/paramsets of HWA.

HWA_open() has been called.
handleA HWA_Handle returned from HWA_open()
commonConfigHWA Common Config Parameters
0 upon success. error code if an error occurs.
See also

◆ HWA_configParamSet()

int32_t HWA_configParamSet ( HWA_Handle  handle,
uint8_t  paramsetIdx,
HWA_ParamConfig paramConfig,
HWA_SrcDMAConfig dmaConfig 

Function to set the HWA configuration parameters for a given paramSet.

HWA_open() has been called.
handleA HWA_Handle returned from HWA_open()
paramsetIdxA valid paramSet index for which the paramConfig is provided.
paramConfigHWA ParamSet Config Parameters
dmaConfig[out] This parameter is set by the driver with values that user should use to program the source trigger DMA. user should provide a valid buffer here if the triggerMode is set to DMA in paramConfig
0 upon success. error code if an error occurs.
See also

◆ HWA_getDMAconfig()

int32_t HWA_getDMAconfig ( HWA_Handle  handle,
uint8_t  dmaTriggerSrc,
HWA_SrcDMAConfig dmaConfig 

Function to get the config to program the DMA for a given DMA Trigger channel. Application should use the returned config to program the DMA so that it can then in turn trigger the paramset. Application should make sure that the channel provided here in dmaTriggerSrc should match the HWA_ParamConfig::dmaTriggerSrc passed to HWA_configParamSet()

HWA_open() has been called.
handleA HWA_Handle returned from HWA_open()
dmaTriggerSrcSame as HWA_ParamConfig::dmaTriggerSrc of the paramset for whom this DMA is getting configured
dmaConfig[out]This parameter is set by the driver with values that user should use to program the source trigger DMA. user should provide a valid buffer here if the triggerMode is set to DMA in paramConfig
0 upon success. error code if an error occurs.
See also

◆ HWA_getCfarPeakCntRegAddress()

int32_t HWA_getCfarPeakCntRegAddress ( HWA_Handle  handle,
uint32_t *  peakCntAddr 

Function to get the address of CFAR Peak Count register.

HWA_open() has been called.
handleA HWA_Handle returned from HWA_open()
peakCntAddr[out]This parameter is set by the driver with the address of FFTPEAKCNT register which contains the number of CFAR detections.
0 upon success. error code if an error occurs.
See also

◆ HWA_configRam()

int32_t HWA_configRam ( HWA_Handle  handle,
uint8_t  ramType,
uint8_t *  data,
uint32_t  dataSize,
uint32_t  startIdx 


HWA_open() has been called.
handleA HWA_Handle returned from HWA_open()
ramTypeUse defines HWA_RAM_TYPE
datadata pointer that needs to be copied to RAM
dataSizeSize of data to be copied in size of bytes
startIdxstart index (in terms of bytes) within RAM where data needs to be copied
0 upon success. error code if an error occurs.
See also

◆ HWA_enableParamSetInterrupt()

int32_t HWA_enableParamSetInterrupt ( HWA_Handle  handle,
uint8_t  paramsetIdx,
HWA_InterruptConfig intrConfig 

Function to enable the CPU and/or DMA interrupt after a paramSet completion. The CPU interrupt for every paramset completion may not be supported on all devices - see HWA_Attrs::isConcurrentAccessAllowed.

HWA_open() has been called.
handleA HWA_Handle returned from HWA_open()
paramsetIdxA valid paramSet index for which the intrConfig is provided.
intrConfigHWA Interrupt Config Parameters
0 upon success. error code if an error occurs.
See also

◆ HWA_enableDoneInterrupt()

int32_t HWA_enableDoneInterrupt ( HWA_Handle  handle,
HWA_Done_IntHandlerFuncPTR  callbackFn,
void *  callbackArg 

Function to enable the CPU interrupt after all programmed paramSets have been completed in the background or ALT thread.

HWA_open() has been called.
handleA HWA_Handle returned from HWA_open()
callbackFnuser defined callback function to be called when this interrupt is generated
callbackArguser defined callback arg for the callback function
0 upon success. error code if an error occurs.
See also

◆ HWA_disableParamSetInterrupt()

int32_t HWA_disableParamSetInterrupt ( HWA_Handle  handle,
uint8_t  paramsetIdx,
uint8_t  interruptTypeFlag 

Function to disable the CPU and/or DMA interrupt after a paramSet completion.

HWA_open() has been called.
handleA HWA_Handle returned from HWA_open()
paramsetIdxA valid paramSet index for which the interrupt is to be disabled
interruptTypeFlagFlag to indicate if CPU and/or DMA interrupts are to be disabled
0 upon success. error code if an error occurs.
See also

◆ HWA_disableDoneInterrupt()

int32_t HWA_disableDoneInterrupt ( HWA_Handle  handle)

Function to disable the CPU interrupt after all programmed paramSets have been completed.

