Z-Stack API Reference
zstack.h File Reference

Detailed Description

ZStack API structures.

2015-02-12 12:13:13 -0800 (Thu, 12 Feb 2015)
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include "zglobals.h"
#include "nl_mede.h"
#include "bdb_interface.h"
#include "cgp_stub.h"

Data Structures

struct  _zstack_afaddr_t
struct  _zstack_startupoptions_t
struct  _zstack_simpledescriptor_t
struct  _zstack_transoptions_t
struct  _zstack_capabilityinfo_t
struct  _zstack_servercapabilities_t
struct  _zstack_bindrec_t
struct  _zstack_leaveoptions_t
struct  _zstack_nodedescriptor_t
struct  _zstack_powersource_t
struct  _zstack_powerdescriptor_t
struct  _zstack_nwkdiscitem_t
struct  _zstack_nwklqiitem_t
struct  _zstack_routeitem_t
struct  _zstack_binditem_t
struct  _zstack_devicetypes_t
struct  _zstack_sysresetreq_t
struct  _zstack_sysconfigreadreq_t
struct  _zstack_sysconfigwritereq_t
struct  _zstack_syssettxpowerreq_t
struct  _zstack_sysversionrsp_t
struct  _zstack_sysconfigreadrsp_t
struct  _zstack_syssettxpowerrsp_t
struct  _zstack_sysnwkinforeadrsp_t
struct  _zstack_sysAppMsg_t
struct  _zstack_sysOtaMsg_t
struct  _zstack_devstartreq_t
struct  _zstack_devnwkdiscreq_t
struct  zstack_setnwkframefwdnotificationreq_t
struct  _zstack_devjoinreq_t
struct  _zstack_devrejoinreq_t
struct  _zstack_devzdocbreq_t
struct  _zstack_devnwkroutereq_t
struct  _zstack_devnwkcheckroutereq_t
struct  _zstack_devjammerind_t
struct  _zstack_devpermitjoinind_t
struct  _zstack_devupdateneighbortxcostreq_t
struct  _zstack_devforcenetworksettingsreq_t
struct  _zstack_devforcenetworkupdatereq_t
struct  _zstack_devforcemacparamsreq_t
struct  _zstack_apsremovegroup_t
struct  _zstack_apsremoveallgroups_t
struct  _zstack_apsfindallgroupsreq_t
struct  _zstack_apsfindallgroupsrsp_t
struct  _zstack_apsfindgroupreq_t
struct  _zstack_apsfindgrouprsp_t
struct  _zstack_apsaddgroup_t
struct  _zstack_afregisterreq_t
struct  _zstack_afunregisterreq_t
struct  _zstack_afdatareq_t
struct  _zstack_afinterpanctlreq_t
struct  _zstack_afconfiggetreq_t
struct  _zstack_afconfigsetreq_t
struct  _zstack_afconfiggetrsp_t
struct  _zstack_afdataconfirmind_t
struct  _zstack_afincomingmsgind_t
struct  _zstack_afreflecterrorind_t
struct  _zstack_zdonwkaddrreq_t
struct  _zstack_zdoieeeaddrreq_t
struct  _zstack_zdonodedescreq_t
struct  _zstack_zdopowerdescreq_t
struct  _zstack_zdosimpledescreq_t
struct  _zstack_zdoactiveendpointreq_t
struct  _zstack_zdomatchdescreq_t
struct  _zstack_zdocomplexdescreq_t
struct  _zstack_zdouserdescreq_t
struct  _zstack_zdosetbindunbindauthaddrreq_t
struct  _zstack_zdodeviceannouncereq_t
struct  _zstack_zdouserdescsetreq_t
struct  _zstack_zdoserverdiscreq_t
struct  _zstack_zdoenddevicebindreq_t
struct  _zstack_zdobindreq_t
struct  _zstack_zdounbindreq_t
struct  _zstack_zdomgmtnwkdiscreq_t
struct  _zstack_zdomgmtlqireq_t
struct  _zstack_zdomgmtrtgreq_t
struct  _zstack_zdomgmtbindreq_t
struct  _zstack_zdomgmtleavereq_t
struct  _zstack_zdomgmtdirectjoinreq_t
struct  _zstack_zdomgmtpermitjoinreq_t
struct  _zstack_zdomgmtnwkupdatereq_t
struct  _zstack_zdonwkaddrrspind_t
struct  _zstack_zdoieeeaddrrspind_t
struct  _zstack_zdonodedescrspind_t
struct  _zstack_zdopowerdescrspind_t
struct  _zstack_zdosimpledescrspind_t
struct  _zstack_zdoactiveendpointsrspind_t
struct  _zstack_zdomatchdescrspind_t
struct  _zstack_zdouserdescrspind_t
struct  _zstack_zdoserverdiscoveryrspind_t
struct  _zstack_zdobindrspind_t
struct  _zstack_zdoenddevicebindrspind_t
struct  _zstack_zdounbindrspind_t
struct  _zstack_zdodeviceannounceind_t
struct  _zstack_zdomgmtnwkdiscrspind_t
struct  _zstack_zdomgmtlqirspind_t
struct  _zstack_zdomgmtrtgrspind_t
struct  _zstack_zdomgmtbindrspind_t
struct  _zstack_zdomgmtleaverspind_t
struct  _zstack_zdomgmtdirectjoinrspind_t
struct  _zstack_zdomgmtpermitjoinrspind_t
struct  _zstack_zdomgmtnwkupdatenotifyind_t
struct  _zstack_zdotcteviceind_t
struct  _zstack_zdosrcrtgind_t
struct  _zstack_zdocncntrtrind_t
struct  _zstack_zdonwkdisccnf_t
struct  _zstack_zdobeaconnotifyind_t
struct  _zstack_zdojoinconf_t
struct  _zstack_zdoleavecnf_t
struct  _zstack_zdoleaveind_t
struct  _zstack_nwkframefwdnotification_t
struct  _zstack_devstatechangeind_t
struct  _zstack_secnwkkeygetreq_t
struct  _zstack_secnwkkeysetreq_t
struct  _zstack_secnwkkeyupdatereq_t
struct  _zstack_secnwkkeyswitchReq_t
struct  _zstack_secapslinkkeygetreq_t
struct  _zstack_secapslinkkeysetreq_t
struct  _zstack_secapslinkkeyremovereq_t
struct  _zstack_secapsremovereq_t
struct  _zstack_secmgrsetuppartnerreq_t
struct  _zstack_secmgrappkeytypesetreq_t
struct  _zstack_secmgrappkeyreq_t
struct  _zstack_bdbstartcommissioningreq_t
struct  _zstack_bdbsetidentifyactiveendpointreq_t
struct  _zstack_bdbgetidentifyactiveendpointrsp_t
struct  _zstack_getzclframecounterrsp_t
struct  _zstack_bdbzclidentifycmdindreq_t
struct  _zstack_bdbsetepdesclisttoactiveendpointrsp_t
struct  _zstack_bdbsetattributesreq_t
struct  _zstack_bdbgetattributesrsp_t
struct  _zstack_bdbgetfbinitiatorstatusrsp_t
struct  _zstack_bdbgenerateinstallcodecrcreq_t
struct  _zstack_bdbgenerateinstallcodecrcrsp_t
struct  _zstack_bdbrepaddattrcfgrecorddefaulttolistreq_t
struct  _zstack_bdbrepchangedattrvaluereq_t
struct  _zstack_bdbprocessinconfigreportingreq_t
struct  _zstack_bdbprocessinreadconfigreportcfgreq_t
struct  _zstack_bdbaddinstallcodereq_t
struct  _zstack_bdbtouchlinktargetenablecommissioningreq_t
struct  _zstack_bdbtouchlinktargetgettimerrsp_t
struct  _zstack_bdbsetactivecentralizedlinkkeyreq_t
struct  _zstack_bdbcbketclinkkeyexchangeattemptreq_t
struct  _zstack_bdbnwkdescfreereq_t
struct  _zstack_bdbtouchlinksetallowstealingreq_t
struct  _zstack_bdbtouchlinkgetallowstealingrsp_t
struct  _zstack_bdbzedattemptrecovernwkrsp_t
struct  _zstack_gpallowchangechannelreq_t
struct  zstackmsg_gpcommissioningmodeind_t
struct  _zstack_gpdataind_t
struct  _zstack_gpCommissioningMode_t
struct  _zstack_gpSecReq_t
struct  _zstack_gpSecRsp_t
struct  _zstack_gpcheckannounce_t
struct  _zstack_gpaddrconflict_t
struct  _zstack_gpdecryptdataind_t
struct  _zstack_gpdecryptdataindrsp_t
struct  _zstack_gpencryptdecryptcommissioningkey_t
struct  zstack_gpcommissioningsuccess_t
struct  _zstack_gpencryptdecryptcommissioningkeyrsp_t
struct  _zstackmsg_gpaliasnwkaddress_t
struct  _zstack_secnwkkeygetrsp_t
struct  _zstack_secapslinkkeygetrsp_t
struct  _zstack_defaultrsp_t
struct  _zstack_pauseResumeDeviceReq_t


