

int_fast16_t VCELPF3_matrixMult (VCELPF3_ComplexMatrix *matA, VCELPF3_ComplexMatrix *matB, VCELPF3_ComplexMatrix *result)
 VCE function for multiplying two matrices. The number of rows in the first matrix must be equal to the number of columns in the second matrix. More...
int_fast16_t VCELPF3_matrixSum (VCELPF3_ComplexMatrix *matA, VCELPF3_ComplexMatrix *matB, VCELPF3_ComplexMatrix *result)
 VCE function for adding two matrices. The matrices must be of exact same sizes. More...
int_fast16_t VCELPF3_matrixScalarSum (VCELPF3_ComplexMatrix *mat, float complex *scalar, VCELPF3_ComplexMatrix *result)
 VCE function for adding a scalar to a each of a matrix' elements. More...
int_fast16_t VCELPF3_matrixScalarMult (VCELPF3_ComplexMatrix *mat, float complex *scalar, VCELPF3_ComplexMatrix *result)
 VCE function for multiplying each of a matrix' elements by a scalar. More...
int_fast16_t VCELPF3_matrixNorm (VCELPF3_ComplexMatrix *mat, float complex *result)
 Compute the Frobenius norm of a matrix. More...

Detailed Description

Function Documentation

§ VCELPF3_matrixMult()

int_fast16_t VCELPF3_matrixMult ( VCELPF3_ComplexMatrix matA,
VCELPF3_ComplexMatrix matB,
VCELPF3_ComplexMatrix result 

VCE function for multiplying two matrices. The number of rows in the first matrix must be equal to the number of columns in the second matrix.

Defined as:

C[MxP] = A[MxN] * B[NxP]

in which A, B, and C are complex matrices with size [MxP], [MxN], and [NxP] respectively.

VCELPF3_init() has to be called first.
[in]matAa pointer to the first input matrix
[in]matBa pointer to the second input matrix
[out]resulta pointer to a matrix where the output will be placed
See ti_drivers_VCE_DataManagement for directions on efficient VCE memory management.
A status code indicating whether the VCE operation was a success.
Return values
VCELPF3_STATUS_SUCCESSThe call was successful.
VCELPF3_STATUS_ERRORThe input matrices were incompatible, i.e. the number of colums in matA were not equal to the number of rows in matB.

§ VCELPF3_matrixSum()

int_fast16_t VCELPF3_matrixSum ( VCELPF3_ComplexMatrix matA,
VCELPF3_ComplexMatrix matB,
VCELPF3_ComplexMatrix result 

VCE function for adding two matrices. The matrices must be of exact same sizes.

Defined as:

C[MxN] = A[MxN] + B[MxN]

in which A, B, and C are complex matrices with size [MxN].

VCELPF3_init() has to be called first.
[in]matAa pointer to the first input matrix
[in]matBa pointer to the second input matrix
[out]resulta pointer to a matrix where the output will be placed
See ti_drivers_VCE_DataManagement for directions on efficient VCE memory management.
A status code indicating whether the VCE operation was a success.
Return values
VCELPF3_STATUS_SUCCESSThe call was successful.
VCELPF3_STATUS_ERRORThe input matrices were incompatible, i.e. the matrices were not of the exact same size.

§ VCELPF3_matrixScalarSum()

int_fast16_t VCELPF3_matrixScalarSum ( VCELPF3_ComplexMatrix mat,
float complex *  scalar,
VCELPF3_ComplexMatrix result 

VCE function for adding a scalar to a each of a matrix' elements.

Defined as:

C[MxN] = _a_ + B[MxN]

in which a is a scalar and B, and C are complex matrices with size [MxN].

VCELPF3_init() has to be called first.
[in]mata pointer to the input matrix
[in]scalara pointer to a scalar
[out]resulta pointer to a matrix where the output will be placed
See ti_drivers_VCE_DataManagement for directions on efficient VCE memory management.
A status code indicating whether the VCE operation was a success.
Return values
VCELPF3_STATUS_SUCCESSThe call was successful.

§ VCELPF3_matrixScalarMult()

int_fast16_t VCELPF3_matrixScalarMult ( VCELPF3_ComplexMatrix mat,
float complex *  scalar,
VCELPF3_ComplexMatrix result 

VCE function for multiplying each of a matrix' elements by a scalar.

Defined as:

C[MxN] = _a_ * B[MxN]

in which a is a scalar and B, and C are complex matrices with size [MxN].

VCELPF3_init() has to be called first.
[in]mata pointer to the input matrix
[in]scalara pointer to a scalar
[out]resulta pointer to a matrix where the output will be placed
See ti_drivers_VCE_DataManagement for directions on efficient VCE memory management.
A status code indicating whether the VCE operation was a success.
Return values
VCELPF3_STATUS_SUCCESSThe call was successful.

§ VCELPF3_matrixNorm()

int_fast16_t VCELPF3_matrixNorm ( VCELPF3_ComplexMatrix mat,
float complex *  result 

Compute the Frobenius norm of a matrix.

Defined as:

_c_ = ||X|| = sqrt(sum(xij * xij')), i = 1 to M and j = 1 to N

in which, X[MxN] is the input matrix and c is the Frobenius norm

[in]matthe input matrix
[out]resulta pointer where the output will be placed
See ti_drivers_VCE_DataManagement for directions on efficient VCE memory management.
A status code indicating whether the VCE operation was a success.
Return values
VCELPF3_STATUS_SUCCESSThe call was successful.
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