PDK API Guide for J721E
vhwa_m2mDof.h File Reference


Defines the structures / control operations that could be used to configure / control DOF M2M driver.

Go to the source code of this file.

Data Structures

struct  Vhwa_M2mDofPrms
 Connfiguration parameters of DOF. More...
struct  Vhwa_M2mDofCreateArgs
 Parameters required to create a new handle. More...
struct  Vhwa_M2mDofInitParams
 Initialization Parameters for DOF M2M Driver. More...
struct  Vhwa_M2mDofSl2AllocPrms
 Init Parameters required to allocate DOF driver. More...


#define VHWA_M2M_DOF_DRV_INST_ID   (0U)
#define VHWA_M2M_DOF_MAX_HANDLES   (4u)
 Max Number of handles supported by DOF M2M Driver. More...

Input/Output control MACRO's for DOF driver

 IOCTL for setting DOF configuration. More...
 IOCTL for setting Confidence score parameters. More...
 IOCTL for setting bandwidth limiter. More...
 IOCTL for setting next Pyramid level to be processsed this IOCTL should be called bfore process request. More...
 IOCTL for getting IP performance. More...
 IOCTL for getting the PSA signature. More...
 IOCTL for getting flow vector histogram. More...
 IOCTL for registering the Error Callback. More...
 IOCTL to sync start each module This IOCTL doesn't configure any register and only enable pipeline to start processing. More...
VHWA DOF IO buffer indexes

Input/Output buffer MACRO's for DOF driver

#define DOF_INPUT_SOF   (4U)
#define DOF_OUTPUT   (5U)
VHWA DOF Default Init Paramters

VHWA DOF Default Init Paramters for Sl2

#define DOF_DEFAULT_IMG_WIDTH   (1312U)
#define DOF_DEFAULT_TOP_SR   (48U)
#define DOF_DEFAULT_BOT_SR   (48U)


static void Vhwa_m2mDofInitParamsInit (Vhwa_M2mDofInitParams *dofInitPrms)
 Vhwa_M2mDofInitParams structure init function. More...
static void Vhwa_m2mDofConfigInit (Vhwa_M2mDofPrms *dofCfg)
 Function to initialize the DOF configuration parameters to default. More...
static void Vhwa_m2mDofCreateArgsInit (Vhwa_M2mDofCreateArgs *createArgs)
 Function to initialize the DOF create argument parameters to default. More...
int32_t Vhwa_m2mDofInit (Vhwa_M2mDofInitParams *pInitPrms)
 DOF initialization function. This function initializes the DOF hardware and drivers. This function should be called before calling any driver APIs and only once. More...
void Vhwa_m2mDofDeInit (void)
 DOF de-initialization function. This function un-initializes the DOF hardware and drivers. This function should be called during system shutdown if Vhwa_m2mDofDeInit() was called by the application. More...
int32_t Vhwa_m2mDofAllocSl2 (const Vhwa_M2mDofSl2AllocPrms *sl2allocPrms)
 Function to allocate Sl2 memory for input and output buffers. Both DOF and SDE SL2 memory should be freed before reallocating. More...
int32_t Vhwa_m2mDofFreeSl2 (void)
 Function to free allocated SL2. More...
void Vhwa_m2mConfScoreParamInit (Dof_ConfScoreParam *csPrms)
 Function to Initialize the confidence score with default value. More...
static void Vhwa_M2mDofSl2AllocPrmsInit (Vhwa_M2mDofSl2AllocPrms *sl2Prms)