#define EXTADDR_LEN   8
#define DEFAULT_RADIUS   30


typedef uint8_t zstack_LongAddr_t[8]
typedef struct _zstack_afaddr_t zstack_AFAddr_t
typedef struct _zstack_startupoptions_t zstack_StartupOptions_t
typedef struct _zstack_simpledescriptor_t zstack_SimpleDescriptor_t
typedef struct _zstack_transoptions_t zstack_TransOptions_t
typedef struct _zstack_capabilityinfo_t zstack_CapabilityInfo_t
typedef struct _zstack_servercapabilities_t zstack_ServerCapabilities_t
typedef struct _zstack_bindrec_t zstack_BindRec_t
typedef struct _zstack_leaveoptions_t zstack_LeaveOptions_t
typedef struct _zstack_nodedescriptor_t zstack_NodeDescriptor_t
typedef struct _zstack_powersource_t zstack_PowerSource_t
typedef struct _zstack_powerdescriptor_t zstack_PowerDescriptor_t
typedef struct _zstack_nwkdiscitem_t zstack_nwkDiscItem_t
typedef struct _zstack_nwklqiitem_t zstack_nwkLqiItem_t
typedef struct _zstack_routeitem_t zstack_routeItem_t
typedef struct _zstack_binditem_t zstack_bindItem_t
typedef struct _zstack_devicetypes_t zstack_deviceTypes_t
typedef struct _zstack_sysresetreq_t zstack_sysResetReq_t
typedef struct _zstack_sysconfigreadreq_t zstack_sysConfigReadReq_t
typedef struct _zstack_sysconfigwritereq_t zstack_sysConfigWriteReq_t
typedef struct _zstack_syssettxpowerreq_t zstack_sysSetTxPowerReq_t
typedef struct _zstack_sysversionrsp_t zstack_sysVersionRsp_t
typedef struct _zstack_sysconfigreadrsp_t zstack_sysConfigReadRsp_t
typedef struct _zstack_syssettxpowerrsp_t zstack_sysSetTxPowerRsp_t
typedef struct _zstack_sysnwkinforeadrsp_t zstack_sysNwkInfoReadRsp_t
typedef struct _zstack_sysAppMsg_t zstack_sysAppMsg_t
typedef struct _zstack_sysOtaMsg_t zstack_sysOtaMsg_t
typedef struct _zstack_devstartreq_t zstack_devStartReq_t
typedef struct _zstack_devnwkdiscreq_t zstack_devNwkDiscReq_t
typedef struct zstack_setnwkframefwdnotificationreq_t zstack_setNwkFrameFwdNotificationReq_t
typedef struct _zstack_devjoinreq_t zstack_devJoinReq_t
typedef struct _zstack_devrejoinreq_t zstack_devRejoinReq_t
typedef struct _zstack_devzdocbreq_t zstack_devZDOCBReq_t
typedef struct _zstack_devnwkroutereq_t zstack_devNwkRouteReq_t
typedef struct _zstack_devnwkcheckroutereq_t zstack_devNwkCheckRouteReq_t
typedef struct _zstack_devjammerind_t zstack_devJammerInd_t
typedef struct _zstack_devpermitjoinind_t zstack_devPermitJoinInd_t
typedef struct _zstack_devupdateneighbortxcostreq_t zstack_devUpdateNeighborTxCostReq_t
typedef struct _zstack_devforcenetworksettingsreq_t zstack_devForceNetworkSettingsReq_t
typedef struct _zstack_devforcenetworkupdatereq_t zstack_devForceNetworkUpdateReq_t
typedef struct _zstack_devforcemacparamsreq_t zstack_devForceMacParamsReq_t
typedef struct _zstack_apsremovegroup_t zstack_apsRemoveGroup_t
typedef struct _zstack_apsremoveallgroups_t zstack_apsRemoveAllGroups_t
typedef struct _zstack_apsfindallgroupsreq_t zstack_apsFindAllGroupsReq_t
typedef struct _zstack_apsfindallgroupsrsp_t zstack_apsFindAllGroupsRsp_t
typedef struct _zstack_apsfindgroupreq_t zstack_apsFindGroupReq_t
typedef struct _zstack_apsfindgrouprsp_t zstack_apsFindGroupRsp_t
typedef struct _zstack_apsaddgroup_t zstack_apsAddGroup_t
typedef struct _zstack_afregisterreq_t zstack_afRegisterReq_t
typedef struct _zstack_afunregisterreq_t zstack_afUnRegisterReq_t
typedef struct _zstack_afdatareq_t zstack_afDataReq_t
typedef struct _zstack_afinterpanctlreq_t zstack_afInterPanCtlReq_t
typedef struct _zstack_afconfiggetreq_t zstack_afConfigGetReq_t
typedef struct _zstack_afconfigsetreq_t zstack_afConfigSetReq_t
typedef struct _zstack_afconfiggetrsp_t zstack_afConfigGetRsp_t
typedef struct _zstack_afdataconfirmind_t zstack_afDataConfirmInd_t
typedef struct _zstack_afincomingmsgind_t zstack_afIncomingMsgInd_t
typedef struct _zstack_afreflecterrorind_t zstack_afReflectErrorInd_t
typedef struct _zstack_zdonwkaddrreq_t zstack_zdoNwkAddrReq_t
typedef struct _zstack_zdoieeeaddrreq_t zstack_zdoIeeeAddrReq_t
typedef struct _zstack_zdonodedescreq_t zstack_zdoNodeDescReq_t
typedef struct _zstack_zdopowerdescreq_t zstack_zdoPowerDescReq_t
typedef struct _zstack_zdosimpledescreq_t zstack_zdoSimpleDescReq_t
typedef struct _zstack_zdoactiveendpointreq_t zstack_zdoActiveEndpointReq_t
typedef struct _zstack_zdomatchdescreq_t zstack_zdoMatchDescReq_t
typedef struct _zstack_zdocomplexdescreq_t zstack_zdoComplexDescReq_t
typedef struct _zstack_zdouserdescreq_t zstack_zdoUserDescReq_t
typedef struct _zstack_zdosetbindunbindauthaddrreq_t zstack_zdoSetBindUnbindAuthAddr_t
typedef struct _zstack_zdodeviceannouncereq_t zstack_zdoDeviceAnnounceReq_t
typedef struct _zstack_zdouserdescsetreq_t zstack_zdoUserDescSetReq_t
typedef struct _zstack_zdoserverdiscreq_t zstack_zdoServerDiscReq_t
typedef struct _zstack_zdoenddevicebindreq_t zstack_zdoEndDeviceBindReq_t
typedef struct _zstack_zdobindreq_t zstack_zdoBindReq_t
typedef struct _zstack_zdounbindreq_t zstack_zdoUnbindReq_t
typedef struct _zstack_zdomgmtnwkdiscreq_t zstack_zdoMgmtNwkDiscReq_t
typedef struct _zstack_zdomgmtlqireq_t zstack_zdoMgmtLqiReq_t
typedef struct _zstack_zdomgmtrtgreq_t zstack_zdoMgmtRtgReq_t
typedef struct _zstack_zdomgmtbindreq_t zstack_zdoMgmtBindReq_t
typedef struct _zstack_zdomgmtleavereq_t zstack_zdoMgmtLeaveReq_t
typedef struct _zstack_zdomgmtdirectjoinreq_t zstack_zdoMgmtDirectJoinReq_t
typedef struct _zstack_zdomgmtpermitjoinreq_t zstack_zdoMgmtPermitJoinReq_t
typedef struct _zstack_zdomgmtnwkupdatereq_t zstack_zdoMgmtNwkUpdateReq_t
typedef struct _zstack_zdonwkaddrrspind_t zstack_zdoNwkAddrRspInd_t
typedef struct _zstack_zdoieeeaddrrspind_t zstack_zdoIeeeAddrRspInd_t
typedef struct _zstack_zdonodedescrspind_t zstack_zdoNodeDescRspInd_t
typedef struct _zstack_zdopowerdescrspind_t zstack_zdoPowerDescRspInd_t
typedef struct _zstack_zdosimpledescrspind_t zstack_zdoSimpleDescRspInd_t
typedef struct _zstack_zdoactiveendpointsrspind_t zstack_zdoActiveEndpointsRspInd_t
typedef struct _zstack_zdomatchdescrspind_t zstack_zdoMatchDescRspInd_t
