Data Structures | Typedefs | Enumerations | Functions
LGPTimerLPF3.h File Reference

Detailed Description

LGPTimer driver implementation for Low Power F3 devices.


The LGPTimer driver allows you to measure elapsed time with simple and portable APIs. It also allows for asynchronous callbacks after a certain amount of time has elapsed.

The LGPTimer driver also handles the general purpose timer resource allocation. For each driver that requires use of a general purpose timer, it calls LGPTimerLPF3_open() to occupy the specified timer, and calls LGPTimerLPF3_close() to release the occupied timer resource.

LGPT peripheral properties

The LGPT peripherals support different timer counter widths depending on the peripheral instance number (LGPT0, LGPT1, ..). The table below lists supported counter widths for each peripheral instance number on available device types. The timer counter clock is sourced from the internal prescaler stage which has the high frequency clock (CLKSVT) as input. The prescaler can be configured to divide the input system clock, effectively extending the maximal time interval for the timer counter while reducing the timer resolution.

Device type LGPT0 LGPT1 LGPT2 LGPT3
CC2340R2 16 bits 16 bits N.A N.A
CC2340R5 16 bits 16 bits 16 bits 24 bits
CC27X5 16 bits 16 bits 16 bits 24 bits

Counter Modes

The LGPTimer driver supports the following timer counter modes:

Unsupported Features

Power Management

The power management framework will try to put the device into the most power efficient mode whenever possible. Please see the technical reference manual for further details on each power mode.

The LGPTimer driver will set constraints on disallowed power modes when needed, removing the need for the application to handle this. The following statements are valid:


The timer clock of the LGPT peripheral is dependent on the high frequency clock (CLKSVT).


This documentation provides a basic example in the form of a commented code fragment.

Periodic timer example

The code example below will generate an interrupt using the LGPTimer every 1 ms.

void timerCallback(LGPTimerLPF3_Handle lgptHandle, LGPTimerLPF3_IntMask interruptMask) {
// interrupt callback code goes here. Minimize processing in interrupt.
void taskFxn(uintptr_t a0, uintptr_t a1) {
uint32_t counterTarget;
lgptHandle = NULL;
params.hwiCallbackFxn = timerCallback;
lgptHandle = LGPTimerLPF3_open(0, &params);
if(lgptHandle == NULL) {
Log_error0("Failed to open LGPTimer");
counterTarget = 48000; // 1 ms with a system clock of 48 MHz
LGPTimerLPF3_setInitialCounterTarget(lgptHandle, counterTarget, true);
while(1) {


Refer to the Driver's Configuration section for driver configuration information.

#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <stddef.h>
#include <ti/drivers/dpl/HwiP.h>
#include <ti/drivers/Power.h>
#include <ti/devices/DeviceFamily.h>
#include <DeviceFamily_constructPath(inc/hw_lgpt.h)>
Include dependency graph for LGPTimerLPF3.h:

Go to the source code of this file.

Data Structures

struct  LGPTimerLPF3_Params
 LGPTimerLPF3 Parameters. More...
struct  LGPTimerLPF3_HWAttrs
 LGPTimerLPF3 Hardware attributes. More...
struct  LGPTimerLPF3_Object
 LGPTimerLPF3 Object. More...
struct  LGPTimerLPF3_Config
 LGPTimer Global configuration. More...


typedef struct LGPTimerLPF3_Config LGPTimerLPF3_Config
typedef LGPTimerLPF3_ConfigLGPTimerLPF3_Handle
typedef uint16_t LGPTimerLPF3_IntMask
typedef void(* LGPTimerLPF3_HwiFxn) (LGPTimerLPF3_Handle handle, LGPTimerLPF3_IntMask interruptMask)
 The definition of a callback function used by the LGPTimer driver. More...
typedef struct LGPTimerLPF3_Params LGPTimerLPF3_Params
 LGPTimerLPF3 Parameters. More...
typedef struct LGPTimerLPF3_HWAttrs LGPTimerLPF3_HWAttrs
 LGPTimerLPF3 Hardware attributes. More...
typedef struct LGPTimerLPF3_Object LGPTimerLPF3_Object
 LGPTimerLPF3 Object. More...


