AM64x MCU+ SDK  10.00.00
Ethernet and Networking

This page lists all the examples related to Ethernet Communication.

Layer 2 Examples on FreeRTOS

  1. Enet CPSW Loopback Example
  2. Enet Layer 2 CPSW Example
  3. Enet Layer 2 CPSW SWITCH Example
  4. Enet Layer 2 Multi-Channel Example
  5. Enet CPSW TimeSync PTP Demo
  6. Enet CPSW EST Example
  7. Enet Layer 2 ICSSG Example (Switch and MAC)
  8. Enet VLAN ICSSG Example
  9. Enet ICSSG Time Aware Shaper (EST) Example

Layer 2 Examples on Baremetal (NoRTOS)

  1. Enet ICSSG Loopback Example

TCP/IP Examples using LwIP Stack on FreeRTOS

  1. Enet Lwip CPSW Example
  2. Enet CPSW Operation Modes Demo
  3. Enet Lwip Socket Example
  4. Enet Lwip TCP Client Example
  5. Enet Lwip TCP Server Example on CPSW
  6. Enet Lwip UDP IGMP Server Example
  7. Enet Lwip UDP Client Example
  8. CPSW Lwip HTTPS Server Example
  9. CPSW Lwip MQTT Client Example
  10. Enet Lwip TCP Server Example on ICSSG
  11. Enet Lwip ICSSG Example
  12. Intercore Ethernet Packet Exchange With ICSSG, Using LwIP Bridge

TCP/IP Examples using LwIP Stack on Baremetal (NoRTOS)

  1. Enet LwIP HTTP Server On Bare Metal (No-RTOS)

Time-Sensitive Networking (TSN) Examples on FreeRTOS

  1. Ethernet TSN CPSW gPTP TimeReceiver (gPTP Slave) Example
  2. Ethernet TSN CPSW gPTP TimeTransmitter (gPTP Master) Example
  3. Ethernet TSN CPSW gPTP Bridge Example
  4. Ethernet TSN gPTP on CPSW along with LwIP stack
  5. Ethernet TSN EST Example
  6. Ethernet TSN ICSSG gPTP TimeReceiver (gPTP Slave) Example
  7. Ethernet TSN ICSSG gPTP TimeTransmitter (gPTP Master) Example
  8. Ethernet TSN ICSSG gPTP Bridge Example
  9. Ethernet TSN gPTP on ICSSG along with LwIP stack

LLDP Example on FreeRTOS

  1. Ethernet LLDP Example