typedef struct _zstack_zdouserdescrspind_t zstack_zdoUserDescRspInd_t
typedef struct _zstack_zdoserverdiscoveryrspind_t zstack_zdoServerDiscoveryRspInd_t
typedef struct _zstack_zdobindrspind_t zstack_zdoBindRspInd_t
typedef struct _zstack_zdoenddevicebindrspind_t zstack_zdoEndDeviceBindRspInd_t
typedef struct _zstack_zdounbindrspind_t zstack_zdoUnbindRspInd_t
typedef struct _zstack_zdodeviceannounceind_t zstack_zdoDeviceAnnounceInd_t
typedef struct _zstack_zdomgmtnwkdiscrspind_t zstack_zdoMgmtNwkDiscRspInd_t
typedef struct _zstack_zdomgmtlqirspind_t zstack_zdoMgmtLqiRspInd_t
typedef struct _zstack_zdomgmtrtgrspind_t zstack_zdoMgmtRtgRspInd_t
typedef struct _zstack_zdomgmtbindrspind_t zstack_zdoMgmtBindRspInd_t
typedef struct _zstack_zdomgmtleaverspind_t zstack_zdoMgmtLeaveRspInd_t
typedef struct _zstack_zdomgmtdirectjoinrspind_t zstack_zdoMgmtDirectJoinRspInd_t
typedef struct _zstack_zdomgmtpermitjoinrspind_t zstack_zdoMgmtPermitJoinRspInd_t
typedef struct _zstack_zdomgmtnwkupdatenotifyind_t zstack_zdoMgmtNwkUpdateNotifyInd_t
typedef struct _zstack_zdotcteviceind_t zstack_zdoTcDeviceInd_t
typedef struct _zstack_zdosrcrtgind_t zstack_zdoSrcRtgInd_t
typedef struct _zstack_zdocncntrtrind_t zstack_zdoCncntrtrInd_t
typedef struct _zstack_zdonwkdisccnf_t zstack_zdoNwkDiscCnf_t
typedef struct _zstack_zdobeaconnotifyind_t zstack_zdoBeaconNotifyInd_t
typedef struct _zstack_zdojoinconf_t zstack_zdoJoinConf_t
typedef struct _zstack_zdoleavecnf_t zstack_zdoLeaveCnf_t
typedef struct _zstack_zdoleaveind_t zstack_zdoLeaveInd_t
typedef struct _zstack_nwkframefwdnotification_t zstack_nwkFrameFwdNotification_t
typedef struct _zstack_devstatechangeind_t zstack_devStateChangeInd_t
typedef struct _zstack_secnwkkeygetreq_t zstack_secNwkKeyGetReq_t
typedef struct _zstack_secnwkkeysetreq_t zstack_secNwkKeySetReq_t
typedef struct _zstack_secnwkkeyupdatereq_t zstack_secNwkKeyUpdateReq_t
typedef struct _zstack_secnwkkeyswitchReq_t zstack_secNwkKeySwitchReq_t
typedef struct _zstack_secapslinkkeygetreq_t zstack_secApsLinkKeyGetReq_t
typedef struct _zstack_secapslinkkeysetreq_t zstack_secApsLinkKeySetReq_t
typedef struct _zstack_secapslinkkeyremovereq_t zstack_secApsLinkKeyRemoveReq_t
typedef struct _zstack_secapsremovereq_t zstack_secApsRemoveReq_t
typedef struct _zstack_secmgrsetuppartnerreq_t zstack_secMgrSetupPartnerReq_t
typedef struct _zstack_secmgrappkeytypesetreq_t zstack_secMgrAppKeyTypeSetReq_t
typedef struct _zstack_secmgrappkeyreq_t zstack_secMgrAppKeyReq_t
typedef struct _zstack_bdbstartcommissioningreq_t zstack_bdbStartCommissioningReq_t
typedef struct _zstack_bdbsetidentifyactiveendpointreq_t zstack_bdbSetIdentifyActiveEndpointReq_t
typedef struct _zstack_bdbgetidentifyactiveendpointrsp_t zstack_bdbGetIdentifyActiveEndpointRsp_t
typedef struct _zstack_getzclframecounterrsp_t zstack_getZCLFrameCounterRsp_t
typedef struct _zstack_bdbzclidentifycmdindreq_t zstack_bdbZCLIdentifyCmdIndReq_t
typedef struct _zstack_bdbsetepdesclisttoactiveendpointrsp_t zstack_bdbSetEpDescListToActiveEndpointRsp_t
typedef struct _zstack_bdbsetattributesreq_t zstack_bdbSetAttributesReq_t
typedef struct _zstack_bdbgetattributesrsp_t zstack_bdbGetAttributesRsp_t
typedef struct _zstack_bdbgetfbinitiatorstatusrsp_t zstack_bdbGetFBInitiatorStatusRsp_t
typedef struct _zstack_bdbgenerateinstallcodecrcreq_t zstack_bdbGenerateInstallCodeCRCReq_t
typedef struct _zstack_bdbgenerateinstallcodecrcrsp_t zstack_bdbGenerateInstallCodeCRCRsp_t
typedef struct _zstack_bdbrepaddattrcfgrecorddefaulttolistreq_t zstack_bdbRepAddAttrCfgRecordDefaultToListReq_t
typedef struct _zstack_bdbrepchangedattrvaluereq_t zstack_bdbRepChangedAttrValueReq_t
typedef struct _zstack_bdbprocessinconfigreportingreq_t zstack_bdbProcessInConfigReportReq_t
typedef struct _zstack_bdbprocessinreadconfigreportcfgreq_t zstack_bdbProcessInReadReportCfgReq_t
typedef struct _zstack_bdbaddinstallcodereq_t zstack_bdbAddInstallCodeReq_t
typedef struct _zstack_bdbtouchlinktargetenablecommissioningreq_t zstack_bdbTouchLinkTargetEnableCommissioningReq_t
typedef struct _zstack_bdbtouchlinktargetgettimerrsp_t zstack_bdbTouchLinkTargetGetTimerRsp_t
typedef struct _zstack_bdbsetactivecentralizedlinkkeyreq_t zstack_bdbSetActiveCentralizedLinkKeyReq_t
typedef struct _zstack_bdbcbketclinkkeyexchangeattemptreq_t zstack_bdbCBKETCLinkKeyExchangeAttemptReq_t
typedef struct _zstack_bdbnwkdescfreereq_t zstack_bdbNwkDescFreeReq_t
typedef struct _zstack_bdbtouchlinksetallowstealingreq_t zstack_bdbTouchlinkSetAllowStealingReq_t
typedef struct _zstack_bdbtouchlinkgetallowstealingrsp_t zstack_bdbTouchlinkGetAllowStealingRsp_t
typedef struct _zstack_bdbzedattemptrecovernwkrsp_t zstack_bdbZedAttemptRecoverNwkRsp_t
typedef struct _zstack_gpallowchangechannelreq_t zstack_gpAllowChangeChannelReq_t
typedef struct zstackmsg_gpcommissioningmodeind_t zstack_gpCommissioningModeInd_t
typedef struct _zstack_gpdataind_t zstack_gpDataInd_t
typedef struct _zstack_gpCommissioningMode_t zstack_gpCommissioningMode_t
typedef struct _zstack_gpSecReq_t zstack_gpSecReq_t
typedef struct _zstack_gpSecRsp_t zstack_gpSecRsp_t
typedef struct _zstack_gpcheckannounce_t zstack_gpCheckAnnounce_t
typedef struct _zstack_gpaddrconflict_t zstack_gpAddrConflict_t
typedef struct _zstack_gpdecryptdataind_t zstack_gpDecryptDataInd_t
typedef struct _zstack_gpdecryptdataindrsp_t zstack_gpDecryptDataIndRsp_t
typedef struct _zstack_gpencryptdecryptcommissioningkey_t zstack_gpEncryptDecryptCommissioningKey_t
typedef struct zstack_gpcommissioningsuccess_t zstack_gpCommissioningSuccess_t
typedef struct _zstack_gpencryptdecryptcommissioningkeyrsp_t zstack_gpEncryptDecryptCommissioningKeyRsp_t
typedef struct _zstackmsg_gpaliasnwkaddress_t zstack_gpAliasNwkAddress_t
typedef struct _zstack_secnwkkeygetrsp_t zstack_secNwkKeyGetRsp_t
typedef struct _zstack_secapslinkkeygetrsp_t zstack_secApsLinkKeyGetRsp_t
typedef struct _zstack_defaultrsp_t zstack_DefaultRsp_t
typedef struct _zstack_pauseResumeDeviceReq_t zstack_pauseResumeDeviceReq_t


