15.14. Control Hex Conversion Utility Diagnostics

The hex conversion utility uses certain C/C++ compiler options to control hex-converter-generated diagnostics.


Syntax: --diag_error=id

Categorizes the diagnostic identified by id as an error. To determine the numeric identifier of a diagnostic message, use the --display_error_number option first in a separate link. Then use --diag_error=id to recategorize the diagnostic as an error. You can only alter the severity of discretionary diagnostics.


Syntax: --diag_remark=id

Categorizes the diagnostic identified by id as a remark. To determine the numeric identifier of a diagnostic message, use the --display_error_number option first in a separate link. Then use --diag_remark=id to recategorize the diagnostic as a remark. You can only alter the severity of discretionary diagnostics.


Syntax: --diag_suppress=id

Suppresses the diagnostic identified by id. To determine the numeric identifier of a diagnostic message, use the --display_error_number option first in a separate link. Then use --diag_suppress=id to suppress the diagnostic. You can only suppress discretionary diagnostics.


Syntax: --diag_warning=id

Categorizes the diagnostic identified by id as a warning. To determine the numeric identifier of a diagnostic message, use the --display_error_number option first in a separate link. Then use --diag_warning=id to recategorize the diagnostic as a warning. You can only alter the severity of discretionary diagnostics.


Syntax: --display_error_number

Displays a diagnostic message’s numeric identifier along with its text. Use this option in determining which arguments you need to supply to the diagnostic suppression options (--diag_suppress, --diag_error, --diag_remark, and --diag_warning). This option also indicates whether a diagnostic is discretionary. A discretionary diagnostic is one whose severity can be overridden. A discretionary diagnostic includes the suffix -D; otherwise, no suffix is present. See Diagnostic Options for more information on diagnostic messages.


Syntax: --issue_remarks

Issues remarks (nonserious warnings), which are suppressed by default.


Syntax: --no_warnings

Suppresses warning diagnostics (errors are still issued).


Syntax: --set_error_limit=count

Sets the error limit to count, which can be any decimal value. The linker abandons linking after this number of errors. (The default is 100.)


Syntax: --verbose_diagnostics

Provides verbose diagnostics that display the original source with line-wrap and indicate the position of the error in the source line.