 Definitions for supported LGPTimer counting modes. More...
enum  LGPTimerLPF3_Interrupt { LGPTimerLPF3_INT_TGT = 1 << LGPT_RIS_TGT_S, LGPTimerLPF3_INT_ZERO = 1 << LGPT_RIS_ZERO_S }
 Definitions for supported LGPTimer interrupts. LGPTimerLPF3_IntMask arguments should be a bit vector containing these definitions. More...
 Definitions for controlling timer debug stall mode. More...


void LGPTimerLPF3_Params_init (LGPTimerLPF3_Params *params)
 Function that initializes the LGPTimerLPF3_Params struct to its default values. More...
LGPTimerLPF3_Handle LGPTimerLPF3_open (uint_least8_t index, const LGPTimerLPF3_Params *params)
 Function that opens a driver for the given LGPT peripheral. Will set power dependency on timer and configure it into specified configuration. More...
void LGPTimerLPF3_close (LGPTimerLPF3_Handle handle)
 Function that closes a LGPTimer driver specified by the LGPTimer handle. Closing LGPTimer driver will release power dependency on timer and clear configuration. More...
void LGPTimerLPF3_start (LGPTimerLPF3_Handle handle, LGPTimerLPF3_Mode mode)
 Function that starts the timer counter of the specified LGPTimer handle with current settings and specified timer counter mode. More...
void LGPTimerLPF3_stop (LGPTimerLPF3_Handle handle)
 Function that stops the timer counter of the specified LGPTimer driver. More...
void LGPTimerLPF3_setInitialCounterTarget (LGPTimerLPF3_Handle handle, uint32_t value, bool intFlagClr)
 Function that sets the initial timer counter target on the specified LGPTimer. This function must be called before the timer is started. The LGPTimerLPF3_INT_TGT and LGPTimerLPF3_INT_ZERO interrupt status flags are cleared. Timer counter width (16 or 24 bits) depends on selected peripheral instance. More...
void LGPTimerLPF3_setNextCounterTarget (LGPTimerLPF3_Handle handle, uint32_t value, bool intFlagClr)
 Function that sets the next timer counter target on the specified LGPTimer. The specified target value will be valid as timer counter target on the upcoming zero crossing. When counting repeatedly upwards a zero crossing is regarded as when the timer counter restarts counting from 0. The LGPTimerLPF3_INT_TGT and LGPTimerLPF3_INT_ZERO interrupt status flags are cleared at the counter zero crossing. This function can be called after the timer has started. Timer counter width (16 or 24 bits) depends on selected peripheral instance. More...
uint32_t LGPTimerLPF3_getCounter (LGPTimerLPF3_Handle handle)
 Function that returns the current timer counter value. More...
uint32_t LGPTimerLPF3_getArg (LGPTimerLPF3_Handle handle)
 Function to get a custom argument. More...
void LGPTimerLPF3_setArg (LGPTimerLPF3_Handle handle, void *arg)
 Function to set a custom argument. More...
void LGPTimerLPF3_enableInterrupt (LGPTimerLPF3_Handle handle, LGPTimerLPF3_IntMask intMask)
 Enable interrupt source for the LGPTimer handle. More...
void LGPTimerLPF3_disableInterrupt (LGPTimerLPF3_Handle handle, LGPTimerLPF3_IntMask intMask)
 Disable interrupt source for the LGPTimer handle. More...

Typedef Documentation

§ LGPTimerLPF3_Config

§ LGPTimerLPF3_Handle

§ LGPTimerLPF3_IntMask

typedef uint16_t LGPTimerLPF3_IntMask

§ LGPTimerLPF3_HwiFxn

typedef void(* LGPTimerLPF3_HwiFxn) (LGPTimerLPF3_Handle handle, LGPTimerLPF3_IntMask interruptMask)

The definition of a callback function used by the LGPTimer driver.

[in]handleA LGPTimer handle
[in]interruptMaskLGPTimer interrupt mask

§ LGPTimerLPF3_Params

LGPTimerLPF3 Parameters.

LGPTimer parameters are used by the LGPTimerLPF3_open() call. Default values for these parameters are set using LGPTimerLPF3_Params_init().

See also

§ LGPTimerLPF3_HWAttrs

LGPTimerLPF3 Hardware attributes.