enum  zstack_CentralizedLinkKeyModes_t {
  zstack_UseDefaultGlobalTrustCenterLinkKey, zstack_UseInstallCode, zstack_UseInstallCodeWithFallback, zstack_UseAPSKey,
enum  zstack_ZStatusValues {
  zstack_ZStatusValues_ZSuccess = 0x00, zstack_ZStatusValues_ZFailure = 0x01, zstack_ZStatusValues_ZInvalidParameter = 0x02, zstack_ZStatusValues_ZDecodeError = 0x03,
  zstack_ZStatusValues_ZMemError = 0x10, zstack_ZStatusValues_ZBufferFull = 0x11, zstack_ZStatusValues_ZUnsupportedMode = 0x12, zstack_ZStatusValues_ZMacMemError = 0x13,
  zstack_ZStatusValues_ZSapiInProgress = 0x20, zstack_ZStatusValues_ZSapiTimeout = 0x21, zstack_ZStatusValues_ZSapiInit = 0x22, zstack_ZStatusValues_ZNotAuthorized = 0x7E,
  zstack_ZStatusValues_ZMalformedCmd = 0x80, zstack_ZStatusValues_ZUnsupClusterCmd = 0x81, zstack_ZStatusValues_ZOtaAbort = 0x95, zstack_ZStatusValues_ZOtaImageInvalid = 0x96,
  zstack_ZStatusValues_ZOtaWaitForData = 0x97, zstack_ZStatusValues_ZOtaNoImageAvailable = 0x98, zstack_ZStatusValues_ZOtaRequireMoreImage = 0x99, zstack_ZStatusValues_ZApsFail = 0xb1,
  zstack_ZStatusValues_ZApsTableFull = 0xb2, zstack_ZStatusValues_ZApsIllegalRequest = 0xb3, zstack_ZStatusValues_ZApsInvalidBinding = 0xb4, zstack_ZStatusValues_ZApsUnsupportedAttrib = 0xb5,
  zstack_ZStatusValues_ZApsNotSupported = 0xb6, zstack_ZStatusValues_ZApsNoAck = 0xb7, zstack_ZStatusValues_ZApsDuplicateEntry = 0xb8, zstack_ZStatusValues_ZApsNoBoundDevice = 0xb9,
  zstack_ZStatusValues_ZApsNotAllowed = 0xba, zstack_ZStatusValues_ZApsNotAuthenticated = 0xbb, zstack_ZStatusValues_ZSecNoKey = 0xa1, zstack_ZStatusValues_ZSecOldFrmCount = 0xa2,
  zstack_ZStatusValues_ZSecMaxFrmCount = 0xa3, zstack_ZStatusValues_ZSecCcmFail = 0xa4, zstack_ZStatusValues_ZNwkInvalidParam = 0xc1, zstack_ZStatusValues_ZNwkInvalidRequest = 0xc2,
  zstack_ZStatusValues_ZNwkNotPermitted = 0xc3, zstack_ZStatusValues_ZNwkStartupFailure = 0xc4, zstack_ZStatusValues_ZNwkAlreadyPresent = 0xc5, zstack_ZStatusValues_ZNwkSyncFailure = 0xc6,
  zstack_ZStatusValues_ZNwkTableFull = 0xc7, zstack_ZStatusValues_ZNwkUnknownDevice = 0xc8, zstack_ZStatusValues_ZNwkUnsupportedAttribute = 0xc9, zstack_ZStatusValues_ZNwkNoNetworks = 0xca,
  zstack_ZStatusValues_ZNwkLeaveUnconfirmed = 0xcb, zstack_ZStatusValues_ZNwkNoAck = 0xcc, zstack_ZStatusValues_ZNwkNoRoute = 0xcd, zstack_ZStatusValues_ZAfDuplicateEndpoint = 0xd0,
  zstack_ZStatusValues_ZAfEndpointMax = 0xd1, zstack_ZStatusValues_ZIcallNoMsg = 0x30, zstack_ZStatusValues_ZIcallTimeout = 0x31
enum  zstack_AFAddrMode {
  zstack_AFAddrMode_NONE = 0, zstack_AFAddrMode_GROUP = 1, zstack_AFAddrMode_SHORT = 2, zstack_AFAddrMode_EXT = 3,
  zstack_AFAddrMode_BROADCAST = 15
enum  zstack_ResetTypes { zstack_ResetTypes_DEVICE = 0, zstack_ResetTypes_SERIAL_BOOTLOADER = 1 }
enum  zstack_ResetReasons { zstack_ResetReasons_POWERUP = 0, zstack_ResetReasons_EXTERNAL = 1, zstack_ResetReasons_WATCHDOG = 2 }
enum  zstack_LogicalTypes { zstack_LogicalTypes_COORDINATOR = 0, zstack_LogicalTypes_ROUTER = 1, zstack_LogicalTypes_ENDDEVICE = 2, zstack_LogicalTypes_UNKNOWN = 3 }
