16. Hex Conversion Utility Description¶
The Arm assembler and linker create object files which are in binary formats that encourage modular programming and provide powerful and flexible methods for managing code segments and target system memory.
Most EPROM programmers do not accept object files as input. The hex conversion utility converts an object file into one of several standard ASCII hexadecimal formats, suitable for loading into an EPROM programmer. The utility is also useful in other applications requiring hexadecimal conversion of an object file (for example, when using debuggers and loaders).
The hex conversion utility can produce these output file formats:
ASCII-Hex, supporting 16-bit addresses (see ASCII-Hex Object Format (--ascii Option))
Binary file in 8-bit format (see Specifying the Memory Width)
Extended Tektronix (Tektronix) (see Extended Tektronix Object Format (--tektronix Option))
Intel MCS-86 (Intel) (see Intel MCS-86 Object Format (--intel Option))
Motorola EXORciser (Motorola-S), supporting 16-bit addresses (see Motorola EXORciser Object Format (--motorola Option))
Texas Instruments SDSMAC (TI-Tagged), supporting 16-bit addresses (see Texas Instruments SDSMAC (TI-Tagged) Object Format (--ti_tagged Option))
Texas Instruments TI-TXT format, supporting 16-bit addresses (see TI-TXT Hex Format (--ti_txt Option))
C arrays
Table of Contents
- 16.1. The Hex Conversion Utility’s Role in the Software Development Flow
- 16.2. Invoking the Hex Conversion Utility
- 16.3. Understanding Memory Widths
- 16.4. The ROMS Directive
- 16.5. The SECTIONS Directive
- 16.6. The Load Image Format (--load_image Option)
- 16.7. Excluding a Specified Section
- 16.8. Assigning Output Filenames
- 16.9. Image Mode and the --fill Option
- 16.10. Array Output Format
- 16.11. Building a Table for an On-Chip Boot Loader
- 16.12. Using Secure Flash Boot on TMS320F2838x Devices
- 16.13. Controlling the ROM Device Address
- 16.14. Control Hex Conversion Utility Diagnostics
- 16.15. Description of the Object Formats
- 16.15.1. Array Object Format (--array Option)
- 16.15.2. ASCII-Hex Object Format (--ascii Option)
- 16.15.3. Binary Object Format (--binary Option)
- 16.15.4. Intel MCS-86 Object Format (--intel Option)
- 16.15.5. Motorola EXORciser Object Format (--motorola Option)
- 16.15.6. Extended Tektronix Object Format (--tektronix Option)
- 16.15.7. Texas Instruments SDSMAC (TI-Tagged) Object Format (--ti_tagged Option)
- 16.15.8. TI-TXT Hex Format (--ti_txt Option)
- 16.16. Hex Conversion Utility Examples