PDK API Guide for J721E
Dof_ConfScoreParam Struct Reference

Detailed Description

Confidance Score parameters of DMPAC DOF.

struct Dof_ConfScoreParam

Data Fields

uint32_t confidanceScoreGain
Dof_DecisionTree decisionTree [DOF_NUM_DECISION_TREES]

Field Documentation

◆ confidanceScoreGain

uint32_t Dof_ConfScoreParam::confidanceScoreGain

Multiplier factor (Gain) for the combined confidence score. The sum of individual scores from different decision trees are multiplied by CS Gain before scaling to final 4bit (16 levels) confidence score value.

◆ decisionTree

Dof_DecisionTree Dof_ConfScoreParam::decisionTree[DOF_NUM_DECISION_TREES]

Decision Tree Connfiguration parameters of DMPAC DOF