enum  zstack_NetworkLatency { zstack_NetworkLatency_NO_LATENCY_REQS = 0, zstack_NetworkLatency_FAST_BEACONS = 1, zstack_NetworkLatency_SLOW_BEACONDS = 2 }
enum  zstack_NwkAddrReqType { zstack_NwkAddrReqType_SINGLE_DEVICE = 0, zstack_NwkAddrReqType_EXTENDED_W_ASSOCDEVS = 1 }
enum  zstack_PowerLevel { zstack_PowerLevel_LEVEL_CRITICAL = 0x00, zstack_PowerLevel_LEVEL_33 = 0x04, zstack_PowerLevel_LEVEL_66 = 0x08, zstack_PowerLevel_LEVEL_100 = 0x0C }
enum  zstack_PowerModes { zstack_PowerModes_POWER_SYNCHRONIZED = 0, zstack_PowerModes_POWER_PERIODIC = 1, zstack_PowerModes_POWER_STIMULATED = 2 }
enum  zstack_ZdpStatus {
  zstack_ZdpStatus_SUCCESS = 0, zstack_ZdpStatus_INVALID_REQTYPE = 0x80, zstack_ZdpStatus_DEVICE_NOT_FOUND = 0x81, zstack_ZdpStatus_INVALID_EP = 0x82,
  zstack_ZdpStatus_NOT_ACTIVE = 0x83, zstack_ZdpStatus_NOT_SUPPORTED = 0x84, zstack_ZdpStatus_TIMEOUT = 0x85, zstack_ZdpStatus_NO_MATCH = 0x86,
  zstack_ZdpStatus_NO_ENTRY = 0x88, zstack_ZdpStatus_NO_DESCRIPTOR = 0x89, zstack_ZdpStatus_INSUFFICIENT_SPACE = 0x8a, zstack_ZdpStatus_NOT_PERMITTED = 0x8b,
  zstack_ZdpStatus_TABLE_FULL = 0x8c, zstack_ZdpStatus_NOT_AUTHORIZED = 0x8d, zstack_ZdpStatus_BINDING_TABLE_FULL = 0x8e
enum  zstack_DevState {
  zstack_DevState_HOLD = 0, zstack_DevState_INIT = 1, zstack_DevState_NWK_DISC = 2, zstack_DevState_NWK_JOINING = 3,
  zstack_DevState_NWK_REJOIN_SEC_CURR_CHANNEL = 4, zstack_DevState_END_DEVICE_UNAUTH = 5, zstack_DevState_DEV_END_DEVICE = 6, zstack_DevState_DEV_ROUTER = 7,
  zstack_DevState_COORD_STARTING = 8, zstack_DevState_DEV_ZB_COORD = 9, zstack_DevState_NWK_ORPHAN = 10, zstack_DevState_NWK_KA = 11,
  zstack_DevState_NWK_BACKOFF = 12, zstack_DevState_NWK_REJOIN_SEC_ALL_CHANNEL = 13, zstack_DevState_NWK_TC_REJOIN_CURR_CHANNEL = 14, zstack_DevState_NWK_TC_REJOIN_ALL_CHANNEL = 15
enum  zstack_NwkState {
  zstack_NwkState_INIT = 0, zstack_NwkState_JOINING_ORPHAN = 1, zstack_NwkState_DISC = 2, zstack_NwkState_JOINING = 3,
  zstack_NwkState_ENDDEVICE = 4, zstack_NwkState_PAN_CHNL_SELECTION = 5, zstack_NwkState_PAN_CHNL_VERIFY = 6, zstack_NwkState_STARTING = 7,
  zstack_NwkState_ROUTER = 8, zstack_NwkState_REJOINING = 9
enum  zstack_RouteStatus {
  zstack_RouteStatus_ROUTE_ACTIVE = 0, zstack_RouteStatus_ROUTE_DISCOVERY_UNDERWAY = 1, zstack_RouteStatus_ROUTE_DISCOVERY_FAILED = 2, zstack_RouteStatus_ROUTE_INACTIVE = 3,
  zstack_RouteStatus_ROUTE_VALIDATION_UNDERWAY = 4
enum  zstack_RxOnWhenIdleTypes { zstack_RxOnWhenIdleTypes_OFF = 0, zstack_RxOnWhenIdleTypes_ON = 1, zstack_RxOnWhenIdleTypes_UNKNOWN = 2 }
enum  zstack_RelationTypes {
  zstack_RelationTypes_PARENT = 0, zstack_RelationTypes_CHILD = 1, zstack_RelationTypes_SIBLING = 2, zstack_RelationTypes_UNKNOWN = 3,
  zstack_RelationTypes_PREVIOUS_CHILD = 4
enum  zstack_PermitJoinTypes { zstack_PermitJoinTypes_NOT_ACCEPTING_JOIN = 0, zstack_PermitJoinTypes_ACCEPTING_JOIN = 1, zstack_PermitJoinTypes_UNKNOWN_JOIN = 2 }
enum  zstack_BuildTypes { zstack_BuildTypes_COORDINATOR = 0, zstack_BuildTypes_ROUTER = 1, zstack_BuildTypes_ENDDEVICE = 2, zstack_BuildTypes_ALLBUILD = 3 }

