Source code for relay.ti_tests.compile_model

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""" Compile a model from to a TVM deployable module """

import os
import sys

from tvm.contrib.tidl import compile
from tvm.contrib.tidl.c7x import supported_platform

[docs]def compile_model(model_name: str, platform: str, compile_for_device: bool, enable_tidl_offload: bool, enable_c7x_codegen: bool, batch_size:int=0): """ Compile a model based on the parameters specified. Parameters ---------- model_name : name of the model as specified in (E.g. mv2_onnx). platform : in ["J7", "J721S2"", "AM62A"] compile_for_device: True => Compile module for inference on device (aarch64). False => Compile module for inference on host (x86). enable_tidl_offload: Set to True to enable TIDL offload. enable_c7x_codegen: True => Enable c7x code generation for layers not offloaded to TIDL. i.e. entire network runs on the C7x. False => Enable Arm code generation for layers not offloaded to TIDL. i.e. Unsupported layers are run on Arm (aarch64). batch_size: 0: use the batch size that comes with the model otherwise: override the default batch size Return ------ True for success, False for failure. """ from models import get_relay_model, get_tidl_bits from prepostproc import get_calib_inputs from utils import get_artifacts_folder if batch_size != 0: os.environ["TIDL_RELAY_MAX_BATCH_SIZE"] = str(batch_size) # Obtain model and convert to Relay mod, params = get_relay_model(model_name, batch_size) # Get inputs to use for calibraton (required for TIDL offload) calibration_input_list = get_calib_inputs(model_name, batch_size) # Generate a name for the artifacts folder based on the model and other parameters artifacts_folder = get_artifacts_folder(model_name, platform, compile_for_device, enable_tidl_offload, enable_c7x_codegen, batch_size) # Compile the model using TVM and place the output in the artifacts_folder result = compile.compile_relay(mod, params, calibration_input_list, platform, compile_for_device, enable_tidl_offload, enable_c7x_codegen, artifacts_folder, tidl_tensor_bits=get_tidl_bits(model_name)) return result
def parse_args(): import argparse parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('model_name', nargs='?') parser.add_argument('--platform', action='store', default="J7", help='Compile model for which platform (J7, J721S2)') parser.add_argument('--target', action='store_true', default=True, help="Compile for target") parser.add_argument('--host', action='store_false', dest="target", help="Compile for host (emulation)") parser.add_argument('--tidl', action='store_true', default=True, help="Enable TIDL offload") parser.add_argument('--notidl', action='store_false', dest="tidl", help="Disable TIDL offload") parser.add_argument('--c7x', action='store_true', default=False, help="Enable C7x code generation") parser.add_argument('--noc7x', action='store_false', dest="c7x", help="Disable C7x code generation") parser.add_argument('--batch_size', action='store', default=0, type=int, help='Overwrite default batch size in the model, 0 means no overwrite') args = parser.parse_args() assert(args.model_name is not None), "Please specify a model name" assert(supported_platform(args.platform)), f"Platform {args.platform} is not supported" return args if __name__ == "__main__": args = parse_args() ret = False try: ret = compile_model(args.model_name, args.platform,, args.tidl, args.c7x, args.batch_size) except Exception as ex: print(ex) ret = False print(f"compile_model {'succeed' if ret else 'fail'}ed: {args.model_name} {args.platform} " f"{'target' if else 'host'} {'tidl' if args.tidl else 'notidl'} " f"{'c7x' if args.c7x else 'noc7x'}" f"{(' bs'+str(args.batch_size)) if args.batch_size != 0 else ''}") sys.exit(0 if ret else 1)