Running the Example Applications¶
This section provides an overview of the Z-Stack out-of-box example applications and instructions on how to run them.
Most examples have a coordinator, end device and router application. Green Power end device examples complement the Sink coordinator/router examples. The Network Processor is standalone.
All the sample applications are supported for the three platforms CC26X2R1, CC1352R1 and CC1352P_2. If a different platform is inteded to be used, just replace the board name in the path to find the corresponding README document.(e.g. “examples/rtos/CC1352R1_LAUNCHXL/zstack/zc_doorlock/README.html” if CC1352R1 platform is intended).
Control and Indicating Equipment (CIE)
- Control and Indicating Equipment Coordinator Readme
- Control and Indicating Equipment End Device Readme
- Control and Indicating Equipment Router Readme
Door Lock
Door Lock Controller
- Door Lock Controller Coordinator Readme
- Door Lock Controller End Device Readme
- Door Lock Controller Router Readme
Generic App
Green Power Switch
Green Power Temperature Sensor
Light Sink
Network Processor
OTA Server
Switch OTA
Temperature Sensor
- Temperature Sensor Coordinator Readme
- Temperature Sensor End Device Readme
- Temperature Sensor Router Readme
Thermostat Sink
Warning Device
Zone Device