Macro Definition Documentation



Commissioning mode to perform finding and binding on the active F&B endpoint. Refer to Zstackapi_bdbSetIdentifyActiveEndpointReq



Commissioning mode to perform Touchlink commissioning as initiator



Commissioning mode to perform network formation



Commissioning mode to perform network steering commissioning


#define DEFAULT_RADIUS   30

Default radius - (2 * maximumm depth)


#define EXTADDR_LEN   8

Extended (IEEE) Address Length

Typedef Documentation

§ zstack_AFAddr_t

This is a structure used to define an application address. Depending on addrMode, only one shortAddr or extAddr should be used.

§ zstack_afConfigGetReq_t

Structure to send an AF Config Get Request.

§ zstack_afConfigGetRsp_t

Structure to send an AF Config Get Response.

§ zstack_afConfigSetReq_t

Send this message to the ZStack Server to set the AF/APS Fragmentation parameters. The command ID for this message is AF_CONFIG_SET_REQ. The synchronous response to this message is zstack_DefaultRsp_t(cmdID:AF_CONFIG_SET_REQ).

§ zstack_afDataConfirmInd_t

Structure to send an AF Data Confirm Indication.

§ zstack_afDataReq_t

Structure to send an AF Data Request.

§ zstack_afIncomingMsgInd_t

Structure to send an AF Incoming Message Indication.

§ zstack_afInterPanCtlReq_t

Structure to send an AF Inter-PAN Control Request.

§ zstack_afReflectErrorInd_t

Structure to send an AF Reflection Error Indication.

§ zstack_afRegisterReq_t

Structure to send an AF Register Request.

§ zstack_afUnRegisterReq_t

Structure to send an AF UnRegister Request.

§ zstack_apsAddGroup_t

Structure to send an APS Add Group Request.

§ zstack_apsFindAllGroupsReq_t

Structure to send an APS Find All Groups Request.

§ zstack_apsFindAllGroupsRsp_t

Structure to send an APS Find All Groups Response.

§ zstack_apsFindGroupReq_t

Structure to send an APS Find Group Request.

§ zstack_apsFindGroupRsp_t

Structure to send an APS Find Group Response.

§ zstack_apsRemoveAllGroups_t

Structure to send an APS Remove All Groups Request.

§ zstack_apsRemoveGroup_t

Structure to send an APS Remove Group Request.

§ zstack_bdbAddInstallCodeReq_t

Structure to send a BDB Add Install Code Request.

§ zstack_bdbCBKETCLinkKeyExchangeAttemptReq_t

Structure to send a BDB CBKE TrustCenter Key Exchange Attempt Request.

§ zstack_bdbGenerateInstallCodeCRCReq_t

Structure to send a bdb generate Install Code Request.

§ zstack_bdbGenerateInstallCodeCRCRsp_t

Structure to send a bdb generate Install Code Request.

§ zstack_bdbGetAttributesRsp_t

Structure to send a BDB Get Attribute Request. This is used to retrieve the attributes currently set for bdb commissioning procedures.

§ zstack_bdbGetFBInitiatorStatusRsp_t

Structure to return the finding and binding initiator status response.

§ zstack_bdbGetIdentifyActiveEndpointRsp_t

Structure to return the finding and binding active endpoint response.

§ zstack_bdbNwkDescFreeReq_t

Structure to send a BDB Network Descriptor Free Request.

§ zstack_bdbProcessInConfigReportReq_t

Structure to send a ZCL Configure Reporting Command Request to the stack.

§ zstack_bdbProcessInReadReportCfgReq_t

Structure to send a ZCL Read Report Configuration Command Request to the stack.

§ zstack_bdbRepAddAttrCfgRecordDefaultToListReq_t

Structure to send a BDB Reportorting Attribute Configure Record Default Request.

§ zstack_bdbRepChangedAttrValueReq_t

Structure to send a BDB Report Changed Attribute Value Request.

§ zstack_bdbSetActiveCentralizedLinkKeyReq_t

Structure to send a BDB Set Active Centralized Link Key Request.

§ zstack_bdbSetAttributesReq_t

Structure to send a BDB Set Attributes Request. Each config field has 2 parts to it, the actual value field and its "has_" field. The "has_" field must be set to "true" for the value field to be valid. For example, the pollRate field is valid only if the has_pollRate field is set to true.

§ zstack_bdbSetEpDescListToActiveEndpointRsp_t

Structure to return the active endpoint on F&B.

§ zstack_bdbSetIdentifyActiveEndpointReq_t

Structure to send a Set Identify Active Endpoint Request.

§ zstack_bdbStartCommissioningReq_t

Structure to send a BDB Start Commissioning Request.

§ zstack_bdbTouchlinkGetAllowStealingRsp_t

Structure to send a BDB Touchlink Get Allow Stealing Request.

§ zstack_bdbTouchlinkSetAllowStealingReq_t

Structure to send a BDB Touchlink Set Allow Stealing Request.

§ zstack_bdbTouchLinkTargetEnableCommissioningReq_t

Structure to send a BDB Touchlink Target Enable Commissioning Request.

§ zstack_bdbZCLIdentifyCmdIndReq_t

Structure to send to the stack the identify command parameters.

§ zstack_bdbZedAttemptRecoverNwkRsp_t

Structure to send a BDB ZED attempt to Recover Network Request.

§ zstack_bindItem_t

Structure to hold a binding record.

§ zstack_BindRec_t

Structure for the Binding Information record.

§ zstack_CapabilityInfo_t

Structure defines the Capabilities Information bit field.

§ zstack_DefaultRsp_t

Structure to send a Generic Default Response.

§ zstack_devForceMacParamsReq_t

Structure to send a Device Force MAC parameters Request.

§ zstack_devForceNetworkSettingsReq_t

Structure to send a Device Force Network Settings Request.

§ zstack_devForceNetworkUpdateReq_t

Structure to send a Device Force Network Update Request.

§ zstack_deviceTypes_t

Device type capable information, a device can be capable of one or more of these types.

§ zstack_devJammerInd_t

Structure to send a Device Jammer Indication.

§ zstack_devJoinReq_t

Structure to send a Device Join Requst.

§ zstack_devNwkCheckRouteReq_t

Structure to send a Device Network Check Route Request.

§ zstack_devNwkDiscReq_t

Structure to send a Device Network Discovery Request.

§ zstack_devNwkRouteReq_t

Structure to send a Device Network Route Request.

§ zstack_devPermitJoinInd_t

Structure to send a Device Permit Join Indication.

§ zstack_devRejoinReq_t

Structure to send a Device Rejoin Request.

§ zstack_devStartReq_t

Structure to send a Device Start Request.

§ zstack_devStateChangeInd_t

Structure to send a Device State Change Indication.

§ zstack_devUpdateNeighborTxCostReq_t

Structure to send a Device Update Neighbor's TxCost Request.

§ zstack_devZDOCBReq_t

Structure to send a Device ZDO Callback Indications, Confirmations and/or Respones Request.

§ zstack_getZCLFrameCounterRsp_t

Structure to return the next ZCL Frame Counter for packet sequence number response.

§ zstack_gpAliasNwkAddress_t

Structure hold the GPD alias address.

§ zstack_gpAllowChangeChannelReq_t

Structure to send a GP Allow Change Channel Request.

§ zstack_gpCommissioningMode_t

Structure of Green Power Commissioning Mode.

§ zstack_gpCommissioningModeInd_t

Structure to send a GP Commissioning mode.

§ zstack_gpCommissioningSuccess_t

Structure hold the gp commissioning success.

§ zstack_gpDataInd_t

Structure to send a GP Data Indication.

§ zstack_gpDecryptDataInd_t

Structure to send gp data indication to decryption.

§ zstack_gpDecryptDataIndRsp_t

Structure to send gp data indication to decryption.

