Codec Engine Application Programming Interface (API)  ce-w08
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Data Fields

Defines all of the operations on IUNIVERSAL objects. More...

#include <iuniversal.h>

Collaboration diagram for IUNIVERSAL_Fxns:
Collaboration graph

Data Fields

IALG_Fxns ialg
XDAS_Int32(* process )(IUNIVERSAL_Handle handle, XDM1_BufDesc *inBufs, XDM1_BufDesc *outBufs, XDM1_BufDesc *inOutBufs, IUNIVERSAL_InArgs *inArgs, IUNIVERSAL_OutArgs *outArgs)
 Basic audio decoding call.
XDAS_Int32(* control )(IUNIVERSAL_Handle handle, IUNIVERSAL_Cmd id, IUNIVERSAL_DynamicParams *params, IUNIVERSAL_Status *status)
 Control behaviour of an algorithm.

Detailed Description

Defines all of the operations on IUNIVERSAL objects.

Field Documentation


XDAIS algorithm interface.

                                  @sa      IALG_Fxns
XDAS_Int32(* IUNIVERSAL_Fxns::process)(IUNIVERSAL_Handle handle, XDM1_BufDesc *inBufs, XDM1_BufDesc *outBufs, XDM1_BufDesc *inOutBufs, IUNIVERSAL_InArgs *inArgs, IUNIVERSAL_OutArgs *outArgs)

Basic audio decoding call.

@param[in]  handle          Handle to an algorithm instance.
@param[in,out] inBufs       Input buffer descriptors.
@param[in,out] outBufs      Output buffer descriptors.
@param[in,out] inOutBufs    Input/Output buffer descriptors.
@param[in]  inArgs          Input arguments.  This is a required
@param[out] outArgs         Ouput results.  This is a required parameter.

@remarks    process() is a blocking call.  When process() returns, the
            algorithm's processing is complete.

@pre        @c handle must be a valid algorithm instance handle.

@pre        @c inArgs must not be NULL, and must point to a valid
            IUNIVERSAL_InArgs structure.

@pre        @c outArgs must not be NULL, and must point to a valid
            IUNIVERSAL_OutArgs structure.

@pre        @c inBufs must either be NULL or point to a valid
            XDM1_BufDesc structure.

@pre        @c outBufs must either be NULL or point to a valid
            XDM1_BufDesc structure.

@pre        @c inOutBufs must either be NULL or point to a valid
            XDM1_BufDesc structure.

@pre        The buffers in @c inBufs, @c outBufs and @c inOutBufs are
            physically contiguous and owned by the calling application.

@post       The algorithm <b>must not</b> modify the contents of @c inArgs.

@post       The algorithm <b>must not</b> modify the contents of
            @c inBufs, with the exception of @c inBufs.descs[].accessMask.
            That is, the data and buffers pointed to by these parameters
            must be treated as read-only.

@post       The algorithm <b>must</b> appropriately set/clear the
            @c XDM1_BufDesc::descs[].accessMask field in @c inBufs,
            @c outBufs, and @c inOutBufs.
            For example, if the algorithm only read from
            @c inBufs.descs[0].buf using the algorithm processor, it
            could utilize #XDM_SETACCESSMODE_READ to update the appropriate
            @c accessMask fields.
            The application <i>may</i> utilize these
            returned values to appropriately manage cache.

@post       The buffers in @c inBufs, @c outBufs, and @c inOutBufs are
            owned by the calling application.

@retval     IUNIVERSAL_EOK          \copybrief IUNIVERSAL_EOK


Return values:
IUNIVERSAL_EFAILGeneral failure. See IUNIVERSAL_Status::extendedError for more detailed further error conditions.
IUNIVERSAL_EUNSUPPORTEDRequest is unsupported.
XDAS_Int32(* IUNIVERSAL_Fxns::control)(IUNIVERSAL_Handle handle, IUNIVERSAL_Cmd id, IUNIVERSAL_DynamicParams *params, IUNIVERSAL_Status *status)

Control behaviour of an algorithm.

@param[in]  handle          Handle to an algorithm instance.
@param[in]  id              Command id.  See #XDM_CmdId.
@param[in]  params          Dynamic parameters.  This is a required
@param[out] status          Output results.  This is a required parameter.

@pre        @c handle must be a valid algorithm instance handle.

@pre        @c params must not be NULL, and must point to a valid
            IUNIVERSAL_DynamicParams structure.

@pre        @c status must not be NULL, and must point to a valid
            IUNIVERSAL_Status structure.

@pre        If a buffer is provided in the @c status->data field,
            it must be physically contiguous and owned by the calling

@post       The algorithm <b>must not</b> modify the contents of @c params.
            That is, the data pointed to by this parameter must be
            treated as read-only.

@post       If a buffer was provided in the @c status->data field,
            it is owned by the calling application.

@retval     IUNIVERSAL_EOK          \copybrief IUNIVERSAL_EOK


Return values:
IUNIVERSAL_EFAILGeneral failure. See IUNIVERSAL_Status::extendedError for more detailed further error conditions.
IUNIVERSAL_EUNSUPPORTEDRequest is unsupported.

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