HWA_open() has been called.
handleA HWA_Handle returned from HWA_open()
0 upon success. error code if an error occurs.
See also

◆ HWA_enable()

int32_t HWA_enable ( HWA_Handle  handle,
uint8_t  flagEnDis 

Function to enable the state machine of the HWA. This should be called after paramset and RAM have been programmed.

HWA_open() HWA_ConfigCommon() HWA_ConfigParamSet HWA_ConfigRam has been called.
handleA HWA_Handle returned from HWA_open()
flagEnDisEnable/Disable Flag: 0-disable, 1-enable
0 upon success. error code if an error occurs.
See also

◆ HWA_setSoftwareTrigger()

int32_t HWA_setSoftwareTrigger ( HWA_Handle  handle)

Function to manually trigger the execution of the state machine via software, the software trigger through either FW2HWA_TRIG_0 or FW2HWA_TRIG_1 register if the trigger is set to HWA_TRIG_MODE_SOFTWARE from DSP, trigger is done through FW2HWA_TRIG_0 if the trigger is set to HWA_TRIG_MODE_M4CONTROL from M4, trigger is done through FW2HWA_TRIG_1.

HWA_open() has been called.
handleA HWA_Handle returned from HWA_open()
0 upon success. error code if an error occurs.
See also

◆ HWA_setDMA2ACCManualTrig()

int32_t HWA_setDMA2ACCManualTrig ( HWA_Handle  handle,
uint8_t  idx 

Function to manually trigger the execution of the state machine waiting on DMA via software.

HWA_open() has been called.
handleA HWA_Handle returned from HWA_open()
idxDMA channel number for whom software should simulate the trigger
0 upon success. error code if an error occurs.
See also

◆ HWA_setSourceAddress()

int32_t HWA_setSourceAddress ( HWA_Handle  handle,
uint16_t  paramIdx,
uint32_t  sourceAddress 

Function to set the source address for one paramset.

HWA_open() has been called.
handleA HWA_Handle returned from HWA_open()
paramIdxthe paramset index
sourceAddresssource address
0 upon success. error code if an error occurs.
See also

◆ HWA_readStatsReg()

int32_t HWA_readStatsReg ( HWA_Handle  handle,
HWA_Stats pStats,
uint8_t  numIter 

Function to read the 4 sets of 'MAX' statistics register.

HWA_open() has been called and HWA is not executing paramsets.
handleA HWA_Handle returned from HWA_open()
pStatspointer to a memory of type HWA_Stats where value of all the Max and statistics Registers would be copied
numIternumber of iterations to read. Value 1-4 should be provided. User is expected to provide enough space for the pStats to hold 'numIter' worth of HWA_Stats Ex: HWA_Stats appHWAStats[3]; HWA_readStatsReg(appHWAhandle,appHWAStats,3);
0 upon success. error code if an error occurs.
See also
HWA_open(), HWA_Attrs::isConcurrentAccessAllowed

◆ HWA_readCFARPeakCountReg()

int32_t HWA_readCFARPeakCountReg ( HWA_Handle  handle,
uint8_t *  pbuf,
uint8_t  size 

Function to read the PEAKCNT register.

HWA_open() has been called and HWA is not executing paramsets.
handleA HWA_Handle returned from HWA_open()
pbufpointer to a memory where value of the PEAKCNT Registers would be copied
sizesize (in bytes) of the pbuf register provided. It should be atleast 2 bytes.
0 upon success. error code if an error occurs.
See also
HWA_open(), HWA_Attrs::isConcurrentAccessAllowed

◆ HWA_readDebugReg()

int32_t HWA_readDebugReg ( HWA_Handle  handle,
HWA_DebugStats pStats 

Function to read the debug registers (paramcurr, loopcou, acc_trig_in_stat)

HWA_open() has been called and HWA is not executing paramsets.
handleA HWA_Handle returned from HWA_open()
pStatspointer to a memory of type HWA_debugStats where value of the RDSTATUS and HWACCREG12 Registers would be copied
0 upon success. error code if an error occurs.
See also
HWA_open(), HWA_Attrs::isConcurrentAccessAllowed

◆ HWA_clearDebugReg()

int32_t HWA_clearDebugReg ( HWA_Handle  handle)

Function to clear the debug registers (acc_trig_in_clr)

HWA_open() has been called and HWA is not executing paramsets.
handleA HWA_Handle returned from HWA_open()
0 upon success. error code if an error occurs.
See also
HWA_open(), HWA_Attrs::isConcurrentAccessAllowed

◆ HWA_getHWAMemInfo()

int32_t HWA_getHWAMemInfo ( HWA_Handle  handle,
HWA_MemInfo memInfo 

Function to get HWA processing Memory information including address, size and number of banks.

HWA_open() has been called.
handleA HWA_Handle returned from HWA_open()
memInfoPointer to save HWA processing memory information
0 upon success. error code if an error occurs.
See also

◆ HWA_getDMAChanIndex()

int32_t HWA_getDMAChanIndex ( HWA_Handle  handle,
uint8_t  edmaChanId,
uint8_t *  hwaDestChan 

Function to get the dma destination index with a given EDMA channel number This function assumes the EDMA channel number is from the first EDMA instance.