§ zstack_gpEncryptDecryptCommissioningKey_t

Structure to send a GPDF commissioning key for encryption/decryption.

§ zstack_gpEncryptDecryptCommissioningKeyRsp_t

Structure hold the CCM star GPD key result.

§ zstack_gpSecReq_t

Structure to send a GP Security Request.

§ zstack_gpSecRsp_t

Structure to send a GP Security Response.

§ zstack_LeaveOptions_t

Options subfield of the leave request

§ zstack_LongAddr_t

typedef uint8_t zstack_LongAddr_t[8]

Extended 64 bit IEEE Address type

§ zstack_NodeDescriptor_t

Structure for the ZDO Node Descriptor

§ zstack_nwkDiscItem_t

Structure for the network information of a single network

§ zstack_nwkFrameFwdNotification_t

Structure to send a Network Frame Forward Notification.

§ zstack_nwkLqiItem_t

Structure to hold the LQI information of a single network.

§ zstack_pauseResumeDeviceReq_t

Structure to send a device Pause/Resume Request

§ zstack_PowerDescriptor_t

Structure for the Power Descriptor

§ zstack_PowerSource_t

Power Source options

§ zstack_routeItem_t

Structure to hold the information for a single route.

§ zstack_secApsLinkKeyGetReq_t

Structure to send a Security APS Link Key Get Request.

§ zstack_secApsLinkKeyGetRsp_t

Structure to send a Security APS Link Key Get Response.

§ zstack_secApsLinkKeyRemoveReq_t

Structure to send a Security APS Link Key Remove Request.

§ zstack_secApsLinkKeySetReq_t

Structure to send a Security APS Link Key Set Request.

§ zstack_secApsRemoveReq_t

Structure to send a Security APS Remove Request.

§ zstack_secMgrAppKeyReq_t

Structure to send a Security Mgr App Key Request.

§ zstack_secMgrAppKeyTypeSetReq_t

Structure to send a Security Mgr App Key Type Set Request.

§ zstack_secMgrSetupPartnerReq_t

Structure to send a Security Mgr Setup Partner Request.

§ zstack_secNwkKeyGetReq_t

Structure to send a Security Network Key Get Request.

§ zstack_secNwkKeyGetRsp_t

Structure to send a Security Network Key Get Response.

§ zstack_secNwkKeySetReq_t

Structure to send a Security Network Key Set Request.

§ zstack_secNwkKeySwitchReq_t

Structure to send a Security Network Key Switch Request.

§ zstack_secNwkKeyUpdateReq_t

Structure to send a Security Network Key Update Request.

§ zstack_ServerCapabilities_t

Structure defines the Server Capabilities.

§ zstack_setNwkFrameFwdNotificationReq_t

Structure to send a set nwk frame forward notification Request.

§ zstack_SimpleDescriptor_t

Structure for the Simple Descriptor. Each endpoint must have a Zigbee Simple Descriptor. This descriptor describes the endpoint to the rest of the Zigbee network. Another device can query an endpoint for it simple descriptor and know what kind of device it is. This structure is defined by the application.

§ zstack_StartupOptions_t

Structure to select the startup states.

§ zstack_sysAppMsg_t

Structure to return the system application message.

§ zstack_sysConfigReadReq_t

Structure to send a system config read request. Set to "true" each of the fields that you would like returned in the response zstack_sysConfigReadRsp_t structure.

§ zstack_sysConfigReadRsp_t

Structure to return the system config response. Each config field has 2 parts to it, the actual value field and its "has_" field. The "has_" field must be set to "true" for the value field to be valid. For example, the pollRate field is valid only if the has_pollRate field is set to true.

§ zstack_sysConfigWriteReq_t

Structure to send a system config write request. Each config field has 2 parts to it, the actual value field and its "has_" field. The "has_" field must be set to "true" for the value field to be valid. For example, the pollRate field is valid only if the has_pollRate field is set to true.

§ zstack_sysNwkInfoReadRsp_t

Structure to return the system network information read response.

§ zstack_sysOtaMsg_t

Structure to return the system OTA message.

§ zstack_sysResetReq_t

Structure to send a system reset request.

§ zstack_sysSetTxPowerReq_t

Structure to send a system TX power request.

§ zstack_sysSetTxPowerRsp_t

Structure to return the system TX power response.

§ zstack_sysVersionRsp_t

Structure to return the system version response.

§ zstack_TransOptions_t

Structure for defining the transaction options when sending a data request.

§ zstack_zdoActiveEndpointReq_t

Structure to send a ZDO Active Endpoint Request.

§ zstack_zdoActiveEndpointsRspInd_t

Structure to send a ZDO Active Endpoint Response Indication.

§ zstack_zdoBeaconNotifyInd_t

Structure to send a ZDO Beacon Notify Indication.

§ zstack_zdoBindReq_t

Structure to send a ZDO Bind Request.

§ zstack_zdoBindRspInd_t

Structure to send a ZDO Bind Response Indication.

§ zstack_zdoCncntrtrInd_t

Structure to send a ZDO Concentrator Indication.

§ zstack_zdoComplexDescReq_t

Structure to send a ZDO Complex Descriptor Request.

§ zstack_zdoDeviceAnnounceInd_t

Structure to send a ZDO Device Announce Indication.

§ zstack_zdoDeviceAnnounceReq_t

Structure to send a ZDO Device Announce.

§ zstack_zdoEndDeviceBindReq_t

Structure to send a ZDO End Device .

§ zstack_zdoEndDeviceBindRspInd_t

Structer to send a ZDO End Device Bind Response Indication.

§ zstack_zdoIeeeAddrReq_t

Structure to send a ZDO IEEE Address Request.

§ zstack_zdoIeeeAddrRspInd_t

Structure to send a ZDO IEEE Address Response Indication.

§ zstack_zdoJoinConf_t

Structure to send a ZDO Join Confirm Indication.

§ zstack_zdoLeaveCnf_t

Structure to send a ZDO Leave Confirm Indication.

§ zstack_zdoLeaveInd_t

Structure to send a ZDO Join Indication.

§ zstack_zdoMatchDescReq_t

Structure to send a ZDO Match Descriptor Request.

§ zstack_zdoMatchDescRspInd_t

Structure to send a ZDO Match Descriptor Response Indication.

§ zstack_zdoMgmtBindReq_t

Structure to send a ZDO Mgmt Bind Request.

§ zstack_zdoMgmtBindRspInd_t

Structure to send a ZDO Mgmt Bind Response Indication.

§ zstack_zdoMgmtDirectJoinReq_t

Structure to send a ZDO Mgmt Direct Join Request.

§ zstack_zdoMgmtDirectJoinRspInd_t

Structure to send a ZDO Mgmt Direct Join Response Indication.

§ zstack_zdoMgmtLeaveReq_t

Structure to send a ZDO Mgmt Leave Request.

§ zstack_zdoMgmtLeaveRspInd_t

Structure to send a ZDO Mgmt Leave Response Indication.

§ zstack_zdoMgmtLqiReq_t

Structure to send a ZDO Mgmt LQI Request.

§ zstack_zdoMgmtLqiRspInd_t

Structure to send a ZDO Mgmt LQI Response Indication.

§ zstack_zdoMgmtNwkDiscReq_t

Structure to send a ZDO Mgmt Network Discovery Request.