These fields are used by the driver to set up underlying LGPTimer driver statically. A sample structure is shown below:

// LGPTimer hardware attributes, one per supported LGPT peripheral
const LGPTimerLPF3_HWAttrs LGPTimerLPF3HWAttrs[] = {
.baseAddr = LGPT0_BASE,
.intNum = INT_LGPT0_COMB,
.intPriority = INT_PRI_LEVEL1,
.powerMngrId = PowerLPF3_PERIPH_LGPT0,

§ LGPTimerLPF3_Object

LGPTimerLPF3 Object.

These fields are used by the driver to store and modify LGPTimer configuration during run-time. The application must not edit any member variables of this structure. Appplications should also not access member variables of this structure as backwards compatibility is not guaranteed. An example structure is shown below:

// LGPTimer objects, one per LGPT peripheral (LGPT0, LGPT1..)
LGPTimerLPF3_Object LGPTimerLPF3Objects[];

Enumeration Type Documentation

§ LGPTimerLPF3_Mode

Definitions for supported LGPTimer counting modes.


Disable timer. Updates to counter and events are stopped.


Count up one-shot. The timer increments from 0 to target value, then stops and sets MODE to LGPTimerLPF3_CTL_MODE_DIS.


Count up periodically. The timer increments from 0 to target value, repeatedly.


Count up and down periodically. The timer counts from 0 to target value and back to 0, repeatedly.

§ LGPTimerLPF3_Interrupt

Definitions for supported LGPTimer interrupts. LGPTimerLPF3_IntMask arguments should be a bit vector containing these definitions.


Timer counter target interrupt


Timer counter zero interrupt

§ LGPTimerLPF3_DebugMode

Definitions for controlling timer debug stall mode.


The LGPT is not halted when CPU is halted in debug


Halt LGPT immediatly when CPU is halted in debug


Halt LGPT when counter equals 0 while CPU is halted in debug

Function Documentation

§ LGPTimerLPF3_Params_init()

void LGPTimerLPF3_Params_init ( LGPTimerLPF3_Params params)

Function that initializes the LGPTimerLPF3_Params struct to its default values.

[in]paramsAn pointer to LGPTimerLPF3_Params structure for initialization

Default values are: Interrupt callback fxn: NULL, Interrupt phase late : false, Prescaler division : 0, Timer debug stall mode: LGPTimerLPF3_DEBUG_STALL_OFF

§ LGPTimerLPF3_open()

LGPTimerLPF3_Handle LGPTimerLPF3_open ( uint_least8_t  index,
const LGPTimerLPF3_Params params 

Function that opens a driver for the given LGPT peripheral. Will set power dependency on timer and configure it into specified configuration.

[in]indexIndex in the LGPTimerLPF3_config table.
[in]paramsPointer to a parameter block. If NULL, it will use default values.
A LGPTimerLPF3_Handle on success or NULL on an error or if it has been opened already. If NULL is returned, further LGPTimerLPF3 API calls will result in undefined behaviour.
See also

§ LGPTimerLPF3_close()

void LGPTimerLPF3_close ( LGPTimerLPF3_Handle  handle)

Function that closes a LGPTimer driver specified by the LGPTimer handle. Closing LGPTimer driver will release power dependency on timer and clear configuration.

LGPTimerLPF3_open() has to be called first.
LGPTimerLPF3_stop() should to be called first if LGPTimer is started.
[in]handleA LGPTimerLPF3 handle returned from LGPTimerLPF3_open()
See also

§ LGPTimerLPF3_start()

void LGPTimerLPF3_start ( LGPTimerLPF3_Handle  handle,
LGPTimerLPF3_Mode  mode 

Function that starts the timer counter of the specified LGPTimer handle with current settings and specified timer counter mode.

The LGPT3 timer has timer counter width of 24-bits. The others have 16-bits.
LGPTimerLPF3_open() has to be called first successfully.
[in]handleA LGPTimerLPF3 handle returned from LGPTimerLPF3_open().
[in]modeThe timer counter mode.
See also

§ LGPTimerLPF3_stop()

void LGPTimerLPF3_stop ( LGPTimerLPF3_Handle  handle)

Function that stops the timer counter of the specified LGPTimer driver.