HWA_open() has been called.
handleA HWA_Handle returned from HWA_open()
edmaChanIdEDMA channell id
hwaDestChanPointer to save destination channel index
=0 Success <0 Error code if an error occurs.
See also

◆ HWA_getEDMAChanId()

int32_t HWA_getEDMAChanId ( HWA_Handle  handle,
uint8_t  hwaDMAdestChan 

Function to get the edma EDMA channel number from a given HWA paramset destination channel. This function assumes the EDMA channel number is from the first EDMA instance.

HWA_open() has been called.
handleA HWA_Handle returned from HWA_open()
hwaDMAdestChanDestination channle id set in a paramset
>=0 Upon success, EDMA channel number <0 Error code if an error occurs.
See also

◆ HWA_readDCEstimateReg()

int32_t HWA_readDCEstimateReg ( HWA_Handle  handle,
cmplx32ImRe_t *  pbuf,
uint8_t  startIdx,
uint8_t  size 

Function to read the DC_EST_I/Q register.

HWA_open() has been called and HWA is not executing paramsets.
handleA HWA_Handle returned from HWA_open()
pbufpointer to a memory where value of the DC_EST_I/Q Registers would be copied, even element is I value, and odd element is Q value
startIdxThe estimated DC results for the first RX channel Idx, must be less than 11.
sizeThe number of Rx channels needed to be read. It should be less than 12.
0 upon success. error code if an error occurs.
See also
HWA_open(), HWA_Attrs::isConcurrentAccessAllowed

◆ HWA_readIntfAccReg()

int32_t HWA_readIntfAccReg ( HWA_Handle  handle,
uint64_t *  accBuf,
uint8_t  type,
uint8_t  startIdx,
uint8_t  size 

Function to read the interference threshold MAG or MAGDIFF Accumulator register.

HWA_open() has been called and HWA is not executing paramsets.
handleA HWA_Handle returned from HWA_open()
accBufpointer to the accumulator result buffer for MAG or MAGDIFF
typesee HWA_INTERFERENCE_THRESHOLD_TYPE macro for the either MAG or MAGDIFF accumulator .
startIdxThe first accumulator channel needs to be read, must be less than 11.
sizeThe number of channels needed to be read. It should be less than 12.
0 upon success. error code if an error occurs.
See also
HWA_open(), HWA_Attrs::isConcurrentAccessAllowed

◆ HWA_readDCAccReg()

int32_t HWA_readDCAccReg ( HWA_Handle  handle,
cmplx64ImRe_t *  accbuf,
uint8_t  startIdx,
uint8_t  size 

Function to read the DC estimation accumulator register,.

HWA_open() has been called and HWA is not executing paramsets.
handleA HWA_Handle returned from HWA_open()
accbufpointer to a memory for accumulator results.
startIdxThe first accumulator channel needs to be read, must be less than 11.
sizeThe number of channels needed to be read. It should be less than 12.
0 upon success. error code if an error occurs.
See also
HWA_open(), HWA_Attrs::isConcurrentAccessAllowed

◆ HWA_readInterfChirpCountReg()

int32_t HWA_readInterfChirpCountReg ( HWA_Handle  handle,
uint16_t *  numInterfSamplesChirp 

Function to read the number of samples that exceeded the threshold in a chirp.

HWA_open() has been called and HWA is not executing paramsets.
handleA HWA_Handle returned from HWA_open()
numInterfSamplesChirpnumber of samples that exceeded the interference threshold in a chirp
0 upon success. error code if an error occurs.
See also
HWA_open(), HWA_Attrs::isConcurrentAccessAllowed

◆ HWA_readInterfFrameCountReg()

int32_t HWA_readInterfFrameCountReg ( HWA_Handle  handle,
uint32_t *  numInterfSamplesFrame 

Function to read the number of samples that exceeded the threshold in a frame.

HWA_open() has been called and HWA is not executing paramsets.
handleA HWA_Handle returned from HWA_open()
numInterfSamplesFramenumber of samples exceeded the interference threshold in a frame
0 upon success. error code if an error occurs.
See also
HWA_open(), HWA_Attrs::isConcurrentAccessAllowed

◆ HWA_readInterfThreshReg()

int32_t HWA_readInterfThreshReg ( HWA_Handle  handle,
uint32_t *  pbuf,
uint8_t  startIdx,
uint8_t  size,
uint8_t  type 

Function to read the interference statistics INTF_LOC_THRESH_MAG_VAL or INTF_LOC_THRESH_MAG_VAL registers.

HWA_open() has been called and HWA is not executing paramsets.
handleA HWA_Handle returned from HWA_open()
pbufpointer to a memory where the register values are copied into
startIdxThe first channel index needs to be read, must be less than 11.
sizeThe number of channels needed to be read. It should be less than 12.
typesee HWA_INTERFERENCE_THRESHOLD_TYPE for correct values
0 upon success. error code if an error occurs.
See also
HWA_open(), HWA_Attrs::isConcurrentAccessAllowed