Data Structures
Here are the data structures with brief descriptions:
 C_NoRTOS_ConfigNoRTOS framework global configuration
 CADC_Config_ADC Global configuration
 CADC_FxnTable_The definition of a ADC function table that contains the required set of functions to control a specific ADC driver implementation
 CADC_Params_ADC Parameters
 CADCBuf_Config_ADCBuf Global configuration
 CADCBuf_Conversion_An ADCBuf_Conversion data structure is used with ADCBuf_convert(). It indicates which channel to perform the ADC conversion on, how many conversions to make, and where to put them. The arg variable is an user-definable argument which gets passed to the ADCBuf_Callback when the ADC driver is in ADCBuf_RETURN_MODE_CALLBACK
 CADCBuf_FxnTable_The definition of an ADCBuf function table that contains the required set of functions to control a specific ADC driver implementation
 CADCBuf_Params_ADC Parameters
 CAESCCM_Config_AESCCM Global configuration
 CAESCCM_Params_CCM Parameters
 CCamera_Config_Camera Global configuration
 CCamera_FxnTable_The definition of a Camera function table that contains the required set of functions to control a specific Camera driver implementation
 CCamera_Params_Camera Parameters
 CCapture_Config_Capture Global configuration
 CCapture_FxnTable_The definition of a capture function table that contains the required set of functions to control a specific capture driver implementation
 CCapture_Params_Capture Parameters
 CCryptoKey_CryptoKey datastructure
 CCryptoKey_KeyBlob_Keyblob CryptoKey datastructure
 CCryptoKey_KeyStore_Key store CryptoKey datastructure
 CCryptoKey_Plaintext_Plaintext CryptoKey datastructure
 CDisplay_ConfigDisplay Global configuration
 CDisplay_FxnTableThe definition of a Display function table that contains the required set of functions to control a specific Display driver implementation
 CDisplay_ParamsDisplay Parameters
 CDisplayHost_HWAttrsDisplayHost Attributes
 CDisplayHost_ObjectDisplayHost Object
 CDisplayUart_HWAttrsDisplayUart Attributes
 CDisplayUart_ObjectDisplayUart Object
 CECCParams_CurveParams_A structure containing the parameters of an elliptic curve in short Weierstrass form
 CECDH_Config_ECC Global configuration
 CECDH_Params_ECC Parameters
 CEMACMSP432E4_HWAttrsEMACMSP432E4 Hardware attributes
 CGPIOMSP432E4_ConfigGPIO device specific driver configuration structure
 CI2C_Config_I2C global configuration
 CI2C_FxnTable_The definition of an I2C function table that contains the required set of functions to control a specific I2C driver implementation
 CI2C_Params_I2C Parameters
 CI2C_Transaction_I2C transaction
 CI2CMSP432E4_HWAttrs_I2CMSP432E4 Hardware attributes
 CI2CMSP432E4_Object_I2CMSP432E4 Object
 CI2CSlave_Config_I2CSlave Global configuration
 CI2CSlave_FxnTable_The definition of a I2CSlave function table that contains the required set of functions to control a specific I2CSlave driver implementation
 CI2CSlave_Params_I2CSlave Parameters
 CI2S_BufDesc_I2S buffer descriptor for issue/reclaim mode
 CI2S_Config_I2S Global configuration
 CI2S_FxnTable_The definition of a I2S function table that contains the required set of functions to control a specific I2S driver implementation
 CI2S_Params_Basic I2S Parameters
 CNVS_AttrsNVS attributes
 CNVS_Config_NVS Global configuration
 CNVS_FxnTableThe definition of an NVS function table that contains the required set of functions to control a specific NVS driver implementation
 CNVS_ParamsNVS Parameters
 CNVSMSP432E4_HWAttrsNVSMSP432E4 attributes
 CNVSRAM_HWAttrsNVSRAM Hardware Attributes
 CNVSSPI25X_HWAttrsNVSSPI25X attributes
 CPIN_State_sUnderlying data structure for type PIN_State
 CPower_NotifyObj_Power notify object structure
 CPowerMSP432E4_ConfigPower global configuration structure
 CPWM_Config_PWM Global configuration
 CPWM_FxnTable_The definition of a PWM function table that contains the required set of functions to control a specific PWM driver implementation
 CPWM_Params_PWM Parameters
 CPWMMSP432E4_HWAttrsPWMMSP432E4 Hardware attributes
 CPWMMSP432E4_ObjectPWMMSP432E4 Object
 CSD_Config_SD Global configuration
 CSD_FxnTable_The definition of a SD function table that contains the required set of functions to control a specific SD driver implementation
 CSD_Params_SD Parameters
 CSDFatFS_Config_SDFatFS Global configuration
 CSDFatFS_Object_SDFatFS Object The application must not access any member variables of this structure!
 CSDSPI_HWAttrsSDSPI Hardware attributes
 CSDSPI_Object_SDSPI Object
 CSPI_Config_SPI Global configuration
 CSPI_FxnTable_The definition of a SPI function table that contains the required set of functions to control a specific SPI driver implementation
 CSPI_Params_SPI Parameters
 CSPI_Transaction_A SPI_Transaction data structure is used with SPI_transfer(). It indicates how many SPI_FrameFormat frames are sent and received from the buffers pointed to txBuf and rxBuf. The arg variable is an user-definable argument which gets passed to the SPI_CallbackFxn when the SPI driver is in SPI_MODE_CALLBACK
 CSPIMSP432E4DMA_HWAttrsSPIMSP432E4DMA Hardware attributes
 CTimer_Config_Timer Global configuration
 CTimer_FxnTable_The definition of a timer function table that contains the required set of functions to control a specific timer driver implementation
 CTimer_Params_Timer Parameters
 CUART_Config_UART Global configuration
 CUART_FxnTable_The definition of a UART function table that contains the required set of functions to control a specific UART driver implementation
 CUART_Params_UART Parameters
 CUARTMSP432E4_FxnSetComplement set of read functions to be used by the UART ISR and UARTMSP432E4_read(). Internal use only
 CUARTMSP432E4_HWAttrsUARTMSP432E4 Hardware attributes
 CUARTMSP432E4_ObjectUARTMSP432E4 Object
 CUDMAMSP432E4_ConfigUDMAMSP432E4 Global configuration
 CUDMAMSP432E4_HWAttrsUDMAMSP432E4 Hardware attributes
 CUDMAMSP432E4_ObjectUDMAMSP432E4 object
 CWatchdog_Config_Watchdog Global configuration
 CWatchdog_FxnTable_The definition of a Watchdog function table that contains the required set of functions to control a specific Watchdog driver implementation
 CWatchdog_Params_Watchdog Parameters
 CWatchdogMSP432E4_HWAttrsWatchdog hardware attributes for MSP432E4
 CWatchdogMSP432E4_ObjectWatchdog Object for MSP432E4
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