LGPTimerLPF3_open() has to be called first successfully.
[in]handleA LGPTimerLPF3 handle returned from LGPTimerLPF3_open()
See also

§ LGPTimerLPF3_setInitialCounterTarget()

void LGPTimerLPF3_setInitialCounterTarget ( LGPTimerLPF3_Handle  handle,
uint32_t  value,
bool  intFlagClr 

Function that sets the initial timer counter target on the specified LGPTimer. This function must be called before the timer is started. The LGPTimerLPF3_INT_TGT and LGPTimerLPF3_INT_ZERO interrupt status flags are cleared. Timer counter width (16 or 24 bits) depends on selected peripheral instance.

LGPTimerLPF3_open() has to be called first successfully
[in]handleA LGPTimerLPF3 handle returned from LGPTimerLPF3_open
[in]valueInitial target value of the timer counter. Max value: LGPT peripheral properties
[in]intFlagClrControls if the LGPTimerLPF3_INT_TGT and LGPTimerLPF3_INT_ZERO interrupt status flags are cleared or not when this function is executed.
See also

§ LGPTimerLPF3_setNextCounterTarget()

void LGPTimerLPF3_setNextCounterTarget ( LGPTimerLPF3_Handle  handle,
uint32_t  value,
bool  intFlagClr 

Function that sets the next timer counter target on the specified LGPTimer. The specified target value will be valid as timer counter target on the upcoming zero crossing. When counting repeatedly upwards a zero crossing is regarded as when the timer counter restarts counting from 0. The LGPTimerLPF3_INT_TGT and LGPTimerLPF3_INT_ZERO interrupt status flags are cleared at the counter zero crossing. This function can be called after the timer has started. Timer counter width (16 or 24 bits) depends on selected peripheral instance.

LGPTimerLPF3_open() has to be called first successfully
[in]handleA LGPTimerLPF3 handle returned from LGPTimerLPF3_open
[in]valueNext target value of the timer counter. Max value Max value: LGPT peripheral properties"
[in]intFlagClrControls if the LGPTimerLPF3_INT_TGT and LGPTimerLPF3_INT_ZERO interrupt status flags are cleared or not when this function is executed.
See also

§ LGPTimerLPF3_getCounter()

uint32_t LGPTimerLPF3_getCounter ( LGPTimerLPF3_Handle  handle)

Function that returns the current timer counter value.

LGPTimerLPF3_open() has to be called first successfully
[in]handleA LGPTimerLPF3 handle returned from LGPTimerLPF3_open
The current timer counter value
See also

§ LGPTimerLPF3_getArg()

uint32_t LGPTimerLPF3_getArg ( LGPTimerLPF3_Handle  handle)

Function to get a custom argument.

LGPTimerLPF3_open() has to be called first successfully
LGPTimerLPF3_setArg() has to be called first
[in]handleA LGPTimerLPF3 handle returned from LGPTimerLPF3_open
The custom argument
See also

§ LGPTimerLPF3_setArg()

void LGPTimerLPF3_setArg ( LGPTimerLPF3_Handle  handle,
void *  arg 

Function to set a custom argument.

LGPTimerLPF3_open() has to be called first successfully
[in]handleA LGPTimerLPF3 handle returned from LGPTimerLPF3_open
[in]argPointer to a custom argument
See also

§ LGPTimerLPF3_enableInterrupt()

void LGPTimerLPF3_enableInterrupt ( LGPTimerLPF3_Handle  handle,
LGPTimerLPF3_IntMask  intMask 

Enable interrupt source for the LGPTimer handle.

LGPTimerLPF3_open() has to be called first successfully
[in]handleA LGPTimerLPF3 handle returned from LGPTimerLPF3_open
[in]intMaskA bit mask of interrupt flags to enable

§ LGPTimerLPF3_disableInterrupt()

void LGPTimerLPF3_disableInterrupt ( LGPTimerLPF3_Handle  handle,
LGPTimerLPF3_IntMask  intMask 

Disable interrupt source for the LGPTimer handle.

LGPTimerLPF3_open() has to be called first successfully
LGPTimerLPF3_enableInterrupt() has to be called first
[in]handleA LGPTimerLPF3 handle returned from LGPTimerLPF3_open
[in]intMaskA bit mask of interrupt flags to disable
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