§ zstack_zdoMgmtNwkDiscRspInd_t

Structure to send a ZDO Mgmt Network Discovery Response Indication.

§ zstack_zdoMgmtNwkUpdateNotifyInd_t

Structure to send a ZDO Mgmt Network Update Notify Indication.

§ zstack_zdoMgmtNwkUpdateReq_t

Structure to send a ZDO Mgmt Network Update Request.

§ zstack_zdoMgmtPermitJoinReq_t

Structure to send a ZDO Mgmt Permit Join Request.

§ zstack_zdoMgmtPermitJoinRspInd_t

Structure to send a ZDO Mgmt Permit Join Response Indication.

§ zstack_zdoMgmtRtgReq_t

Structure to send a ZDO Mgmt Routing Request.

§ zstack_zdoMgmtRtgRspInd_t

Structure to send a ZDO Mgmt Routing Response Indication.

§ zstack_zdoNodeDescReq_t

Structure to send a ZDO Node Descriptor Request.

§ zstack_zdoNodeDescRspInd_t

Structure to send a ZDO Node Descriptor Response Indication.

§ zstack_zdoNwkAddrReq_t

Structure to send a ZDO Network Address Request.

§ zstack_zdoNwkAddrRspInd_t

Structure to send ZDO Network Address Response Indication.

§ zstack_zdoNwkDiscCnf_t

Structure to send a ZDO Network Discovery Indication.

§ zstack_zdoPowerDescReq_t

Structure to send a ZDO Power Descriptor Request.

§ zstack_zdoPowerDescRspInd_t

Structure to send a ZDO Power Descriptor Response Indication.

§ zstack_zdoServerDiscoveryRspInd_t

Structure to send a ZDO Server Discovery Response Indication.

§ zstack_zdoServerDiscReq_t

Structure to send a ZDO Server Discovery Request.

§ zstack_zdoSetBindUnbindAuthAddr_t

Structure to send a ZDO Set Bind Unbind Authenticate Address Request. None of these parameters is persistent in Nv

§ zstack_zdoSimpleDescReq_t

Structure to send the ZDO Simple Descriptor Request.

§ zstack_zdoSimpleDescRspInd_t

Structure to send a ZDO Simple Descriptor Response Indication.

§ zstack_zdoSrcRtgInd_t

Structure to send a ZDO Source Route Indication.

§ zstack_zdoTcDeviceInd_t

Structure to send a ZDO Trust Center Device Indication.

§ zstack_zdoUnbindReq_t

Structure to send a ZDO Unbind Request.

§ zstack_zdoUnbindRspInd_t

Structure to send a ZDO Unbind Response Indication.

§ zstack_zdoUserDescReq_t

Structure to send a ZDO User Descriptor Request.

§ zstack_zdoUserDescRspInd_t

Structure to send a ZDO User Descriptor Response Indication.

§ zstack_zdoUserDescSetReq_t

Structure to send a ZDO User Decriptor Set Request.

Enumeration Type Documentation

§ zstack_AFAddrMode

Address types


Address not present.


Group Address (uint16_t)


Short Address (uint16_t)


Extended Address (8 bytes/64 bits)


Broadcast Address (uint16_t)

§ zstack_BuildTypes

ZStack Device Build Types used in the version response (zstack_sysVersionRsp_t)

§ zstack_CentralizedLinkKeyModes_t


Instruct joining node to use Default Global Trust Center link key. No key buffer requiered


Instruct the joining node to use the provided install code (16 bytes

  • 2 CRC bytes) to derive APS Link key to be used during joining

Instruct the joining node to use the provided install code (16 bytes

  • 2 CRC bytes) to derive APS Link key to be used during joining. If it fails to decrypt Transport Key, it will automatically try Default Global Trust Center Link Key

Instruct the joining node to use the provided APS Link key to be used during joining (key size is 16 bytes)


Instruct the joining node to use the provided APS Link key to be used during joining (key size is 16 bytes). If it fails to decrypt Transport Key, it will automatically try Default Global Trust Center Link Key

§ zstack_DevState

Device States for the Network Information Read response (zstack_sysNwkInfoReadRsp_t) and the Device State Change indication (zstack_devStateChangeInd_t).


Initialized - not started automatically


Initialized - not connected to anything


Discovering PAN's to join


Joining a PAN


ReJoining a PAN in secure mode scanning in current channel, only for end devices


Joined but not yet authenticated by trust center


Started as device after authentication


Device joined, authenticated and is a router


Started as Zigbee Coordinator


Started as Zigbee Coordinator


Device has lost information about its parent


Device is sending KeepAlive message to its parent


Device is waiting before trying to rejoin


ReJoining a PAN in secure mode scanning in all channels, only for end devices


ReJoining a PAN in unsecure mode scanning in current channel, only for end devices


ReJoining a PAN in unsecure mode scanning in all channels, only for end devices

§ zstack_LogicalTypes

Logical Device Types

§ zstack_NetworkLatency

Network Latency values, for now only use zstack_NetworkLatency_NO_LATENCY_REQS, for the AF Register Endpoint request (zstack_afRegisterReq_t)

§ zstack_NwkAddrReqType

Response type request for ZDO Nwk request (zstack_zdoNwkAddrReq_t) and IEEE Address requests (zstack_zdoIeeeAddrReq_t)


The response will not contain a list of associated devices


The response will contain a list of associated devices

§ zstack_NwkState

Network States for the Device Force Network Settings Request (zstack_devForceNetworkSettingsReq_t)


Initialized - not connected to anything


Device has lost information about its parent..


Discovering PAN's to join


Joining a PAN


Started as device after authentication


PAN Channel Selection


PAN Channel Verification


Starting a coordinator or router


Device joined, authenticated and is a router


ReJoining a PAN, only for end devices

§ zstack_PermitJoinTypes

Neighbor's Permit Joining Status Type used in the neighbor record (zstack_nwkLqiItem_t)

§ zstack_PowerLevel

Power Level values for the Power Descriptor (zstack_PowerDescriptor_t)


Critical power level


Power level at 33%


Power level at 66%


Power level at 100%

§ zstack_PowerModes

Transciever RF Power types for the Power Descriptor (zstack_PowerDescriptor_t)


Receiver synchronized with the receiver on when idle (nodeDesc)


Receiver comes on periodically (powerDesc)


Receiver comes on when stimulated, e.g. key press

§ zstack_RelationTypes

Neighbor's Relationship type used in the neighbor record (zstack_nwkLqiItem_t)

§ zstack_ResetReasons

Reset reasons

§ zstack_ResetTypes

Reset types


Target Device Reset.


Serial Bootloader Reset.

§ zstack_RouteStatus

Routing Table State/Status Values used in a routing record (zstack_routeItem_t)

§ zstack_RxOnWhenIdleTypes

Rx On When Idle Types used in the neighbor record (zstack_nwkLqiItem_t)

§ zstack_ZdpStatus

ZDO status values, these are used in the status fields of ZDO response messages (over-the-air)


Operation completed successfully


The supplied request type was invalid




Invalid endpoint value


Endpoint not described by a simple desc.


Optional feature not supported


Operation has timed out


No match for end device bind


Unbind request failed, no entry


Child descriptor not available


Insufficient space to support operation


Not in proper state to support operation


No table space to support operation


Permissions indicate request not authorized


No binding table space to support operation

§ zstack_ZStatusValues

General collection of status values