EtherCAT Slave1.12.02
Demo Slave App (all examples)


Demo slave app implementation


uint8_t EC_SLV_APP_getValueFromMaster (void *pApplicationCtxt_p, uint16_t index_p, uint8_t subindex_p, uint32_t size_p, uint16_t MBXMEM *pData_p, uint8_t completeAccess_p)
 Read Process data (CoE) callback. More...
uint8_t EC_SLV_APP_writeDiagnosis (void *pApplicationCtxt_p, uint16_t index_p, uint8_t subindex_p, uint32_t size_p, uint16_t MBXMEM *pData_p, uint8_t completeAccess_p)
 Callback for diagnosis example. It Sends a new Diagnosis message with the received data. More...
uint8_t EC_SLV_APP_setValueToMaster (void *pApplicationCtxt_p, uint16_t index_p, uint8_t subindex_p, uint32_t size_p, uint16_t MBXMEM *pData_p, uint8_t completeAccess_p)
 Write Process data (CoE) callback. More...
EC_API_EError_t EC_SLV_APP_populateRxPDO (EC_SLV_APP_Sapplication_t *pApplicationInstance_p)
 Configure RX PDO entries. More...
EC_API_EError_t EC_SLV_APP_populateTxPDO (EC_SLV_APP_Sapplication_t *pApplicationInstance_p)
 Configure TX PDO entries. More...
void EC_SLV_APP_initBoardFunctions (EC_SLV_APP_Sapplication_t *pAppInstance_p)
 Initialize board related functions. More...
void EC_SLV_APP_registerStacklessBoardFunctions (EC_SLV_APP_Sapplication_t *pAppInstance_p)
 Register board related functions, which do not use stack handle. More...
uint32_t EC_SLAVE_APP_assignmentChangedHandler (void *pContext_p, bool rx_p, uint8_t count_p, uint16_t *pPdoIndexArray_p)
 Change on PDO assignment configuration. More...
uint32_t EC_SLAVE_APP_mappingChangedHandler (void *pContext_p, uint16_t pdoIndex_p, uint8_t count_p, EC_SLV_API_PDO_SEntryMap_t *pPdoMap_p)
 Change on PDO mapping configuration. More...
uint16_t EC_SLV_APP_AoE_readRequest (void *pContext_p, uint16_t port_p, uint16_t index_p, uint8_t subIndex_p, bool completeAccess_p, uint32_t *pLength_p, uint16_t *pData_p)
 AoE read request handler. More...
uint16_t EC_SLV_APP_AoE_writeRequest (void *pContext_p, uint16_t port_p, uint16_t index_p, uint8_t subIndex_p, bool completeAccess_p, uint32_t *pLength_p, uint16_t *pData_p)
 AoE write request handler. More...
bool EC_SLV_APP_EoE_settingIndHandler (void *pContext_p, uint16_t *pMac_p, uint16_t *pIp_p, uint16_t *pSubNet_p, uint16_t *pDefaultGateway_p, uint16_t *pDnsIp_p)
 EoE Settings Indication callback. More...
bool EC_SLV_APP_EoE_receiveHandler (void *pContext_p, uint16_t *pData_p, uint16_t length_p)
 User defined EoE receive function. Called when an EoE frame is received. More...
void EC_SLV_APP_applicationInit (EC_SLV_APP_Sapplication_t *pAppInstance_p)
 Initialize application. More...
void EC_SLV_APP_applicationDeInit (EC_SLV_APP_Sapplication_t *pAppInstance_p)
 Deinitialize application. More...
void EC_SLV_APP_loopTask (void *pArg_p)
 Application Loop Task. More...
void EC_SLV_APP_mainTask (void *pArg_p)
 Main routine. More...